2015年8月31日 星期一



Greenhouse gases caused glacial retreat during last Ice Age

A recalculation of the dates at which boulders were uncovered by melting glaciers at the end of the last Ice Age has conclusively shown that the glacial retreat was due to rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, as opposed to other types of forces.
Carbon dioxide levels are now significantly higher than they were at that time, as a result of the Industrial Revolution and other human activities since then. Because of that, the study confirms predictions of future glacial retreat, and that most of the world's glaciers may disappear in the next few centuries.
The findings were published today in Nature Communications by researchers from Oregon State University, Boston College and other institutions. They erase some of the uncertainties about glacial melting that had been due to a misinterpretation of data from some of these boulders, which were exposed to the atmosphere more than 11,500 years ago.
此篇刊登在今日《自然通訊》(Nature Communications )的研究的作者來自於奧勒岡州立大學、波士頓學院以及其他機構。之前利用這些暴露在空氣中的時間已超過11,500年的礫石,來預估冰河融化的時間時,有可能會因為判讀錯誤而產生誤差。而這群科學家在這篇論文中成功降低了這些誤差。
"This shows that at the end of the last Ice Age, it was only the increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that could have caused the loss of glaciers around the world at the same time," said Peter Clark, a professor in the OSU College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, and co-author on the study.
「在上次冰河期末時,唯有二氧化碳以及其他溫室氣體的濃度上升,才能造成世界各地的冰河在同一時間開始融化。」本研究的共同作者,奧勒岡州立大學地球、海洋與大氣科學系的教授Peter Clark說。
"This study validates predictions that future glacial loss will occur due to the ongoing increase in greenhouse gas levels from human activities," Clark said. "We could lose 80-90 percent of the world's glaciers in the next several centuries if greenhouse gases continue to rise at the current rate."
Glacial loss in the future will contribute to rising sea levels and, in some cases, have impacts on local water supplies.
As the last Ice Age ended during a period of about 7,000 years, starting around 19,000 years ago, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased from 180 parts per million to 280 parts per million. But just in the past 150 years, they have surged from 280 to about 400 parts per million, far higher than what was required to put an end to the last Ice Age.
19,000年前起,上次冰河期末的7,000年間,大氣中二氧化碳的濃度從百萬分之180(180 p.p.m.)升高至280 p.p.m.。但僅僅在過去的150年間,二氧化碳已從280 p.p.m.飆升至400 p.p.m.,遠比終結上次冰河期所需的濃度還要高上許多。
The new findings, Clark said, were based on a recalculation of the ages at which more than 1,100 glacial boulders from 159 glacial moraines around the world were exposed to the atmosphere after being buried for thousands of years under ice.
Clark說這項新發現建立於重新測量159層世界各地冰磧(glacial moraine)中的1100顆冰河礫石的年代。這些冰磧曾被深埋在冰層底下數千年,直到冰河融化後才重見天日。
The exposure of the boulders to cosmic rays produced cosmogenic nuclides, which had been previously measured and used to date the event. But advances have been made in how to calibrate ages based on that data. Based on the new calculations, the rise in carbon dioxide levels -- determined from ancient ice cores -matches up nicely with the time at which glacial retreat took place.
冰河融化後露出的礫石會暴露在宇宙射線的照射之下,而產生宇生核種(cosmogenic nuclide),在先前的研究中可以測量其濃度來定年事件發生的年代。本研究改良之處在於如何以測量到的數據來換算成更精確的年代。根據他們新的計算方式而得出的冰河後退年代,與顯示在古老冰芯中的二氧化碳濃度上升時刻,兩者之間相當符合。
"There had been a long-standing mystery about why these boulders were uncovered at the time they were, because it didn't properly match the increase in greenhouse gases," said Jeremy Shakun, a professor at Boston College and lead author on the study. "We found that the previous ages assigned to this event were inaccurate. The data now show that as soon as the greenhouse gas levels began to rise, the glaciers began to melt and retreat."
「長久以來的疑惑在於為何這些礫石會在這個時間點開始暴露在地表,因為這與溫室氣體開始升高的時刻並不太符合。」本研究的第一作者,波士頓學院的Jeremy Shakun教授說。「我們發現之前對這起事件的年代的推估並不準確。現在的數據顯示溫室氣體的濃度一開始上升,冰河便會開始融化並後退。」
There are other forces that can also cause glacial melting on a local or regional scale, the researchers noted, such as changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun, or shifts in ocean heat distribution. These factors probably did have localized effects. But the scientists determined that only the change in greenhouse gas levels could have explained the broader global retreat of glaciers all at the same time.
In the study of climate change, glaciers have always been of considerable interest, because their long-term behavior is a more reliable barometer that helps sort out the ups-and-downs caused by year-to-year weather variability, including short-term shifts in temperature and precipitation.
Other collaborators on this research were from the University of Wisconsin, Purdue University, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The work was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Science Foundation.
引用自:Oregon State University. "Greenhouse gases caused glacial retreat during last Ice Age." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 August 2015. 

2015年8月25日 星期二



Without humans, the whole world could look like Serengeti
New study shows what the natural worldwide diversity patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past and present human impacts

The fact that the greatest diversity of large mammals is found in Africa reflects past human activities -- and not climatic or other environmental constraints. This is determined in a new study, which presents what the world map of mammals would look like if modern man (Homo sapiens) had never existed.
在這篇新研究中,研究人員呈現出若現代人(Homo sapiens)從未出現,哺乳類在這個世界上應是如何分佈。他們的結果顯示非洲擁有最高的大型哺乳類多樣性,反映出來的是過往人類活動的影響,而非氣候或其他環境限制導致。
In a world without humans, most of northern Europe would probably now be home to not only wolves, Eurasian elk (moose) and bears, but also animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses.
This is demonstrated in a new study conducted by researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark. In a previous analysis, they have shown that the mass extinction of large mammals during the Last Ice Age and in subsequent millennia (the late-Quaternary megafauna extinction) is largely explainable from the expansion of modern man (Homo sapiens) across the world. In this follow-up study, they investigate what the natural worldwide diversity patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past and present human impacts, based on estimates of the natural distribution of each species according to its ecology, biogeography and the current natural environmental template. They provide the first estimate of how the mammal diversity world map would have appeared without the impact of modern man.
此幅景象呈現於丹麥奧胡斯大學(Aarhus University)的研究人員新進行的研究結果之中。在先前的分析當中,他們已經顯示在上次冰河期以及之後數千年間,發生的大型哺乳類滅絕事件(晚第四紀巨型動物群滅絕事件,the late-Quaternary megafauna extinction)絕大部分要歸咎於現代人(Homo sapiens)往世界各地遷徙。在這篇後續研究當中,他們根據不同種哺乳類各自的生態、生物地理分佈以及在自然條件下,各地環境應有的樣貌為何,來預測牠們的自然分佈模式,並總和所有結果得出若沒有過去及現今的人類影響,在自然情形下哺乳類多樣性在全世界的分佈模式。他們的結果呈現了首幅在沒有現代人的影響下,哺乳類多樣性會如何分佈的世界地圖。
"Northern Europe is far from the only place in which humans have reduced the diversity of mammals -- it's a worldwide phenomenon. And, in most places, there's a very large deficit in mammal diversity relative to what it would naturally have been," says Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, who is one of the researchers behind the study.
「北歐絕不是唯一人類導致哺乳類多樣性下降的地區─這是一個在全世界都相當普及的現象。而且在多數地區,哺乳類多樣性跟在自然背景下應有的相比,都下降了非常多。」此篇研究的作者之一,奧胡斯大學生命科學系的教授Jens-Christian Svenning說。
Africa is the last refuge
The current world map of mammal diversity shows that Africa is virtually the only place with a high diversity of large mammals. However, the world map constructed by the researchers of the natural diversity of large mammals shows far greater distribution of high large-mammal diversity across most of the world, with particularly high levels in North and South America, areas that are currently relatively poor in large mammals.
"Most safaris today take place in Africa, but under natural circumstances, as many or even more large animals would no doubt have existed in other places, e.g., notably parts of the New World such as Texas and neighboring areas and the region around northern Argentina-Southern Brazil. The reason that many safaris target Africa is not because the continent is naturally abnormally rich in species of mammals. Instead it reflects that it's one of the only places where human activities have not yet wiped out most of the large animals," says Postdoctoral Fellow Soren Faurby, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, who is the lead author on the study.
「現今的遊獵(safari,原本意指以狩獵大型動物為主的遠行活動,現在多已轉變成觀光性質)多半僅見於非洲,但在自然條件下,毫無疑問地會有同樣多數量,甚至更大批的大型動物生存在其他地區,譬如說目前新世界的都會區,如德州與其鄰近區域,以及阿根廷部北部至巴西南部地區。許多遊獵選在非洲並非因為當地本來就擁有特別多種的哺乳類,而是反應出非洲為人類活動尚未殲滅大部分大型哺乳類的僅存地區之一。」本篇研究的第一作者,奧胡斯大學生命科學系的博士後研究員Soren Faurby說。
The existence of Africa's many species of mammals is thus not due to an optimal climate and environment, but rather because it is the only place where they have not yet been eradicated by humans. The underlying reason includes evolutionary adaptation of large mammals to humans as well as greater pest pressure on human populations in long-inhabited Africa in the past.
Better understanding helps nature preservation
The study's openly accessible data set of natural range maps for all late-Quatenary mammals provides researchers with the first opportunity to analyse the natural patterns in the species diversity and composition of mammals worldwide. Hereby, it can be used to provide a better understanding of the natural factors that determine the biodiversity in a specific area.
Today, there is a particularly large number of mammal species in mountainous areas. This is often interpreted as a consequence of environmental variation, where different species have evolved in deep valleys and high mountains. According to the new study, however, this trend is much weaker when the natural patterns are considered.
"The current high level of biodiversity in mountainous areas is partly due to the fact that the mountains have acted as a refuge for species in relation to hunting and habitat destruction, rather than being a purely natural pattern. An example in Europe is the brown bear, which now virtually only live in mountainous regions because it has been exterminated from the more accessible and most often more densely populated lowland areas," explains Soren Faurby.
Hereby, this new study can provide an important base-line for nature restoration and conservation.
The study has been published in the scientific journal Diversity and Distributions.
本研究刊登於科學期刊《生物多樣性與分佈》(Diversity and Distributions)
The natural diversity of large mammals is shown as it would appear without the impact of modern man (Homo sapiens). The figure shows the variation in the number of large mammals (45 kg or larger) that would have occurred per 100 x 100 kilometer grid cell. The numbers on the scale indicate the number of species.
上圖為在沒有現代人類(Homo sapiens)的影響下,大型哺乳類多樣性的自然分佈模式。將地圖分成100 x 100 公里的網格後,計算每一格當中有多少種大型哺乳類(45公斤以上)而得到此圖。右方刻度代表物種數目。
Credit: Illustration: Soren Faurby

引用自:Aarhus University. "Without humans, the whole world could look like Serengeti: New study shows what the natural worldwide diversity patterns of mammals would be like in the absence of past and present human impacts." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 August 2015.

2015年8月20日 星期四


Paleobotanist identifies what could be the mythical 'first flower'
New analysis represents major change in the presumed nature of the planet's earliest angiosperms

Indiana University paleobotanist David Dilcher and colleagues in Europe have identified a 125 million- to 130 million-year-old freshwater plant as one of earliest flowering plants on Earth.
印第安納大學的古植物學家David Dilcher以及歐洲的科學家發現生活在12500萬至13000萬年前的一種淡水水生植物,可能是地球上最早的開花植物。
The finding, reported Aug. 17 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, represents a major change in the presumed form of one of the planet's earliest flowers, known as angiosperms.
發表在817日的《美國國家科學院院刊》( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的發現顯示出推測為地球上最早的花朵(又稱為被子植物,angiosperm),在型態上發生的重大變化。
"This discovery raises significant questions about the early evolutionary history of flowering plants, as well as the role of these plants in the evolution of other plant and animal life," said Dilcher, an emeritus professor in the IU Bloomington College of Arts and Sciences' Department of Geological Sciences.
The aquatic plant, Montsechia vidalii, once grew abundantly in freshwater lakes in what are now mountainous regions in Spain. Fossils of the plant were first discovered more than 100 years ago in the limestone deposits of the Iberian Range in central Spain and in the Montsec Range of the Pyrenees, near the country's border with France.
雖然現為西班牙的山區,但在過去淡水湖遍佈時,名稱為Montsechia vidalii的水生植物曾一度在這些湖泊當中繁榮生長。早在一百多年前這種植物的化石就已經首度在鄰近法國邊界,西班牙中部的伊比利山脈以及庇里牛斯山蒙特塞克山脈中的石灰岩層中發現。
Also previously proposed as one of the earliest flowers is Archaefructus sinensis, an aquatic plant found in China.
在這之前另一種被認為可能是最早的花朵中國古果(Archaefructus sinensis),則是一種發現於中國的水生植物。
"A 'first flower' is technically a myth, like the 'first human,'" said Dilcher, an internationally recognized expert on angiosperm anatomy and morphology who has studied the rise and spread of flowering plants for decades. "But based on this new analysis, we know now that Montsechia is contemporaneous, if not more ancient, than Archaefructus."
「專業上來講,「第一朵花」其實是種迷思,就跟「第一位人類」一樣。」Dilcher說,他是享譽國際的被子植物解剖學及演化專家,鑽研開花植物的出現與散佈已長達數十年之久。「但根據最新的分析結果,我們現在確知Montsechia 就算不比中華古果還要古老,至少也會跟它生存在同一時代。
He also asserted that the fossils used in the study were "poorly understood and even misinterpreted" during previous analyses.
"The reinterpretation of these fossils provides a fascinating new perspective on a major mystery in plant biology," said Donald H. Les, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Connecticut, who is the author of a commentary on the discovery in the journal PNAS. "David's work is truly an important contribution to the continued quest to unravel the evolutionary and ecological events that accompanied the rise of flowering plants to global prominence."
「重新解析這些化石讓我們對這個植物學上的重大謎題有了引人注目的全新想法」。在PNAS期刊上對此論文撰寫評論的作者,康乃狄克大學生態學與演化生態學系的Donald H. Les教授說。「科學界一直致力於闡明開花植物崛起並成稱霸全球的過程中,曾伴隨哪些演化與生態事件。David的研究成果毫無疑問地對此議題有重大的實質貢獻。
The conclusions are based upon careful analyses of more than 1,000 fossilized remains of Montsechia, whose stems and leaf structures were coaxed from stone by applying hydrochloric acid on a drop-by-drop basis. The plant's cuticles -- the protective film covering the leaves that reveals their shape -- were also carefully bleached using a mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate.
Examination of the specimens was conducted under a stereomicroscope, light microscope and scanning electron microscope.
The age of the plant at 125 million to 130 million years is based upon comparisons to other fossils in the same area, notably the freshwater algae charophytes, which places Montsechia in the Barremian age of the early Cretaceous period, making this flowering plant a contemporary of dinosaurs such as the brachiosaurus and iguanodon.
藉由比對同一地區出土的其它化石,其中又以輪藻(charophytes)這種淡水藻類最為重要,可以知道Montsechia的生存年代約在12500萬年至13000萬年前之間,白堊紀早期的巴姆雷期(Barremian age)。同時間與此開花植物共享棲地的恐龍包括了腕龍與禽龍。
The precise, painstaking analysis of fossilized structures remains crucial to paleobotany, in contrast to other biological fields, due to the current inability to know the molecular characters of ancient plants from millions of years ago, Dilcher said.
This careful examination was particularly important to Montsechia since most modern observers might not even recognize the fossil as a flowering plant.
"Montsechia possesses no obvious 'flower parts,' such as petals or nectar-producing structures for attracting insects, and lives out its entire life cycle under water," he said. "The fruit contains a single seed" -- the defining characteristic of an angiosperm -- "which is borne upside down."
Montsechia 外觀上並沒有明顯與花相似的部分,像是用來吸引昆蟲的花瓣或是可以製造花蜜的構造,而且它們畢生都生活在水面以下。」他說。「它們的果實之中含有一顆種子,」─這是被子植物的決定性特徵─「以上下顛倒的方式生長。」
In terms of appearance, Dilcher said, Montsechia resembles its most modern descendent, identified in the study as Ceratophyllum. Also known as coontails or hornworts, Ceratophyllum is a dark green aquatic plant whose coarse, tufty leaves make it a popular decoration in modern aquariums and koi ponds.
Next up, Dilcher and colleagues want to understand more about the species connecting Montsechia and Ceratophyllum, as well as delve deeper into when precisely other species of angiosperms branched off from their ancient forefathers.
"There's still much to be discovered about how a few early species of seed-bearing plants eventually gave rise to the enormous, and beautiful, variety of flowers that now populate nearly every environment on Earth," he said.

引用自:Indiana University. "Paleobotanist identifies what could be the mythical 'first flower': New analysis represents major change in the presumed nature of the planet's earliest angiosperms." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 August 2015. 

2015年8月17日 星期一


Humans responsible for demise of gigantic ancient mammals
Early humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of a variety of species of giant beasts

Early humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of a variety of species of giant beasts, new research has revealed.

Scientists at the universities of Exeter and Cambridge claim their research settles a prolonged debate over whether humankind or climate change was the dominant cause of the demise of massive creatures in the time of the sabretooth tiger, the woolly mammoth, the woolly rhino and the giant armadillo.
劍齒虎、真猛瑪象、披毛犀(woolly rhino)、巨犰狳以及其他同時代的巨型生物滅絕的主因究竟是人類或者氣候變遷?艾克斯特大學與劍橋大學的科學家主張他們的研究能解決這起歷時已久的爭議。
Known collectively as megafauna, most of the largest mammals ever to roam the earth were wiped out over the last 80,000 years, and were all extinct by 10,000 years ago.
Lewis Bartlett, of the University of Exeter, led the research, which also involved the universities of Reading and Bristol and is published in the journal Ecography. He said cutting-edge statistical analysis had helped solve the mystery almost beyond dispute, concluding that man was the dominant force in wiping out the creatures, although climate change could also have played a lesser role.
此篇刊登在期刊《描述生態學》(Ecography.)上的研究由艾克斯特大學的Lewis Bartlett領導,包含了來自雷丁大學與布里斯托爾大學的學者。他說最尖端的統計分析技術近乎完全解開了這道謎題。結論是,人類就是這些生物消亡的主要推手,雖然氣候變遷可能在其中扮演了次要角色。
The researchers ran thousands of scenarios which mapped the windows of time in which each species is known to have become extinct, and humans are known to have arrived on different continents or islands. This was compared against climate reconstructions for the last 90,000 years.
Examining different regions of the world across these scenarios, they found coincidences of human spread and species extinction which illustrate that man was the main agent causing the demise, with climate change exacerbating the number of extinctions. However, in certain regions of the world -- mainly in Asia -- they found patterns which patterns were broadly unaccounted for by either of these two drivers, and called for renewed focus on these neglected areas for further study.
Lewis Bartlett, a researcher from the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology and Conservation, said: "As far as we are concerned, this research is the nail in the coffin of this 50-year debate -- humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of megafauna. What we don't know is what it was about these early settlers that caused this demise. Were they killing them for food, was it early use of fire or were they driven out of their habitats? Our analysis doesn't differentiate, but we can say that it was caused by human activity more than by climate change. It debunks the myth of early humans living in harmony with nature."
艾克斯特大學生態與保育中心的研究員Lewis Bartlett說:「就我們來看,這篇研究終於將這件長達50年的爭議蓋棺論定-人類就是巨型動物群滅亡的主因。但我們所不知道的是這些早期的移民者究竟是如何造成牠們的滅亡。他們是為了食物而獵殺牠們嗎?還是因為早期人類開始用火的影響?或者他們將這些巨獸驅離出牠們原本的棲地?我們的研究無法辨認孰是孰非,但我們可以很肯定地說人類活動的影響比氣候變遷要大得多。而這也破除了早期人類與大自然和諧共處的迷思。」
Dr Andrea Manica, of Cambridge University, was lead supervisor on the paper. He said: "Whilst our models explain very well the timing and extent of extinctions for most of the world, mainland Asia remains a mystery. According to the fossil record, that region suffered very low rates of extinctions. Understanding why megafauna in mainland Asia is so resilient is the next big question."
劍橋大學的Andrea Manica是這篇論文的主要指導教授。他說:「雖然我們的模型能夠成功地解釋世界上大部分地區的滅絕事件的發生時間以及規模大小,但對亞洲本土卻起不了作用。亞洲本土的巨型動物群為何有如此強韌的適應能力將會是下一個重要的問題。」

引用自:University of Exeter. "Humans responsible for demise of gigantic ancient mammals: Early humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of a variety of species of giant beasts." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 August 2015.