sunspot history suggests climate change not due to natural solar trends
The Maunder Minimum, between
1645 and 1715, when sunspots were scarce and the winters harsh, strongly
suggests a link between solar activity and climate change. Until now there was
a general consensus that solar activity has been trending upwards over the past
300 years (since the end of the Maunder Minimum), peaking in the late 20th
century -- called the Modern Grand Maximum by some [1].
從1645年至1715年的「蒙德極小期」(Maunder Minimum)為太陽黑子相當稀少而地球冬季十分嚴寒的時期,強烈顯示太陽活動與氣候變遷之間有所關聯。目前為止已有共識認為太陽活動在過去300年來(自蒙德極小期結束)越趨活躍,並在20世紀末到達高峰,有些人稱之為「現在極大期」(Modern
Grand Maximum) [1]。
This trend has led some to
conclude that the Sun has played a significant role in modern climate change.
However, a discrepancy between two parallel series of sunspot number counts has
been a contentious issue among scientists for some time.
The two methods of counting
the sunspot number -- the Wolf Sunspot Number and the Group Sunspot Number [2]
-- indicated significantly different levels of solar activity before about 1885
and also around 1945. With these discrepancies now eliminated, there is no
longer any substantial difference between the two historical records.
計數太陽黑子的兩種方式:沃爾夫黑子數(Wolf Sunspot Number)與群黑子數(Group Sunspot Number) [2],對太陽在1885年之前以及1945年左右的活動程度的計算結果差異相當大。而現在將此差異消珥後,這兩種歷史紀錄之間將不會再有任何的重大差異。
The new correction of the
sunspot number, called the Sunspot Number Version 2.0, led by Frédéric Clette
(Director of the World Data Centre [WDC]-SILSO), Ed Cliver (National Solar
Observatory) and Leif Svalgaard (Stanford University, California, USA), nullifies
the claim that there has been a Modern Grand Maximum.
這種修正太陽黑子數的新方法稱作Sunspot Number Version 2.0,由Frédéric Clette(世界數據資料中心-太陽黑子指數與太陽長期觀測(WDC-SILSO)的主任)、Ed Cliver(美國國家太陽天文台)與Leif Svalgaard(美國加州史丹佛大學)研發,此新方法否決了「現在極大期」存在的說法。
The results, presented at the
IAU XXIX General Assembly in Honolulu, Hawai`i, today, make it difficult to
explain the observed changes in the climate that started in the 18th century
and extended through the industrial revolution to the 20th century as being
significantly influenced by natural solar trends.
他們在今日於夏威夷檀香山舉辦的第29屆國際天文學聯合會(IAU XXIX General Assembly)發表他們的結果,其顯示自18世紀開始,從工業革命至20世紀所觀測到的氣候變遷,很難以太陽活動趨勢的強烈影響來解釋。
The sunspot number is the
only direct record of the evolution of the solar cycle over multiple centuries
and is the longest scientific experiment still ongoing.
The apparent upward trend of
solar activity between the 18th century and the late 20th century has now been
identified as a major calibration error in the Group Sunspot Number. Now that
this error has been corrected, solar activity appears to have remained
relatively stable since the 1700s [3].
從18世紀至20世紀末太陽活動趨向活躍的顯著趨勢,現在被驗證出是群黑子數記數方法中重大的校正誤差(calibration error)而導致。既然此誤差已被修正,太陽活動顯然自1700年代以來便維持在相對穩定的狀態[3]。
The newly corrected sunspot
numbers now provide a homogenous record of solar activity dating back some 400
years. Existing climate evolution models will need to be reevaluated given this
entirely new picture of the long-term evolution of solar activity. This work
will stimulate new studies both in solar physics (solar cycle modelling and
predictions) and climatology, and can be used to unlock tens of millennia of
solar records encoded in cosmogenic nuclides found in ice cores and tree rings.
This could reveal more clearly the role the Sun plays in climate change over
much longer timescales.
修正後新的太陽黑子數量記數方法提供了過去約400年太陽活動的連續記錄。對太陽活動長期變化的全新描述將會迫使現行的氣候預測模型重新運算。這項研究成果將會激發太陽物理學(模擬與預測太陽週期)以及氣候學領域的新研究,而樹輪以及冰芯數萬年來用宇生核種(cosmogenic nuclide)記下的太陽活動紀錄也有望以此幫忙解讀。這可以更清楚地揭露在長時間尺度下,太陽在氣候變遷當中扮演的角色究竟為何。
The new data series and the
associated information are distributed from WDC-SILSO [4].
[1] Note that the trend being
discussed here is over longer periods than the familiar 11-year solar cycle.
[2] The Wolf Sunspot Number
(WSN) ranks as the oldest time series in solar terrestrial physics still in use
today, having remained untouched for over 160 years. Established by Rudolf Wolf
in 1856, the method is based on both the number of groups of sunspots and the
total number of spots within all the groups.
[2]沃爾夫黑子數(WSN)是日地物理學(solar terrestrial physics)中至今仍在使用的時間序列中年代最久遠者,160年來幾乎沒有任何修改。1856年由Rudolf Wolf創建,此方法的基礎為太陽黑子群的數量以及所有黑子群中的黑子總數。
In 1994 the question began to
arise as to whether the WSN was the correct method of constructing a historical
sunspot record. The limitations of early telescopes meant that it was easy for
smaller spots to be missed. With this in mind, a new index was established in
1998: the Group Sunspot Number (GSN), which is easier to measure and goes all
the way back to the measurements done by Galileo, Thomas Harriot and Scheiner.
This index was based solely on the number of sunspot groups. Establishing this
system performed a valuable service by finding and digitising many sunspot
observations not known or used by Wolf and his successors, effectively doubling
the amount of data available before Wolf's tabulations.
Unfortunately, the two series
disagreed seriously before about 1885, and the GSN has not been maintained
since the 1998 publication of the series. The GSN also revealed a pattern of
continually rising solar activity, beginning in the 18th century and
culminating in a Modern Grand Maximum in the latter part of the 20th century,
which Wolf's method does not suggest. Overall, the discrepancies were too large
and the applications (solar dynamo, climate change, space climate) too
prominent for the two systems to continue to exist in disagreement.
不幸的是,這兩條時間序列在約1885年之前的數據有相當嚴重的不一致現象,且GSN自1998年發表後就再也沒有被修正過。GSN顯現出太陽活動有持續上升的現象,自18世紀開始並在20世紀後半到達現在極大期,然而沃爾夫方法卻沒有呈現出這種模式。總之,由於兩者差異過大且在應用層面上(太陽發電機(solar dynamo)、氣候變遷、太空氣候)的效應相當明顯,造成這兩種系統無法在不一致的狀況下繼續兼容。
[3] They remain within a
constant amplitude range for the normal 11-year cycle.
[4] WDC-SILSO is located in
Brussels and is the current curator of the Sunspot Number time series and
associated data products. It is a member of the World Data System of the
International Council for Science (ICSU), dedicated to the preservation and
distribution of large and/or long-duration reference datasets in all domains of
[4] WDC-SILSO位於布魯塞爾,目前負責太陽黑子記數的時間序列以及相關數據的製作。其隸屬於國際科學理事會(World Data System of the International Council for Science,
引用自:International Astronomical
Union. "Corrected sunspot history suggests climate change not due to
natural solar trends." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 August 2015.