Scientists may have found the earliest evidence
of life on Earth
When did life on
Earth begin? Scientists have dug down through the geologic record, and the
deeper they look, the more it seems that biology appeared early in our planet’s
4.5-billion-year history. So far, geologists have uncovered possible traces of
life as far back as 3.8 billion years. Now, a controversial new study presents
potential evidence that life arose 300 million years before that, during the
mysterious period following Earth’s formation.
The clues lie hidden
in microscopic flecks of graphite—a carbon mineral—trapped inside a single
large crystal of zircon. Zircons grow in magmas, often incorporating other
minerals into their crystal structures of silicon, oxygen, and zirconium. And
although they barely span the width of a human hair, zircons are nearly indestructible.
They can outlast the rocks in which they initially formed, enduring multiple
cycles of erosion and deposition.
In fact, although
the oldest rocks on Earth date back only 4 billion years, researchers have
found zircons up to 4.4 billion years old. These crystals provide a rare
glimpse into the first chapter of Earth’s history, known as the Hadean eon.
“They are pretty much our only physical samples of what was going on on the
Earth before 4 billion years ago,” says Elizabeth Bell, a geochemist at the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and lead author of the new study,
published online today in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
eon)的樣貌。「或許能讓我們一窺地球40億年之前有何事物發生的實際樣品僅只如此。」加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的地球化學家Elizabeth Bell說,她是此篇發表在10/26《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences)的新研究的第一作者。
In the study, Bell and her colleagues examined zircons from the Jack
Hills in Western Australia, a site that has yielded more Hadean samples than
anywhere else on Earth, searching for inclusions of carbon minerals like
diamonds and graphite. The mere presence of these minerals
does not prove biology existed when the zircons formed, but it does provide the
opportunity to look for chemical signs of life. The team eventually found small
bits of potentially undisturbed graphite in one 4.1 billion-year-old crystal.
The graphite has a low ratio of heavy to light carbon atoms—called
isotopes—consistent with the isotopic signature of organic matter. “On Earth
today, if you were looking at this carbon, you would say it was biogenic,” Bell
says. “Of course, that’s more controversial for the Hadean.”
The authors list
several nonbiological processes that could explain their findings, but they
favor the idea that the graphite started out as organic matter in sediments
that got dragged into the Earth’s mantle during the collision of tectonic
plates. As the sediments melted to form magma, the elevated temperatures and
pressures transformed the carbon into graphite, which eventually found its way
into a zircon crystal.
If this story is
true, and life existed 4.1 billion years ago, Bell says that the new results
would corroborate growing evidence of a more hospitable early Earth than
scientists once imagined. “The traditional view of the Earth’s first few
hundred million years was that this was a sterile, lifeless, hot planet that
was constantly being bombarded by meteorites,” she says. But partly thanks to
the wealth of information revealed by the Jack Hills zircons in recent years,
scientists have come to see the early Earth as much milder and more amenable to
“We know there was
liquid water,” says Mark van Zuilen, a geomicrobiologist at the Paris Institute
of Earth Physics. “There’s nothing that holds us back from assuming life was
there.” However, van Zuilen and others say they’re not sure the new study
provides compelling evidence that it was.
「我們知道那時候的地球有液態水。」Mark van Zuilen說,他是巴黎地球物理研究所的地質微生物學家。「沒有任何證據可以遏止我們推論當時生命已經存在。」然而,van
Some of this
circumspection has roots in recent history. In 2008, researchers announced that
diamond-graphite inclusions in 4.3-billion-year-old zircons had potentially
biological signatures, inspiring Bell and her team to start looking through
UCLA’s own collection of Jack Hills crystals. But subsequent analysis showed
the 2008 inclusions came from lab contamination, not early Earth. In the new
study, the researchers took measures to prevent similar problems.
這樣慎重的態度其來有自。發生在最近的2008年,另一組研究人員聲稱他們在43億年前的鋯石中,發現的鑽石-石墨包裹體可能含有生物訊號。這也啟發了Bell和她的團隊開始仔細檢視UCLA擁有的Jack Hills結晶樣品。但隨後的分析結果顯示2008年的包裹體來自於實驗室汙染而非早期地球。因此在這項新研究中,研究人員採取許多措施來預防類似的問題發生。
“That one negative
experience doesn’t mean nobody should try again,” says John Eiler, a geologist
at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. “But let’s just say, I’m
cautious.” For one, he says, researchers need to settle some important debates,
like whether the inclusions in Hadean zircons truly preserve original material,
or if they’ve been altered, for example, during a later bout of metamorphism.
He also questions whether organic matter can survive in magma chambers long enough
to form graphite, casting doubt on the proposed mechanism.
「一次失敗的經驗並非表示不應該有任何人再去嘗試。」John Eiler說,他是加州理工學院的地質學家。「但這麼說吧,對此我十分保留。」他說,身為一名研究人員必須提出一些重要的論點,比方說冥古宙鋯石中的包裹體是否真得保有原本的物質,或者他們其實已經被置換掉了,像是在形成之後的連串變質作用可能造成的結果。他同時也質疑作者提出的機制:有機物是否能在岩漿庫存活夠久而形成石墨。
Those issues aside,
most scientists—including the authors—agree that the data do not yet exclude
nonbiological explanations. Many abiotic processes can produce carbon with
isotopic signatures similar to organic matter. For instance, the graphite could
contain carbon from certain kinds of meteorites, which have light isotopic
compositions. Alternatively, some invoke chemical processes, like the so-called
Fischer-Tropsch reactions, in which carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen react with a
catalyst like iron to form methane and other hydrocarbons. Such reactions
probably occurred near hydrothermal vents in the Hadean, van Zuilen says, and
can impart isotopic signatures that are indistinguishable from biological
One way to settle
the question that doesn’t rely on isotopes involves studying Mars, which,
unlike Earth, still has rocks older than 4 billion years on its surface. “If we
can find evidence for the existence of life on Mars at that time, then it will
be easier to argue the case that it was also present on Earth,” says Alexander
Nemchin, a geochemist at Curtin University in Bentley, Australia, and lead
author of the 2008 study on diamond inclusions.
For now, scientists
must make do with zircons, the only materials that preserve any record—however
cryptic—of the Hadean eon. Bell acknowledges the need to test her team’s
hypothesis on additional samples. She says researchers must make a concerted
effort to find more Hadean carbon in Jack Hills zircons and see if it too has
potentially biological origins. “Hopefully we didn’t just chance on the one
freak zircon that had graphite in it,” she says. “Hopefully there is actually a
fair amount of it.”
目前科學家仍須仰賴鋯石來研究冥古宙。儘管是如此的難以解讀,它們畢竟是唯一保存並記錄當時資訊的物質。Bell坦承她的團隊仍須更多樣品來驗證他們的假說。她說研究人員必須要同心協力尋找更多包裹在Jack Hills鋯石中的碳,並且檢視它們是否有可能來自生物。「我希望我們找到一顆含有石墨的奇特鋯石並非偶然。」她說,「希望這樣的鋯石事實上為數眾多。」
原作者:Julia Rosen