Traces of
enormous solar storms in the ice of Greenland and Antarctica
Solar storms and the
particles they release result in spectacular phenomena such as auroras, but
they can also pose a serious risk to our society. In extreme cases they have
caused major power outages, and they could also lead to breakdowns of
satellites and communication systems. According to a study published today in
Nature Communications, solar storms could be much more powerful than previously
assumed. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now confirmed that Earth
was hit by two extreme solar storms more than 1,000 years ago.
太陽風暴和其拋射的粒子會造成像是極光的奇景,但它們對我們的社會也可能是相當大的潛在風險。在最極端的例子中,它們曾經造成大停電,並損壞衛星而造成通訊系統中斷。根據本日(10/15)發表於《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)的研究,太陽風暴可達到的規模比之前預估的還要高上許多。瑞典隆德大學的研究人員現在證明出1000年以前曾有兩次超級太陽風暴襲擊地球。
"If such enormous
solar storms would hit Earth today, they could have devastating effects on our
power supply, satellites and communication systems," says Raimund
Muscheler at the Department of Geology, Lund University.
「若今日有如此巨大的太陽風暴襲擊地球,可能會對我們的電力供應、人造衛星和通訊系統有毀滅性的影響。」隆德大學地質科學系的Raimund Muscheler說。
A team of researchers at
Lund University, together with colleagues at Uppsala University in Sweden, as
well as researchers in Switzerland, Denmark and the US, have been looking for
traces of solar storms in ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. Everywhere
on Earth you can find traces of cosmic rays from the Galaxy and the sun, such
as low levels of radioactive carbon.
A few years ago researchers
found traces of a rapid increase of radioactive carbon in tree rings from the
periods AD 774/775 and AD 993/994. The cause for these increases was, however,
"In this study we have
aimed to work systematically to find the cause for these events. We have now
found corresponding increases for exactly the same periods in ice cores. With
these new results it is possible to rule out all other suggested explanations,
and thereby confirm extreme solar storms as the cause of these mysterious
radiocarbon increases," says Raimund Muscheler.
「本研究中我們有系統得分析以找出這些事件的成因。現在我們發現冰芯中的增加事件也剛好對應到同樣的時間點。有了這些新結果,我們便可以排除所有其他的解釋,而能確認超級太陽風暴便是這幾起放射性碳元素神秘增加事件的元凶。」Raimund Muscheler說。
The study also provides the
first reliable assessment of the particle fluxes connected to these events.
Raimund Muscheler points out that this is very important for the future
planning of reliable electronic systems:
"These solar storms by
far exceeded any known events observed by instrumental measurements on Earth.
The findings should lead to a reassessment of the risks associated with solar
storms," says Raimund Muscheler.
「這幾起太陽風暴遠遠超過了我們所知由地球儀器曾觀測到的事件。這些事件應能讓我們重新評估太陽風暴可能造成的風險。」Raimund Muscheler說。
University. "Traces of enormous solar storms in the ice of Greenland and
Antarctica." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 October 2015.