Moroccan fossils redefine evolutionary timelines
Some of the oldest marine
animals on the planet, including armoured worm-like forms and giant, lobster
like sea creatures, survived millions of years longer than previously thought,
according to a spectacularly preserved fossil formation from southeastern
The Lower Fezouata
formation has been revealing exciting discoveries about life in the Ordovician
-- around 485 -- 444 million years ago -- since its discovery just five years
'The Fezouata is
extraordinarily significant' says Professor Derek Briggs of Yale University,
co-author of a study published today in the Journal of the Geological Society.
'Animals typical of the Cambrian are still present in rocks 20 million years
younger, which means there must be a cryptic record in between, which is not
「Fezouata的重要性不言而喻,」耶魯大學的Derek Briggs教授說,他是本篇今日發表在《地質學會雜誌》(Journal of the Geological Society)上的論文的共同作者。「在寒武紀(Cambrian)過後2000萬年的岩石中仍能發現典型的寒武紀生物,代表說這之間一定有紀錄未被保存下來。」
Over 160 genera have
already been documented from the Fezouata, with much more expected to be found.
They include animals which would have looked perfectly at home during the
Cambrian: armoured lobopodians -- worm like creatures with spines on their
backs and short, stubby legs, and anomalocaridids -- huge segmented animals
with remarkable feeding limbs, which are some of the largest marine creatures
of the time.
As well as demonstrating
the longevity of fauna thought to have been extinct millions of years
previously, the Fezouata proves that other creatures evolved far earlier than
previously thought.
'Horseshoe crabs, for
example, turn out to be at least 20 million years older than we thought. The
formation demonstrates how important exceptionally preserved fossils are to our
understanding of major evolutionary events in deep time' says Peter Van Roy,
also of Yale, who first recognised the scientific importance of the Fezouata
fauna and is lead author of the study, part of a project funded by the National
Science Foundation.
「舉例來說,馬蹄蟹的出現時間至少比我們過去所認為的還要早了2000萬年。這個地層顯示了保存狀態格外良好的化石對我們瞭解過去的大型演化事件有多麼重要。」此篇研究的第一作者,同為耶魯大學的Peter Van Roy說,他是首先體認到Fezouata生物群在科學上的重要性的人。本研究部分由國家科學基金贊助。
The spectacular
preservation, which includes detailed soft parts and organisms over 2 metres in
length, is thanks to the fine grained, muddy sediments in which the organisms
were preserved.
'These are special rocks'
says Professor Briggs. 'Some of the organisms are enormous -- several metres in
length. With such exceptional preservation, in a fully marine exposure, we can
develop a reasonably full picture of what marine life looked like in the
The discoveries suggest the
'Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event' -- an explosion in diversity
throughout the earlier part of the Ordovician period -- may have been a
continuation of the Cambrian explosion.
Ordovician Biodiversification Event)--在奧陶紀早期時發生的生物多樣性大爆發事件—可能為寒武紀大爆發(Cambrian
'There is much more to
learn from the Fezouata' says Professor Briggs. 'Why do we not see more
assemblages like this in the Ordovician? What ecological changes happened at
the Cambro-Ordovician interval? Are the Cambrian Explosion and the Great
Ordovician Biodiversification Event separate, or phases of the same event?'
The paper, published online
today, marks the start of a themed series of 'Review focus' articles for the
Journal of the Geological Society, centring on sites of exceptional fossil
preservation spanning Earth's history. All papers in the series will be
available for free download, and further 'Review focus' themes are planned.
'The purpose of these
articles is to present a distilled, forward looking review of a topic', says
the series editor Professor Philip Donoghue. 'We decided to start with a
thematic series on fossil Lagerstätten since these deposits are fundamental
archives of evolutionary history.'
「這些文章的目的在呈現對此主體的精簡未來展望。」本系列的編輯,Philip Donoghue教授說。「我們決定以關於化石庫(fossil Lagerstätten)的主題系列作為開端,這是因為這些沉積物為構築演化史的基石。」
'By making the papers
freely available, it is hoped they will interest a wide range of readers, from
undergraduates, to specialists in the field, to members of the public.'
引用自:Geological Society of London. "Spectacular
Moroccan fossils redefine evolutionary timelines." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 7 July 2015.