2018年7月25日 星期三



「科學家數十年來皆認為大氣的成分會隨著時間而有很大的變化。」領導這項研究的麥基爾大學博士生Peter Crockford表示,「我們提出了十分明確的證據顯示14億年前的大氣確實和現在有很大的差異。」
這項研究對地球科學家所謂的「初級生產力」(primary production)提出了迄今年代最早的測量記錄。初級生產力是食物鏈最底層的生物,像是藻類、藍綠菌之類的生物利用二氧化碳製造有機物,同時排放氧氣至空氣當中的量有多少。
共同資深作者Boswell Wing表示:「研究顯示14億年前的初級生產力跟現今相比低落許多。」Wing在麥基爾大學時協助指導Crockford進行研究,現在則為科羅拉多大學波德分校的地質科學副教授,「這意味著全球生物圈的規模必定比今日更小,而且可能無法產生足夠的食物,也就是有機碳,來餵養大量肉眼可見的複雜生物。」
研究過程中,Crockford和耶魯大學、加州大學河濱分校、安大略省雷灣的湖首大學的研究人員合作,從蘇必略湖北邊的沉積岩層中取得了古代鹽類(硫酸鹽)的完整樣品。接著他把樣品帶到路易斯安那州立大學並和該大學的共同作者Huiming BaoJustin HaylesYongbo Peng密切合作來研究這些樣品。Yongbo Peng的實驗室是世上少數幾個具有專門的質譜儀技術,能夠偵測硫酸鹽中的稀有氧同位素。
這項成果也讓我們對地球歷史上一段漫長的時期――稱為「枯燥的十億年」(boring billion)有更新的見解,這段時期因為生物與環境沒有出現什麼顯著變化而得其名。
「長久以來研究指出初級生產力大約從20億年前至8億年的元古代中期都處於減弱的狀態,卻一直沒有人能提出硬數據(hard data,量化的客觀數據)來強力支持此說法。」研究共同作者,麥基爾大學地球與行星科學的副教授Galen Halverson如此強調,「這使得有其他的可能性可以解釋元古代中期的海洋,在有機碳的生成與沉積這方面如此一成不變的原因。」而Crockford的數據「提出了直接證據指出單調的碳循環是由初級生產力低落造成。」

Billion-year-old lake deposit yields clues to Earth’s ancient biosphere
Finding could help inform astronomers’ search for life outside our solar system
A sample of ancient oxygen, teased out of a 1.4 billion-year-old evaporative lake deposit in Ontario, provides fresh evidence of what the Earth’s atmosphere and biosphere were like during the interval leading up to the emergence of animal life.
The findings, published in the journal Nature, represent the oldest measurement of atmospheric oxygen isotopes by nearly a billion years. The results support previous research suggesting that oxygen levels in the air during this time in Earth history were a tiny fraction of what they are today due to a much less productive biosphere.
“It has been suggested for many decades now that the composition of the atmosphere has significantly varied through time,” says Peter Crockford, who led the study as a PhD student at McGill University. “We provide unambiguous evidence that it was indeed much different 1.4 billion years ago.”
The study provides the oldest gauge yet of what earth scientists refer to as “primary production,” in which micro-organisms at the base of the food chain – algae, cyanobacteria, and the like – produce organic matter from carbon dioxide and pour oxygen into the air.
 A smaller biosphere
“This study shows that primary production 1.4 billion years ago was much less than today,” says senior co-author Boswell Wing, who helped supervise Crockford’s work at McGill. “This means that the size of the global biosphere had to be smaller, and likely just didn’t yield enough food – organic carbon – to support a lot of complex macroscopic life,” says Wing, now an associate professor of geological sciences at University of Colorado at Boulder.
To come up with these findings, Crockford teamed up with colleagues from Yale University, University of California Riverside, and Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, who had collected pristine samples of ancient salts, known as sulfates, found in a sedimentary rock formation north of Lake Superior. Crockford shuttled the samples to Louisiana State University, where he worked closely with co-authors Huiming Bao, Justin Hayles, and Yongbo Peng, whose lab is one of a handful in the world using a specialized mass-spectrometry technique capable of probing such materials for rare oxygen isotopes within sulfates.
The work also sheds new light on a stretch of Earth’s history known as the “boring billion” because it yielded little apparent biological or environmental change.
“Subdued primary productivity during the mid-Proterozoic era – roughly 2 billion to 800 million years ago – has long been implied, but no hard data had been generated to lend strong support to this idea,” notes Galen Halverson, a co-author of the study and associate professor of earth and planetary sciences at McGill. “That left open the possibility that there was another explanation for why the middle Proterozoic ocean was so uninteresting, in terms of the production and deposit of organic carbon.” Crockford’s data “provide the direct evidence that this boring carbon cycle was due to low primary productivity.”
Exoplanet clues
The findings could also help inform astronomers’ search for life outside our own solar system.
“For most of Earth history our planet was populated with microbes, and projecting into the future they will likely be the stewards of the planet long after we are gone,” says Crockford, now a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science. “Understanding the environments they shape not only informs us of our own past and how we got here, but also provides clues to what we might find if we discover an inhabited exoplanet.”
原始論文:Peter W. Crockford, Justin A. Hayles, Huiming Bao, Noah J. Planavsky, Andrey Bekker, Philip W. Fralick, Galen P. Halverson, Thi Hao Bui, Yongbo Peng, Boswell A. Wing. Triple oxygen isotope evidence for limited mid-Proterozoic primary productivityNature, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0349-y
引用自:McGill University. "Billion-year-old lake deposit yields clues to Earth's ancient biosphere”

