2022年4月19日 星期二




這些一公分長,像是梳子一般分岔的平行排列細絲是由紅色的赤鐵礦組成,其中有些受到彎曲,或是具有微管和不同種類的赤鐵礦球體。它們是地球最古老的微體化石——活在海底熱泉附近的海床,以代謝鐵、硫、二氧化碳為生。採自加拿大魁北克的努夫亞吉圖克表岩帶。圖片來源:D. Papineau

在發表於《科學前緣》(Science Advances)的文章中,研究團隊分析了採自加拿大魁北克一塊拳頭大小的岩石,年代估計為37.5億年至42.8億年。在之前發表於《自然》(Nature)的文章,團隊在岩石裡發現了看似由細菌形成的微小細絲、扭結與微管。






主要作者Dominic Papineau博士(任職於UCL地球科學系、UCL倫敦奈米科技中心、UCL行星科學中心、中國地質大學)表示:「透過許多條不同的線索,我們的研究強力證明了在37.5億年前到42.8億年前,就已經有好幾種不同的細菌生存在地球上。」


研究人員在這項研究中探討的對象為Papineau博士2008年從魁北克的努夫亞吉圖克表岩帶(Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt ,NSB)採集的岩石。過往是一片海床的NSB含有地球上已知最古老的某些沉積岩。科學家認為它們形成於一座熱泉系統附近,在這種環境中,受到岩漿加熱而富含鐵的海水會從海床上的裂縫冒出。



研究團隊除了運用許多種光學顯微鏡和拉曼顯微鏡(用來測量光的散射)來分析樣品,他們也利用兩種高解析度的影像技術拍攝數千張圖片之後,再透過超級電腦來製作岩石薄片的數位版本。這兩種技術的第一種為微電腦斷層掃描(microtomography, micro-CT),其運用X光來觀察岩石裡的赤鐵礦。第二場則是聚焦離子束,它可以把岩石削成只有200奈米厚的薄片,再結合電子顯微鏡來拍攝每張薄片之間的影像。




岩石的層理因為這顆亮紅色的赤鐵礦燧石(一種富含鐵和矽的岩石)結核而彎曲,其中含有管狀與絲狀的微體化石。這種稱為碧玉的礦物與右上方的深綠色火山岩接觸,代表了海底熱泉在海床上沉澱下來的物質。攝自加拿大魁北克的努夫亞吉圖克表岩帶,以加拿大的25分硬幣為比例尺。圖片來源:D. Papineau





Diverse life forms may have evolved earlier than previously thought

Diverse microbial life existed on Earth at least 3.75 billion years ago, suggests a new study led by UCL researchers that challenges the conventional view of when life began.

For the study, published in Science Advances, the research team analysed a fist-sized rock from Quebec, Canada, estimated to be between 3.75 and 4.28 billion years old. In an earlier Nature paper*, the team found tiny filaments, knobs and tubes in the rock which appeared to have been made by bacteria. 

However, not all scientists agreed that these structures – dating about 300 million years earlier than what is more commonly accepted as the first sign of ancient life – were of biological origin. 

Now, after extensive further analysis of the rock, the team have discovered a much larger and more complex structure – a stem with parallel branches on one side that is nearly a centimetre long – as well as hundreds of distorted spheres, or ellipsoids, alongside the tubes and filaments. 

The researchers say that, while some of the structures could conceivably have been created through chance chemical reactions, the “tree-like” stem with parallel branches was most likely biological in origin, as no structure created via chemistry alone has been found like it.

The team also provide evidence of how the bacteria got their energy in different ways. They found mineralised chemical by-products in the rock that are consistent with ancient microbes living off iron, sulphur and possibly also carbon dioxide and light through a form of photosynthesis not involving oxygen.

These new findings, according to the researchers, suggest that a variety of microbial life may have existed on primordial Earth, potentially as little as 300 million years after the planet formed.

Lead author Dr Dominic Papineau (UCL Earth Sciences, UCL London Centre for Nanotechnology, Centre for Planetary Sciences and China University of Geosciences) said: “Using many different lines of evidence, our study strongly suggests a number of different types of bacteria existed on Earth between 3.75 and 4.28 billion years ago.” 

“This means life could have begun as little as 300 million years after Earth formed. In geological terms, this is quick – about one spin of the Sun around the galaxy.”

For the study, the researchers examined rocks from Quebec’s Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (NSB) that Dr Papineau collected in 2008. The NSB, once a chunk of seafloor, contains some of the oldest sedimentary rocks known on Earth, thought to have been laid down near a system of hydrothermal vents, where cracks on the seafloor let through iron-rich waters heated by magma.

The research team sliced the rock into sections about as thick as paper (100 microns) in order to closely observe the tiny fossil-like structures, which are made of haematite, a form of iron oxide or rust, and encased in quartz. These slices of rock, cut with a diamond-encrusted saw, were more than twice as thick as earlier sections the researchers had cut, allowing the team to see larger haematite structures in them.

They compared the structures and compositions to more recent fossils as well as to iron-oxidising bacteria located near hydrothermal vent systems today. They found modern-day equivalents to the twisting filaments, parallel branching structures and distorted spheres (irregular ellipsoids), for instance close to the Loihi undersea volcano near Hawaii, as well as other vent systems in the Arctic and Indian oceans.

As well as analysing the rock specimens under various optical and Raman microscopes (which measure the scattering of light), the research team also digitally recreated sections of the rock using a supercomputer that processed thousands of images from two high resolution imaging techniques. The first technique was micro-CT, or microtomography, which uses X-rays to look at the haematite inside the rocks. The second was focused ion beam, which shaves away miniscule - 200 nanometre-thick - slices of rock, with an integrated electron microscope taking an image in-between each slice. 

Both techniques produced stacks of images used to create 3D models of different targets. The 3D models then allowed the researchers to confirm the haematite filaments were wavy and twisted, and contained organic carbon, which are characteristics shared with modern-day iron-eating microbes.

In their analysis, the team concluded that the haematite structures could not have been created through the squeezing and heating of the rock (metamorphism) over billions of years, pointing out that the structures appeared to be better preserved in finer quartz (less affected by metamorphism) than in the coarser quartz (which has undergone more metamorphism).

The researchers also looked at the levels of rare earth elements in the fossil-laden rock, finding that they had the same levels as other ancient rock specimens. This confirmed that the seafloor deposits were as old as the surrounding volcanic rocks, and not younger imposter infiltrations as some have proposed.

Prior to this discovery, the oldest fossils previously reported were found in Western Australia and dated at 3.46 billion years old, although some scientists have also contested their status as fossils, arguing they are non-biological in origin.

The new study involved researchers from UCL Earth Sciences, UCL Chemical Engineering UCL London Centre for Nanotechnology, and the Centre for Planetary Sciences at UCL and Birkbeck College London, as well as from the U.S. Geological Survey, the Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada, the Carnegie Institution for Science, the University of Leeds, and the China University of Geoscience in Wuhan. 

The research received support from UCL, Carnegie of Canada, Carnegie Institution for Science, the China University of Geoscience in Wuhan, the National Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 111 project of China.


1.       Dominic Papineau, Zhenbing She, Matthew S. Dodd, Francesco Iacoviello, John F. Slack, Erik Hauri, Paul Shearing, Crispin T. S. Little. Metabolically diverse primordial microbial communities in Earth’s oldest seafloor-hydrothermal jasperScience Advances, 2022; 8 (15) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm2296

2.       Matthew S. Dodd, Dominic Papineau, Tor Grenne, John F. Slack, Martin Rittner, Franco Pirajno, Jonathan O’Neil, Crispin T. S. Little. Evidence for early life in Earth’s oldest hydrothermal vent precipitatesNature, 2017; 543 (7643): 60 DOI: 10.1038/nature21377

引用自:University College London. "Diverse life forms may have evolved earlier than previously thought." 

