By Michelle Klampe
ice sheet)曾經覆蓋了北美西部的大片地區,從阿拉斯加、華盛頓和蒙大拿西部都隸屬於它的範圍。分析海洋沉積物紀錄並運用放射性碳定年法,結果顯示過去42000年中這處冰蓋屢次會有大量冰塊流入海洋,接著開啟一連串的連鎖反應使得全球氣候受到擾動,引發深海環流變化並讓北大西洋的冰蓋後退。
ice sheet)快速流失,又稱作海因裏希事件(Heinrich
「這項研究的結果讓人相當意外。數據明明白白地指出先是太平洋的冰層出現變化,接著才發生海因裏希事件和其他一連串的變化。因此決定這一切如何進行的其實是太平洋才對。」Walczak 表示。「研究結果改變了我們思考這些事件彼此之間關聯的常用方式。」
Alan Mix是計畫主持人與這篇論文的共同作者,他說:「這些全新的見解是我們研究多年才得到的成果。我們一開始是在2004年繪製這片海床的地形並取回較短的沉積物岩芯,接著在2013年取得了更長的岩芯。16年來我們在實驗室對它們進行了極為詳盡的分析,過程中也培養了幾位博士生。」
Mix 說:「這不過是另外一個理由,告誡我們減少使用化石燃料,降低暖化速度才是明智的做法。」
Keith Fifield;最後還有中央密蘇里大學的Sarah
Ice discharge in the North Pacific set
off series of climate events during the last ice age
Repeated catastrophic ice discharges from
western North America into the North Pacific contributed to, and perhaps
triggered, hemispheric-scale changes in the Earth’s climate during the last ice
age, new research published online today in Science
The discovery provides new insight into the impact
rapidly melting ice flowing into the North Pacific may have on the climate
across the planet, said Maureen Walczak, a paleoclimatologist in Oregon State
University’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and the study’s
lead author.
“Understanding how the ocean has interacted with
glacial ice in the past helps us predict what could happen next,” Walczak said.
The Cordilleran ice sheet once covered large portions
of western North America from Alaska to Washington state and western Montana.
Radiocarbon dating and analyses of the marine sediment record revealed that
recurrent episodes of discharge from this ice sheet over the past 42,000 years
were early events in a chain reaction of disturbances to the global climate.
These disturbances triggered changes in deep ocean circulation and retreat of
ice sheets in the North Atlantic.
The findings challenge theories that those massive,
globally-reaching disturbances originated in the North Atlantic as rapid ice
loss from the Laurentide ice sheet, another massive ice sheet that covered much
of Canada and the northern United States, including the upper Midwest and
Northeast. The Laurentide ice loss events are known as Heinrich Events.
“The outcome of this research was unexpected. The
data irrevocably says that the Pacific ice goes first, with Heinrich Events and
other changes following in a rhythm. The Pacific Ocean sets the drum beat,”
Walczak said. “This is a paradigm shift in our thinking about how these events
are connected.”
To gain insight into the climate history of the North
Pacific, an international team of researchers collected and analyzed sediment
cores from the northern Gulf of Alaska that were recovered by drilling as part
of the International Ocean Discovery Program.
“Getting these new insights took years of work. We
first mapped the seafloor and recovered short sediment cores in 2004, drilled
longer cores in 2013 and had 16 years of painstaking laboratory work involving
several Ph.D. students,” said Alan Mix, the project’s principal investigator and
co-author of the paper.
“This was a
virtually unknown area when we started, and now it offers among the most detailed
and best-dated long records of ocean change on the planet during the ice age,”
said Mix, a distinguished professor in OSU’s College of Earth, Ocean, and
Atmospheric Sciences.
Researchers measured radioactive isotopes of carbon
using two particle accelerators to establish the chronology of events and also
added meticulous counts of small rocks dropped by icebergs known as ice-rafted
The research team traced the source of the ice-rafted
debris back to purges of massive ice streams emanating from the Cordilleran ice
sheet, which covered northern Washington, most of British Columbia and southern
Alaska from about 70,000 to 17,000 years ago.
Dirty icebergs broke off from surging ice streams and
drifted northward in ocean currents, carrying and eventually dropping their
load of sand, pebbles and gravel, leaving a record of rapid ice retreat buried
in the deep sea like sunken treasure.
The authors of the study named these Alaskan iceberg
dumps “Siku Events” after the Inuit word for ice. The big surprise, discovered
by combining the record of glacial debris with the radiocarbon chronology, was
that Siku Events immediately preceded Heinrich events, which are a similar type
of ice purge in the North Atlantic.
Scientists have been aware of Heinrich Events, from
similar evidence of ice-rafted debris in the North Atlantic, for more than 30
years but the trigger for those events has never been convincingly explained,
the researchers said.
It makes sense for the Pacific Ocean to be involved
in major planetary changes, Mix said. The Pacific Ocean is connected to the
rest of the world by large-scale atmospheric circulation and physically around
Antarctica, and during times of high sea level, through the Bering Strait and
the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic.
“The Pacific
Ocean is the largest exchangeable reservoir of heat and water and carbon
dioxide on Earth, simply because of its massive size,” he said. “It really is
the 800-pound gorilla in the zoo of climate beasts.”
Today the ice that remains along the coast of Alaska
is mostly retreating and may be gone within this century as the climate warms.
The melting ice will drain to the Pacific and the Arctic, contributing to sea
level rise and impacting the balance of buoyant fresh and dense salty water in
the ocean, much as it did in the past.
If the current ice melt follows patterns of the past,
and happens quickly, it could contribute to the retreat of distant glacial
systems in the North Atlantic and the Arctic.
“This is yet another reason that it is prudent to
slow down warming by reducing our fossil-fuel use,” Mix said.
“The new findings are likely to fuel increased
interest in the North Pacific, an area that has not been as well-studied as
other parts of the planet,” Walczak said.
One thing that remains unclear is why the discharges
from the Cordilleran ice sheet occurred. Researchers also would like to better
understand the relationship between the discharges of the Cordilleran and the
other climate events.
“Why did the other ice sheets respond to the retreat
of the Cordilleran? How fast do the dominoes fall in this sequence of events?”
Walczak asked. Those are among the questions the research team is continuing to
Additional coauthors of the study include Andreas
Schmittner, Joseph Stoner, Brian Haley; and June Padman, all of OSU’s College
of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Jianghui Du, who recently earned his
doctorate at Oregon State; Jay Alder of OSU and the U.S. Geological Survey;
Summer Praetorius, previously of OSU and now at the U.S. Geological Survey;
Ellen Cowan of Appalachian State University; Stewart Fallon and L. Keith
Fifield of Australian National University; and Sarah Zellers of University of Central
The research was supported by the National Science
Foundation, the Australian Research Council, the Australian-New Zealand IODP
Commission and the American Australian Association.
原始論文:Maureen H.
Walczak, Alan C. Mix, Ellen A. Cowan, Stewart Fallon, L. Keith Fifield, Jay R.
Alder, Jianghui Du, Brian Haley, Tim Hobern, June Padman, Summer K. Praetorius,
Andreas Schmittner, Joseph S. Stoner, Sarah D. Zellers. Phasing of
millennial-scale climate variability in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Science,
2020; eaba7096 DOI: 10.1126/science.aba7096
引用自:Oregon State University. "Ice discharge in
the North Pacific set off series of climate events during last ice age."