2024年6月14日 星期五





「這些細菌一直都在,但通常沒什麼機會形成疊層石,」Volker Vahrenkamp表示。他是這篇發表在《地質》(Geology)新研究的作者。「它們大部分的時間都競爭不過珊瑚。」

現代的疊層石已經退居至極端環境當中,像是高鹽度的海洋環境(如:澳洲鯊魚灣)與鹽湖。而大部分的元古代疊層石發育在生物多樣性高的開闊淺海環境,直到最近,人們所知現代可以做為類比的地點,就只有巴哈馬的埃克蘇馬島(Exuma Islands)



Sheybarah的環境為潮間帶至亞潮帶淺層,特徵為規律的乾溼交替、極端的溫度變化(8°C48以上)以及貧養的狀態——跟巴哈馬非常相似。既然Al Wajh碳酸鹽平台很多地方都有著類似的環境條件,或許還有其他區域會有疊層石生長。Vahrenkamp和團隊已經開始進行搜尋,但是疊層石的寬度大概只有15公分,因此不到非常靠近的地方是很難辨識出來的。





New vestiges of the first life on Earth discovered in Saudi Arabia

Stromatolites are the earliest geological record of life on Earth. These curious biotic structures are made of algae carpets growing toward the light and precipitating carbonates. After their first appearance 3.48 Ga ago, stromatolites dominated the planet as the sole living carbonate factory for almost three billion years.

Stromatolites are also partially responsible for the Great Oxygenation Event, which drastically changed the composition of our atmosphere by introducing oxygen. That oxygen initially wiped out stromatolites’ competition, enabling their prominence in the Archean and early Proterozoic environment. However, as more life forms adapted their metabolism to an oxygenated atmosphere, stromatolites started to decline, popping up in the geologic record only after mass extinctions or in difficult environments.

“The bacteria are always around, but they don’t usually get the chance to make stromatolites,” explains Volker Vahrenkamp, the author of a new study in Geology. “They are largely outcompeted by corals.”

In modern times, stromatolites are relegated to niche extreme environments, such as marine settings (e.g., Shark Bay, Australia) and alkaline lakes. Until recently, the only known modern analogue to the biologically diverse, open shallow marine settings where most Proterozoic stromatolites developed was the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas.

That is, until Vahrenkamp discovered living stromatolites on Sheybarah Island, on the northeastern shelf of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Vahrenkamp was studying tepee structures—salt crust domes that can be seen from space—when he happened upon the unassuming stromatolite field. The discovery was surprising, but luckily, Vahrenkamp is one of the few people to have previously seen stromatolites in the Bahamas.

“When I stepped on them, I knew what they were,” explains Vahrenkamp. “It is 2000 km of carbonate platform coastline, so in principle it is a desirable area to look for stromatolites . . . but then, it is the same in the Bahamas, and yet there is only one small area where you find them.”

Sheybarah Island is an intertidal-to-shallow subtidal setting, with regularly alternating wetting and drying conditions, extreme temperature swings between 8 °C and >48 °C, and oligotrophic conditions—much like the Bahamas. Since similar environmental conditions are widespread across the Al Wajh carbonate platform, there might be other stromatolite fields nearby. Vahrenkamp and his team have started this exploration work, but stromatolites are small, about 15 cm across, and thus are difficult to spot until one gets very close.

There are several hundred stromatolites in the Sheybarah Island field. Some are well-developed, perfect textbook examples. Others are more sheet-like, with a low relief. “Perhaps they could be juvenile,” hypothesizes Vahrenkamp, “but we don’t know what a baby stromatolite looks like. They must start small, but we don’t know.”

Part of the issue is that we don’t know how fast stromatolites grow. Dating them is very hard, because they contain two different carbonate components that are virtually impossible to separate: the newly microbe-precipitated one, which is of interest, and carbonate sand present in the environment, which is misleading. Currently, Vahrenkamp’s team monitors the field monthly to record any visual changes. Soon, there might be an attempt to transfer some Sheybarah Island stromatolites to an aquarium and grow them there—an exciting experimental prospect.

Vahrenkamp’s discovery affords us the opportunity to better understand the formation and growth of stromatolites. This will provide insights into early life and ocean evolution on Earth and may even assist us in the search for life on other planets such as Mars. What would life look like on Mars, and how would we recognize it? Looking at stromatolites, which were the first life forms on Earth, before our planet even had an oxygenated atmosphere, is a most promising avenue.

原始論文:Volker Vahrenkamp, Viswasanthi Chandra, Elisa Garuglieri, Ramona Marasco, Kai Hachmann, Pankaj Khanna, Daniele Daffonchio, Alexander Petrovic. Discovery of modern living intertidal stromatolites on Sheybarah Island, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Geology, 2024; 52 (5) DOI: 10.1130/G51793.1

引用自:The Geological Society of America. “New Vestiges of the First Life on Earth Discovered in Saudi Arabia.”

