By Steve Carr
Isotope Stage 5e, MIS-5e),科學家仍不確定這段時間海平面的變化幅度和過程。目前為止科學家的共識認為當時海平面可能比現在高了6到9公尺,這需要把格陵南和西南極冰蓋融化才能達到;同一時間海平面可能也發生了一或多次幅度達到數公尺的上下變動。
然而,美國新墨西哥大學和美國南佛羅里達大學的科學家及其他合作人員組成的國際研究團隊,卻無法肯定這精準地表達出海平面變動的情形。在他們今日發表於期刊《自然―地質科學》(Nature Geoscience)的新研究「地中海西部在末次間冰期期間對於海平面相對變化的高解析度紀錄」(A highly resolved record of
relative sea-level in the western Mediterranean Sea during the Last
Interglacial period)中,這群科學家呈現了相對海平面在MIS-5e期間的紀錄。這些有良好定年的紀錄位於地中海西部的馬略卡島(Mallorca),刻劃在洞穴灰華(speleothem)靠近海平面時形成的潛流增生(phreatic
到2 °C。」這項研究的第一作者和計畫共同主持人,新墨西哥大學地球和行星科學系的研究員Victor
到2 °C,同時海平面也比較高。有鑑於此,若我們想要知道現在的海平面隨著氣候暖化未來會出現什麼變化,則MIS-5e的海平面變化歷史會是相當重要的類比。」
P. Onac表示。「其他探討這段期間海平面的研究多數指出海平面的上升幅度為6到9公尺。我們想要更加了解海平面上升的規模、時間以及穩定度,因為預估海平面未來在全球溫度提升1.5至2℃的狀況下會如何變化時,這類資訊相當重要。」
overgrowths on speleothems, POS)。這種沉積物在自然情況下形成於半鹹水洞穴裡的水面附近,如果這些洞穴位在海岸附近,則水面就剛好等同於海平面。馬略卡島的半鹹水洞穴水文跟地中海相通,當洞穴水中的二氧化碳逸散時,就會形成洞穴灰華的潛流增生。
波士頓學院的助理教授Carling Hay運用九種不同的冰河均衡(glacial
Scientists find stable sea levels during last
Research vital to
understanding climate change
the following: The Earth’s climate swings between cold glacial and warm
interglacial periods; the last glacial interval was about 20,000 years ago; sea
level was about 126 meters (413 feet) below modern sea level at that time; and
the Holocene, which represents the last 12,000 years of climatic change, is an
interglacial period.
The last interglacial period about
127,000 to 116,000 years ago was the last time sea level was as high as or
even higher than present-day sea-level. Understanding sea level change
during the last interglacial period, a time when the earth was slightly warmer
the present, is an important research area for understanding future sea level
rise due to global warming.
The magnitude and trajectory of sea-level
change during the Last Interglacial, more specifically Marine Isotope Stage
(MIS) 5e, is uncertain. To date the consensus view has been that sea-level may
have been six to nine meters above present sea level, values that require
additional melting of Greenland and the West Antarctic ice sheet and that there
were one or more oscillations of up to several meters superimposed.
However, scientists at The University of
New Mexico (UNM) and the University of South Florida (USF) and their
international team of collaborators aren’t so sure that those sea level
fluctuations are accurate. According to new research published today in the
journal Nature Geoscience
titled, A highly
resolved record of relative sea-level in the western Mediterranean Sea during
the Last Interglacial period, these scientists present a
well-dated relative sea level record from the island of Mallorca in the western
Mediterranean Sea for MIS-5e based on the occurrence of phreatic overgrowths on
speleothems forming near sea level.
“Globally, the climate was warmer by 1 to
2 °C during the part of the Last Interglacial Period referred to as Marine
Isotope Stage 5e (MIS-5e) between 127,000 and 116,000 years ago,” said Victor
Polyak the first author and co-principal investigator and senior research scientist
in the UNM Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. “While this is a
well-studied period, we still do not know the exact behavior of sea level
during MIS-5e. What we know for certain is that sea level was higher when
climate was 1 to 2 °C warmer 120,000 years ago. For this reason, the
history of MIS-5e sea level is important as an analog for what will happen to
current sea level with warming climate into the future.”
Until now, the best sea level markers
were corals, because some species grow very close to sea level, and corals can
be dated with the uranium-thorium method. Important reconstructions of MIS-5e
sea level have been made from such coral studies. However, the scientific
problem with coral is no one can ever be certain of how deep corals grow below
sea level, and because they are made up of biogenic calcium carbonate, they are
subject to alteration that slightly affects the uranium-thorium age
measurements casting doubt regarding the accuracy of this method.
“The best studies of MIS-5e sea level
have suggested that sea level during this period was 6 to 9 meters above
present sea level, and that there were likely significant drops during the
MIS-5e sea level highstand,” said Polyak. “This is alarming because it suggests
that if we warm our climate by 1 to 2 °C, we might cause sea level to rise
6 to 9 meters (20 to 30 feet). This could happen quickly causing sea level to
be unstable.”
“The purpose of this research was to
precisely reconstruct the sea level position during the last warm period,
between 127,000 and 116,000 years ago, using some peculiar carbonate
encrustations precipitated in littoral caves along the coast of Mallorca,” says
co-author and USF School of Geosciences karst geologist Bogdan P. Onac.
“Most other known sea level studies for this period report elevations between 6
and 9 m – so we wanted to better understand the magnitude, timing, and
stability of sea level since such information is critical for future
projections of sea level change under a 1.5-2ºC global warming scenario.”
Polyak, Onac, along with UNM Professor
Yemane Asmerom, studied caves along the eastern coast of the Spanish island of
Mallorca in the western Mediterranean. They utilized unique cave formations
called phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) that form naturally at the
brackish cave water surface, which happens to be exactly equivalent with sea
level in those caves near the coast. Phreatic overgrowths on speleothems form
as carbon dioxide degasses from brackish cave water hydrologically connected to
the Mediterranean Sea.
“POS are well-preserved,” said Polyak,
“and given that they can be dated, they provide very accurate sea level
elevations for current and pre-existing sea levels. They consist of inorganic
calcium carbonate (calcite and aragonite) and are dateable by the
uranium-thorium method. Unlike corals, they are not prone to alteration, and
therefore the uranium-thorium dates are accurate. Another benefit of POS is
that they will continue to grow as long as sea level is stable at a
given elevation.”
Polyak and Asmerom dated 11 POS from
eight different caves that exhibited POS at ~2 meters above present sea level.
Forty-five uranium-thorium dates show that relative sea level remained
stable. “This is the most accurate, best-resolved sea level record for MIS-5e
of the last interglacial period,” said Polyak. “It provides
exceptionally accurate timing of the sea level history during the above
mentioned period and shows that it rose to 6 meters above present sea level
~127,000 years ago, it would have gradually fell to 2 meters by 122,000 years
ago, and would have stayed at that elevation for the remainder of the sea level
highstand to 116,000 years ago,” says Onac. “The results suggest that if
the pre-industrial temperature will be surpassed by 1.5 to 2°C, sea level
will respond and rise 2 to 6 meters (7 to 20 feet) above present sea level.”
Dr. Carling Hay, assistant professor at
Boston College University, corrected the relative sea level record for glacio
isostatic adjustment using nine different glacial isostatic models. Together,
these models suggest that ice-equivalent sea level in Mallorca peaked at the
start of MIS-5e then gradually decreased and stabilized by 122,000 years ago,
until the highstand termination 116,000 years ago.
“One of the biggest obvious unknowns
about the future is how much global real-estate we are going to lose to global
warming and how fast it could happen,” said Asmerom. “This is pretty awesome
science; it’s big stuff, global in scale. Beyond how high sea level is going to
rise, we are also acutely in need of knowing how fast it will rise.
“If you take the older data, in some
cases the suggestion that's how sea level rise by nine meters by mere warming
of two degrees would be catastrophic for our present configuration of cities
and in some cases island countries. This work clearly shows the most important
findings that sea level didn't just go up and down. You had small changes in
temperature and sea level stayed pretty stable.”
The research reported in this study is
the result of a collaborative NSF project in which USF is the lead
organization. Field activities (cave visits for collecting samples and
measuring their elevation), mineralogical, and crystallographical
investigations on the mineral samples were performed by Onac at USF.
“Although these are significant findings,
there are many aspects of sea level change that need further exploration,” said
Polyak. “As a result, the UNM and the University of South Florida team was
awarded a new National Science Foundation Grant to continue the work in the
Victor J. Polyak, Bogdan P.
Onac, Joan J. Fornós, Carling Hay, Yemane Asmerom, Jeffrey A. Dorale, Joaquín
Ginés, Paola Tuccimei, Angel Ginés. A highly resolved record of
relative sea level in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last
interglacial period. Nature Geoscience, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0222-5
University of New Mexico.
"Scientists find stable sea levels during last interglacial: Research
vital to understanding climate change."