humans, the whole world could look like Serengeti
New study shows what the natural worldwide diversity
patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past and present human
The fact that the greatest
diversity of large mammals is found in Africa reflects past human activities --
and not climatic or other environmental constraints. This is determined in a
new study, which presents what the world map of mammals would look like if
modern man (Homo sapiens)
had never existed.
在這篇新研究中,研究人員呈現出若現代人(Homo sapiens)從未出現,哺乳類在這個世界上應是如何分佈。他們的結果顯示非洲擁有最高的大型哺乳類多樣性,反映出來的是過往人類活動的影響,而非氣候或其他環境限制導致。
In a world without humans,
most of northern Europe would probably now be home to not only wolves, Eurasian
elk (moose) and bears, but also animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses.
This is demonstrated in a
new study conducted by researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark. In a
previous analysis, they have shown that the mass extinction of large mammals
during the Last Ice Age and in subsequent millennia (the late-Quaternary
megafauna extinction) is largely explainable from the expansion of modern man (Homo sapiens) across the
world. In this follow-up study, they investigate what the natural worldwide
diversity patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past and present
human impacts, based on estimates of the natural distribution of each species
according to its ecology, biogeography and the current natural environmental
template. They provide the first estimate of how the mammal diversity world map
would have appeared without the impact of modern man.
此幅景象呈現於丹麥奧胡斯大學(Aarhus University)的研究人員新進行的研究結果之中。在先前的分析當中,他們已經顯示在上次冰河期以及之後數千年間,發生的大型哺乳類滅絕事件(晚第四紀巨型動物群滅絕事件,the late-Quaternary
megafauna extinction)絕大部分要歸咎於現代人(Homo sapiens)往世界各地遷徙。在這篇後續研究當中,他們根據不同種哺乳類各自的生態、生物地理分佈以及在自然條件下,各地環境應有的樣貌為何,來預測牠們的自然分佈模式,並總和所有結果得出若沒有過去及現今的人類影響,在自然情形下哺乳類多樣性在全世界的分佈模式。他們的結果呈現了首幅在沒有現代人的影響下,哺乳類多樣性會如何分佈的世界地圖。
"Northern Europe is
far from the only place in which humans have reduced the diversity of mammals
-- it's a worldwide phenomenon. And, in most places, there's a very large
deficit in mammal diversity relative to what it would naturally have
been," says Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, Department of Bioscience,
Aarhus University, who is one of the researchers behind the study.
「北歐絕不是唯一人類導致哺乳類多樣性下降的地區─這是一個在全世界都相當普及的現象。而且在多數地區,哺乳類多樣性跟在自然背景下應有的相比,都下降了非常多。」此篇研究的作者之一,奧胡斯大學生命科學系的教授Jens-Christian Svenning說。
Africa is the last
The current world map of
mammal diversity shows that Africa is virtually the only place with a high
diversity of large mammals. However, the world map constructed by the
researchers of the natural diversity of large mammals shows far greater
distribution of high large-mammal diversity across most of the world, with
particularly high levels in North and South America, areas that are currently
relatively poor in large mammals.
"Most safaris today
take place in Africa, but under natural circumstances, as many or even more
large animals would no doubt have existed in other places, e.g., notably parts
of the New World such as Texas and neighboring areas and the region around
northern Argentina-Southern Brazil. The reason that many safaris target Africa
is not because the continent is naturally abnormally rich in species of
mammals. Instead it reflects that it's one of the only places where human
activities have not yet wiped out most of the large animals," says
Postdoctoral Fellow Soren Faurby, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University,
who is the lead author on the study.
「現今的遊獵(safari,原本意指以狩獵大型動物為主的遠行活動,現在多已轉變成觀光性質)多半僅見於非洲,但在自然條件下,毫無疑問地會有同樣多數量,甚至更大批的大型動物生存在其他地區,譬如說目前新世界的都會區,如德州與其鄰近區域,以及阿根廷部北部至巴西南部地區。許多遊獵選在非洲並非因為當地本來就擁有特別多種的哺乳類,而是反應出非洲為人類活動尚未殲滅大部分大型哺乳類的僅存地區之一。」本篇研究的第一作者,奧胡斯大學生命科學系的博士後研究員Soren Faurby說。
The existence of Africa's
many species of mammals is thus not due to an optimal climate and environment,
but rather because it is the only place where they have not yet been eradicated
by humans. The underlying reason includes evolutionary adaptation of large
mammals to humans as well as greater pest pressure on human populations in
long-inhabited Africa in the past.
Better understanding
helps nature preservation
The study's openly
accessible data set of natural range maps for all late-Quatenary mammals
provides researchers with the first opportunity to analyse the natural patterns
in the species diversity and composition of mammals worldwide. Hereby, it can
be used to provide a better understanding of the natural factors that determine
the biodiversity in a specific area.
Today, there is a
particularly large number of mammal species in mountainous areas. This is often
interpreted as a consequence of environmental variation, where different
species have evolved in deep valleys and high mountains. According to the new
study, however, this trend is much weaker when the natural patterns are
"The current high
level of biodiversity in mountainous areas is partly due to the fact that the
mountains have acted as a refuge for species in relation to hunting and habitat
destruction, rather than being a purely natural pattern. An example in Europe
is the brown bear, which now virtually only live in mountainous regions because
it has been exterminated from the more accessible and most often more densely
populated lowland areas," explains Soren Faurby.
Hereby, this new study can
provide an important base-line for nature restoration and conservation.
The study has been published
in the scientific journal Diversity and Distributions.
本研究刊登於科學期刊《生物多樣性與分佈》(Diversity and Distributions)。
The natural
diversity of large mammals is shown as it would appear without the impact of
modern man (Homo sapiens). The figure shows the variation in the number of
large mammals (45 kg or larger) that would have occurred per 100 x 100
kilometer grid cell. The numbers on the scale indicate the number of species.
上圖為在沒有現代人類(Homo sapiens)的影響下,大型哺乳類多樣性的自然分佈模式。將地圖分成100 x 100 公里的網格後,計算每一格當中有多少種大型哺乳類(45公斤以上)而得到此圖。右方刻度代表物種數目。
Credit: Illustration: Soren Faurby
引用自:Aarhus University. "Without humans, the
whole world could look like Serengeti: New study shows what the natural
worldwide diversity patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past
and present human impacts." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 August 2015.