2015年10月29日 星期四



Traces of enormous solar storms in the ice of Greenland and Antarctica

Solar storms and the particles they release result in spectacular phenomena such as auroras, but they can also pose a serious risk to our society. In extreme cases they have caused major power outages, and they could also lead to breakdowns of satellites and communication systems. According to a study published today in Nature Communications, solar storms could be much more powerful than previously assumed. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now confirmed that Earth was hit by two extreme solar storms more than 1,000 years ago.
太陽風暴和其拋射的粒子會造成像是極光的奇景,但它們對我們的社會也可能是相當大的潛在風險。在最極端的例子中,它們曾經造成大停電,並損壞衛星而造成通訊系統中斷。根據本日(10/15)發表於自然通訊(Nature Communications)的研究,太陽風暴可達到的規模比之前預估的還要高上許多。瑞典隆德大學的研究人員現在證明出1000年以前曾有兩次超級太陽風暴襲擊地球。
"If such enormous solar storms would hit Earth today, they could have devastating effects on our power supply, satellites and communication systems," says Raimund Muscheler at the Department of Geology, Lund University.
「若今日有如此巨大的太陽風暴襲擊地球,可能會對我們的電力供應、人造衛星和通訊系統有毀滅性的影響。」隆德大學地質科學系的Raimund Muscheler說。
A team of researchers at Lund University, together with colleagues at Uppsala University in Sweden, as well as researchers in Switzerland, Denmark and the US, have been looking for traces of solar storms in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. Everywhere on Earth you can find traces of cosmic rays from the Galaxy and the sun, such as low levels of radioactive carbon.
A few years ago researchers found traces of a rapid increase of radioactive carbon in tree rings from the periods AD 774/775 and AD 993/994. The cause for these increases was, however, debated.
"In this study we have aimed to work systematically to find the cause for these events. We have now found corresponding increases for exactly the same periods in ice cores. With these new results it is possible to rule out all other suggested explanations, and thereby confirm extreme solar storms as the cause of these mysterious radiocarbon increases," says Raimund Muscheler.
「本研究中我們有系統得分析以找出這些事件的成因。現在我們發現冰芯中的增加事件也剛好對應到同樣的時間點。有了這些新結果,我們便可以排除所有其他的解釋,而能確認超級太陽風暴便是這幾起放射性碳元素神秘增加事件的元凶。」Raimund Muscheler說。
The study also provides the first reliable assessment of the particle fluxes connected to these events. Raimund Muscheler points out that this is very important for the future planning of reliable electronic systems:
這也是首次有研究確切預估關於這些事件的粒子通量。Raimund Muscheler指出在未來要設計完善的電路系統時此數據相當重要。
"These solar storms by far exceeded any known events observed by instrumental measurements on Earth. The findings should lead to a reassessment of the risks associated with solar storms," says Raimund Muscheler.
「這幾起太陽風暴遠遠超過了我們所知由地球儀器曾觀測到的事件。這些事件應能讓我們重新評估太陽風暴可能造成的風險。」Raimund Muscheler說。
引用自:Lund University. "Traces of enormous solar storms in the ice of Greenland and Antarctica." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 October 2015. 

2015年10月26日 星期一


2015年10月21日 星期三



Life on Earth likely started 4.1 billion years ago, much earlier than scientists thought

Evidence that early Earth was not dry and desolate

UCLA geochemists have found evidence that life likely existed on Earth at least 4.1 billion years ago -- 300 million years earlier than previous research suggested. The discovery indicates that life may have begun shortly after the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago.
The research is published today in the online early edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
這篇研究今日(2015.10.19)發表在線上的《美國國家科學院學報》早版(early edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
"Twenty years ago, this would have been heretical; finding evidence of life 3.8 billion years ago was shocking," said Mark Harrison, co-author of the research and a professor of geochemistry at UCLA.
「如果是在20年前,這番言論也許會被斥為一派胡言。發現38億年前已有生命存活的證據確實相當令人震驚。」此研究的共同作者,加州大學洛杉磯分校的地球化學教授Mark Harrison說。
"Life on Earth may have started almost instantaneously," added Harrison, a member of the National Academy of Sciences. "With the right ingredients, life seems to form very quickly."
The new research suggests that life existed prior to the massive bombardment of the inner solar system that formed the moon's large craters 3.9 billion years ago.
"If all life on Earth died during this bombardment, which some scientists have argued, then life must have restarted quickly," said Patrick Boehnke, a co-author of the research and a graduate student in Harrison's laboratory.
「正如一些科學家提出的說法,若地球上所有生命都在大轟炸事件中死亡,那麼生命必然很快又東山再起。」共同作者,Harrison研究室的研究生Patrick Boehnke說。
Scientists had long believed the Earth was dry and desolate during that time period. Harrison's research -- including a 2008 study in Nature he co-authored with Craig Manning, a professor of geology and geochemistry at UCLA, and former UCLA graduate student Michelle Hopkins -- is proving otherwise.
科學家長久以來認為在那段時期,地球是一片乾旱的荒蕪之地。Harrison的研究,包括他在2008年與Craig ManningMichelle Hopkins刊登於《自然》的共同著作,卻證明事實並非如此。Craig Manning 為加州大學洛杉磯分校的地質和地球化學教授;Michelle Hopkins則是之前就讀於同所大學的研究生。
"The early Earth certainly wasn't a hellish, dry, boiling planet; we see absolutely no evidence for that," Harrison said. "The planet was probably much more like it is today than previously thought."
The researchers, led by Elizabeth Bell -- a postdoctoral scholar in Harrison's laboratory -- studied more than 10,000 zircons originally formed from molten rocks, or magmas, from Western Australia. Zircons are heavy, durable minerals related to the synthetic cubic zirconium used for imitation diamonds. They capture and preserve their immediate environment, meaning they can serve as time capsules.
此篇研究由Harrison實驗室的特約博士後研究員Elizabeth Bell領導。他們研究了產自澳洲西部,形成於熔化岩石,即岩漿中的一萬多顆鋯石(zircon)碎屑。鋯石是一種高密度且相當堅硬的礦物,與用來製作人造鑽石的人造立方氧化鋯相當類似。它們可以捕捉並且保存形成當時的環境資訊,意味著它們就像時光膠囊一般。
The scientists identified 656 zircons containing dark specks that could be revealing and closely analyzed 79 of them with Raman spectroscopy, a technique that shows the molecular and chemical structure of ancient microorganisms in three dimensions.
科學家發現其中的656顆鋯石碎屑含有暗色微粒,在這之中有79顆鋯石的微粒可以用拉曼光譜(Raman spectroscopy)來檢視並詳細分析。拉曼光譜是一種可以檢視古代微生物的分子和化學三維構造的技術。
Bell and Boehnke, who have pioneered chemical and mineralogical tests to determine the condition of ancient zircons, were searching for carbon, the key component for life.
One of the 79 zircons contained graphite -- pure carbon -- in two locations.
"The first time that the graphite ever got exposed in the last 4.1 billion years is when Beth Ann and Patrick made the measurements this year," Harrison said.
「今年Beth AnnPatrick進行測量時,首度發現在41億年前石墨就已經出現了。」Harrison說。
How confident are they that their zircon represents 4.1 billion-year-old graphite?
"Very confident," Harrison said. "There is no better case of a primary inclusion in a mineral ever documented, and nobody has offered a plausible alternative explanation for graphite of non-biological origin into a zircon."
「我們相當有信心。」Harrison說。「有關礦物原始包裹體(primary inclusion)的文獻中沒有比這更佳的案例,而且也沒有人提出其他可信說法能解釋鋯石裡的石墨其實是非生物來源。」
The graphite is older than the zircon containing it, the researchers said. They know the zircon is 4.1 billion years old, based on its ratio of uranium to lead; they don't know how much older the graphite is.
The research suggests life in the universe could be abundant, Harrison said. On Earth, simple life appears to have formed quickly, but it likely took many millions of years for very simple life to evolve the ability to photosynthesize.
The carbon contained in the zircon has a characteristic signature -- a specific ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 -- that indicates the presence of photosynthetic life.
"We need to think differently about the early Earth," Bell said.
Wendy Mao, an associate professor of geological sciences and photon science at Stanford University, is the other co-author of the research.
此研究的另一位共同作者Wendy Mao是史丹佛大學地質科學與光子科學系的副教授。
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation and a Simons Collaboration on the Origin of Life Postdoctoral Fellowship granted to Bell.
引用自:University of California - Los Angeles. "Life on Earth likely started 4.1 billion years ago, much earlier than scientists thought: Evidence that early Earth was not dry and desolate." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 October 2015. 

2015年10月13日 星期二



Earth's inner core was formed 1-1.5 billion years ago

There have been many estimates for when the earth's inner core was formed, but scientists from the University of Liverpool have used new data which indicates that the Earth's inner core was formed 1 -- 1.5 billion years ago as it "froze" from the surrounding molten iron outer core.
The inner core is Earth's deepest layer. It is a ball of solid iron just larger than Pluto which is surrounded by a liquid outer core. The inner core is a relatively recent addition to our planet and establishing when it was formed is a topic of vigorous scientific debate with estimates ranging from 0.5 billion to 2 billion years ago.
In a new study published in Nature, researchers from the University's School of Environmental Sciences analysed magnetic records from ancient igneous rocks and found that there was a sharp increase in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field between 1 and 1.5 billion years ago.
This increased magnetic field is a likely indication of the first occurrence of solid iron at Earth's centre and the point in Earth's history at which the solid inner core first started to "freeze" out from the cooling molten outer core.
Liverpool palaeomagnetism expert and the study's lead author, Dr Andy Biggin, said: "This finding could change our understanding of the Earth's interior and its history."
利物浦大學的古地磁專家,也是本研究的第一作者Andy Biggin博士說:「這項發現有可能會改變我們對地球內部與其歷史的認知。」
"The timing of the first appearance of solid iron or "nucleation" of the inner core is highly controversial but is crucial for determining the properties and history of the Earth's interior and has strong implications for how the Earth's magnetic field -- which acts as a shield against harmful radiation from the sun, as well as a useful navigational aid -- is generated.
"The results suggest that the Earth's core is cooling down less quickly than previously thought which has implications for the whole of Earth Sciences. It also suggests an average growth rate of the solid inner core of approximately 1mm per year which affects our understanding of the Earth's magnetic field."
The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the motion of the liquid iron alloy in the outer core, approximately 3,000 km beneath the Earth's crust. These motions occur because the core is losing heat to the overlying solid mantle that extends up to the crust on which we live producing the phenomenon of convection.
Once the inner core started to freeze, this convection received a strong boost in power because light, non-metallic elements remained molten in the outer core and were buoyant relative to the overlying liquid. The process continues today and is thought to be the main source of "fuel" for generating the Earth's magnetic field.
Dr Biggin added: "The theoretical model which best fits our data indicates that the core is losing heat more slowly than at any point in the last 4.5 billion years and that this flow of energy should keep the Earth's magnetic field going for another billion years or more.
"This contrasts sharply with Mars which had a strong magnetic field early in its history which then appears to have died after half a billion years."
The study, published in the journal Nature, is a collaboration between scientists at the Universities of Liverpool, Helsinki, Michigan Tech, UC San Diego, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

引用自:University of Liverpool. "Earth's inner core was formed 1-1.5 billion years ago." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 October 2015.