2018年12月6日 星期四


by Hayley Dunning
對於岩漿庫的傳統圖像需要重新思考。來源:Imperial College London
反之,這項研究提出火山的供應來源是所謂的「軟岩庫」(mush reservoirs)――此處大部分都還是固態的礦物晶體,但晶體之間的微小空間有岩漿存在。
包括規模最大的火山噴發在內,我們對岩漿作用的認知都建立於岩漿是儲存在充滿液體的「岩漿庫」(magma chamber)中,一座巨大、裝滿液態岩漿的地下洞窟。然而,從來沒有人真的觀察到岩漿庫。
主要作者,倫敦帝國學院地球科學與工程學系的Matthew Jackson教授表示:「現在我們需要重新檢視軟岩庫導致火山噴發的原因與方式。運用這些發現我們可以對火山爆發有更多理解,從而增進民眾的安全,同時也能讓我們瞭解跟火山系統有關的金屬礦藏如何產生。」


共同作者,布里斯托大學地球科學院的教授Stephen Sparks表示:「關於火山有個重大的謎題是人們認為火山底下有個充滿熔岩的巨大空間;然而,這種所謂的岩漿庫卻相當難以發現。」

Volcanoes fed by ‘mush’ reservoirs rather than molten magma chambers
Volcanoes are not fed by molten magma formed in large chambers finds a new study, overturning classic ideas about volcanic eruptions.
Instead, the study suggests that volcanoes are fed by so-called ‘mush reservoirs’ – areas of mostly solid crystals with magma in the small spaces between the crystals.
Our understanding of volcanic processes, including those leading to the largest eruptions, has been based on magma being stored in liquid-filled ‘magma’ chambers – large, underground caves full of liquid magma. However, these have never been observed.
The new study, by researchers at Imperial College London and the University of Bristol and published today in Nature, suggests the fundamental assumption of a magma chamber needs a re-think.
Lead author Professor Matthew Jackson, from the Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Imperial, said: “We now need to look again at how and why eruptions occur from mush reservoirs. We can apply our findings to understanding volcanic eruptions with implications for public safety and also to understand the formation of metal ore deposits associated with volcanic systems.”
Erupting from mush reservoirs
In order to erupt, volcanoes need a source of magma – melted, liquid rock – containing relatively few solid crystals. Traditionally, this magma was thought to be formed and stored in large underground magma chambers. 
Recent studies of magma chemistry have challenged this view, leading to the suggestion of the mush reservoir model, where smaller pools of magma sit in the small gaps between solid crystals. However, the mush reservoir model could not explain how magmas containing relatively few crystals arise and are delivered to volcanoes in order for them to erupt at the surface.
Now, with sophisticated modelling of mush reservoirs, the research team has come up with a solution. Within the mush reservoir scenario, the magma is less dense than the crystals, causing it to rise up through the spaces between them.
As it rises, the magma reacts with the crystals, melting them and leading to local areas containing magma with relatively few crystals. It is these short-lived areas of increased magma that can lead to eruptions.

A major mystery solved

Co-author Professor Stephen Sparks, from the University of Bristol’s School of Earth Sciences, said: “A major mystery about volcanoes is that they were thought to be underlain by large chambers of molten rock. Such magma chambers, however, were very difficult to find.
“The new idea developed by geologists at Imperial and Bristol is that molten rock forms within largely crystalline hot rocks, spending most of its time in little pores within the rock rather than in large magma chambers. However, the rock melt is slowly squeezed out to form pools of melt, which can then erupt or form ephemeral magma chambers.”
As well as the initiation of eruptions, the new mush reservoir model can help explain other phenomena in volcanic systems, such as how the magma chemical composition evolves and how much older crystals can be erupted within younger magmas.
原始論文:M. D. Jackson, J. Blundy, R. S. J. Sparks. Chemical differentiation, cold storage and remobilization of magma in the Earth’s crustNature, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0746-2
引用自:Imperial College London. "Volcanoes fed by 'mush' reservoirs rather than molten magma chambers." 

