2018年5月30日 星期三


由雪梨大學的副教授Jody Webster領導的國際研究顯示大堡礁具有從劇烈的環境變遷中復原的韌性,但它們對沉積物輸入量的增加和水質惡化也極為敏感。
由雪梨大學的副教授Jody Webster領導的這篇研究發表於今日的《自然地質科學》(Nature Geoscience),他們首度重建出過去30000年以來,大堡礁因應劇烈且迅速的環境變遷而隨之演化的歷程。
研究涵蓋的時間從「末次冰盛期」(Last Glacial Maximum)以前就開始了。末次冰盛期大約位於距今20000年前,當時的海平面比現在的還低了118公尺。
最後一次的珊瑚礁死亡事件發生在大約10000年前,不久之後,在距今9000年前左右現代的大堡礁開始形成。該次事件跟已知的任何一次海平面突然急遽上升,或者是冰消期出現的「冰融水脈衝」(meltwater pulse)都沒有關聯。反之,它看起來跟全球海平面上升伴隨而來的沉積物大量增加以及水質下降有所關聯。

Rise and fall of the Great Barrier Reef over 30,000 years
World’s largest reef system has suffered five death events
An international study led by University of Sydney's Associate Professor Jody Webster has shown the reef is resilient to major environmental changes but is highly sensitive to increased sediment input and poor water quality.
A landmark international study of the Great Barrier Reef has shown that in the past 30,000 years the world’s largest reef system has suffered five death events, largely driven by changes in sea level and associated environmental change.
Over millennia, the reef has adapted to sudden changes in environment by migrating across the sea floor as the oceans rose and fell.
The study published today in Nature Geoscience, led by University of Sydney’s Associate Professor Jody Webster, is the first of its kind to reconstruct the evolution of the reef over the past 30 millennia in response to major, abrupt environmental change.
The 10-year, multinational effort has shown the reef is more resilient to major environmental changes such as sea-level rise and sea-temperature change than previously thought but also showed a high sensitivity to increased sediment input and poor water quality.
Associate Professor Webster from the University’s School of Geosciences and Geocoastal Research Group said it remains an open question as to whether its resilience will be enough for it to survive the current worldwide decline of coral reefs.
“Our study shows the reef has been able to bounce back from past death events during the last glaciation and deglaciation,” he said. “However, we found it is also highly sensitive to increased sediment input, which is of concern given current land-use practices.”
The study used data from geomorphic, sedimentological, biological and dating information from fossil reef cores at 16 sites at Cairns and Mackay.
The study covers the period from before the “Last Glacial Maximum” about 20,000 years ago when sea levels were 118 metres below current levels.
History of death events
As sea levels dropped in the millennia before that time, there were two widespread death events (at about 30,000 years and 22,000 years ago) caused by exposure of the reef to air, known as subaerial exposure. During this period, the reef moved seaward to try to keep pace with the falling sea levels.
During the deglaciation period after the Last Glacial Maximum, there were a further two reef-death events at about 17,000 and 13,000 years ago caused by rapid sea level rise. These were accompanied by the reef moving landward, trying to keep pace with rising seas.
Analysis of the core samples and data on sediment flux show these reef-death events from sea-level rise were likely associated with high increases in sediment.
The final reef-death event about 10,000 years ago, from before the emergence of the modern reef about 9000 years ago, was not associated with any known abrupt sea-level rise or “meltwater pulse” during the deglaciation. Rather it appears to be associated with a massive sediment increase and reduced water quality alongside a general rise in sea level.
The authors propose that the reef has been able to re-establish itself over time due to continuity of reef habitats with corals and coralline-algae and the reef’s ability to migrate laterally at between 0.2 and 1.5 metres a year.
Future survival
However, Associate Professor Webster said it was unlikely that this rate would be enough to survive current rates of sea surface temperature rises, sharp declines in coral coverage, year-on-year coral bleaching or decreases in water quality and increased sediment flux since European settlement.
“I have grave concerns about the ability of the reef in its current form to survive the pace of change caused by the many current stresses and those projected into the near future,” he said.
Associate Professor Webster said previous studies have established a past sea surface temperature rise of a couple of degrees over a timescale of 10,000 years. However, current forecasts of sea surface temperature change are around 0.7 degrees in a century.
“Our study shows that as well as responding to sea-level changes, the reef has been particularly sensitive to sediment fluxes in the past and that means, in the current period, we need to understand how practices from primary industry are affecting sediment input and water quality on the reef,” he said.
原始論文:Jody M. Webster, Juan Carlos Braga, Marc Humblet, Donald C. Potts, Yasufumi Iryu, Yusuke Yokoyama, Kazuhiko Fujita, Raphael Bourillot, Tezer M. Esat, Stewart Fallon, William G. Thompson, Alexander L. Thomas, Hironobu Kan, Helen V. McGregor, Gustavo Hinestrosa, Stephen P. Obrochta, Bryan C. Lougheed. Response of the Great Barrier Reef to sea-level and environmental changes over the past 30,000 yearsNature Geoscience, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0127-3
引用自:University of Sydney. “Rise and fall of the Great Barrier Reef over 30,000 years.”

2018年5月28日 星期一


主要作者,奧勒岡大學的地質學家Ilya Bindeman表示,氧17與氧18和較為常見的氧16之間的比例出現的顯著變化,讓研究人員得以解讀這些岩石化學成分的變化歷史。
「在此研究中,我們著眼於35億年來風化作用的歷程。」Bindeman表示,「抬升出海面的陸地會改變地球的反照率(albedo )。地球最初從宇宙看起來是一顆有些許白雲繚繞的深藍色星球。新形成的陸地會增加地球反射陽光的能力。現在我們的陸地顏色較深是因為有大量的植被覆蓋。」

Land rising above the sea 2.4 billion years ago changed planet Earth
A University of Oregon-led study of chemical signatures in shales formed through weathering points to changes that transformed climate, geology and life on the planet
 Chemical signatures in shale, the Earth's most common sedimentary rock, point to a rapid rise of land above the ocean 2.4 billion years ago that possibly triggered dramatic changes in climate and life.
In a study published in the May 24 issue of the journal Nature, researchers report that shale sampled from around the world contains archival quality evidence of almost imperceptible traces of rainwater that caused weathering of land from as old as 3.5 billion years ago.
Notable changes in the ratios of oxygen 17 and 18 with more common oxygen 16, said lead author Ilya Bindeman, a geologist at the University of Oregon, allowed researchers to read the chemical history in the rocks.
In doing so, they established when newly surfaced crust was exposed to weathering by chemical and physical processes, and, more broadly, when the modern hydrologic process of moisture distillation during transport over large continents started.
The evidence is from analyses of three oxygen isotopes, particularly the rare but stable oxygen 17, in 278 shale samples drawn from outcrops and drill holes from every continent and spanning 3.7 billion years of Earth's history. The analyses were done in Bindeman's Stable Isotope Laboratory.
Based on his own previous modeling and other studies, Bindeman said, total landmass on the planet 2.4 billion years ago may have reached about two-thirds of what is observed today. However, the emergence of the new land happened abruptly, in parallel with large-scale changes in mantle dynamics.
Isotopic changes recorded in the shale samples at that time also coincides with the hypothesized timing of land collisions that formed Earth's first supercontinent, Kenorland, and high-mountain ranges and plateaus.
"Crust needs to be thick to stick out of water," Bindeman said. "The thickness depends on its amount and also on thermal regulation and the viscosity of the mantle. When the Earth was hot and the mantle was soft, large, tall mountains could not be supported. Our data indicate that this changed exponentially 2.4 billion years ago. The cooler mantle was able to support large swaths of land above sea level."
Temperatures on the surface when the new land emerged from the sea would have likely been hotter than today by several tens of degrees, he said.
The study found a stepwise change in triple-isotopes of oxygen around that time frame. That, the scientists said, resolves previous arguments for a gradual or stepwise emergence of land between 1.1 and 3.5 billion years ago. At 2.4 billion years ago, Bindeman said, the newly emerged land began to consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere amid chemical weathering.
The timing also coincides with the transition from the Archean Eon, when simple prokaryotic life forms, archaea and bacteria, thrived in water, to the Proterozoic Eon, when eukaryotes, such as algae, plants and fungi, emerged.
"In this study, we looked at how weathering proceeded over 3.5 billion years," Bindeman said. "Land rising from water changes the albedo of the planet. Initially, Earth would have been dark blue with some white clouds when viewed from space. Early continents added to reflection. Today we have dark continents because of lots of vegetation."
Exposure of the new land to weathering, he said, may have set off a sink of greenhouse gases such carbon dioxide, disrupting the radiative balance of the Earth that generated a series of glacial episodes between 2.4 billion and 2.2 billion years ago. That, he said, may have spawned the Great Oxygenation Event in which atmospheric changes brought significant amounts of free oxygen into the air. Rocks were oxidized and became red. Archean rocks are gray.
In the absence of much land, he said, photons from the sun interacted with water and heated it. A bright surface, provided by emerging land, would reflect sunlight back into space, creating additional torque on radiative-greenhouse balance and a change in climate.
"What we speculate is that once large continents emerged, light would be reflected back into space and initiate runaway glaciation," Bindeman said. "Earth would have seen its first snowfall."
Shales are formed by the weathering of crust.
"They tell you a lot about the exposure to air and light and precipitation," Bindeman said. "The process of forming shale captures organic products and eventually helps to generate oil. Shales provide us with a continuous record of weathering."
原始論文:I. N. Bindeman, D. O. Zakharov, J. Palandri, N. D. Greber, N. Dauphas, G. J. Retallack, A. Hofmann, J. S. Lackey, A. Bekker. Rapid emergence of subaerial landmasses and onset of a modern hydrologic cycle 2.5 billion years ago. Nature, 2018; 557 (7706): 545 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0131-1
引用自:University of Oregon. "Land rising above the sea 2.4 billion years ago changed planet Earth: A study of chemical signatures in shales formed through weathering points to changes that transformed climate, geology and life on the planet." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 May 2018.

2018年5月25日 星期五


「這具幾近完整的顱骨化石是個令人難以置信的發現,據此我們辨識出一種新的原始哺乳類近親,牠們在世界各地皆有分布。」這項研究的主要作者Adam Huttenlocker表示,他是南加州大學凱克醫學院的臨床綜合解剖科學助理教授。
本研究的資深作者,芝加哥大學的古生物學家Zhe-Xi Luo表示,此研究顯示了這些早期哺乳類的前身先從亞洲遷徙到歐洲,然後再進入北美洲,最後前往南半球的主要陸塊。
Huttenlocker和猶他州地質調查具與芝加哥大學的同事將此新物種命名為Cifelliodon wahkarmoosuch
這具化石在猶他州東部的白堊紀岩層發現,屬名的由來是紀念知名古生物學家Richard Cifelli;種名「wahkarmoosuch」在生活於發現區域的猶特族語言中的意思是「黃貓」。
「在西部內陸富含大量化石的地區中可以找到超過150種的哺乳類和類似爬蟲類的哺乳類前身,但牠們發現時大都只有幾顆牙齒或是僅有顎骨,因此Cifelliodon的頭骨確實是極其罕有的發現。」主要負責挖掘過程的研究共同作者,猶他州立大學的古生物學家James Kirkland表示。
Huttenlocker和他的同事將Cifelliodon 分類在小賊獸目(Haramiyida)之下,這支已經滅絕的哺乳類祖先和真正的哺乳類之間有親緣關係。這具化石為其所屬的亞群Hahnodontidae第一次在北美發現的種類。
侏儸紀和白堊紀的小賊獸目化石大都發現在歐洲、格陵蘭和亞洲的三疊紀和侏儸紀岩層中(原文就是這樣)。先前已知的Hahnodontidae化石只出現在非洲北部的白堊紀岩層中。Huttenlocker主張Cifelliodon 屬於Hahnodontidae這件事提供了證據顯示當時依然存在可以讓動物遷徙的路徑,使牠們分布至現在分散於南北半球的陸塊。

Utah fossil reveals global exodus of mammals' near relatives to major continents
A small fossil is evidence that Earth's ancient supercontinent, Pangea, separated some 15 million years later than previously believed
A nearly 130-million-year-old fossilized skull found in Utah is an Earth-shattering discovery in one respect.
The small fossil is evidence that the super-continental split likely occurred more recently than scientists previously thought and that a group of reptile-like mammals that bridge the reptile and mammal transition experienced an unsuspected burst of evolution across several continents.
"Based on the unlikely discovery of this near-complete fossil cranium, we now recognize a new, cosmopolitan group of early mammal relatives," said Adam Huttenlocker, lead author of the study and assistant professor of clinical integrative anatomical sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.
The study, published in the journal Nature on May 16, updates the understanding of how mammals evolved and dispersed across major continents during the age of dinosaurs. It suggests that the divide of the ancient landmass Pangea continued for about 15 million years later than previously thought and that mammal migration and that of their close relatives continued during the Early Cretaceous (145 to 101 million years ago).
"For a long time, we thought early mammals from the Cretaceous (145 to 66 million years ago) were anatomically similar and not ecologically diverse," Huttenlocker said. "This finding by our team and others reinforce that, even before the rise of modern mammals, ancient relatives of mammals were exploring specialty niches: insectivores, herbivores, carnivores, swimmers, gliders. Basically, they were occupying a variety of niches that we see them occupy today."
The study reveals that the early mammal precursors migrated from Asia to Europe, into North America and further onto major Southern continents, said Zhe-Xi Luo, senior author of the study and a paleontologist at the University of Chicago.
Fossil find: a new species
Huttenlocker and his collaborators at the Utah Geological Survey and The University of Chicago named the new species Cifelliodon wahkarmoosuch.
Found in the Cretaceous beds in eastern Utah, the fossil is named in honor of famed paleontologist Richard Cifelli. The species name, "wahkarmoosuch" means "yellow cat" in the Ute tribe's language in respect of the area where it was found.
Scientists used high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scanners to analyze the skull.
"The skull of Cifelliodon is an extremely rare find in a vast fossil-bearing region of the Western Interior, where the more than 150 species of mammals and reptile-like mammal precursors are represented mostly by isolated teeth and jaws," said James Kirkland, study co-author in charge of the excavation and a Utah State paleontologist.
With an estimated body weight of up to 2.5 pounds, Cifelliodon would seem small compared to many living mammals, but it was a giant among its Cretaceous contemporaries. A full-grown Cifelliodon was probably about the size of a small hare or pika (small mammal with rounded ears, short limbs and a very small tail).
It had teeth similar to fruit-eating bats and could nip, shear and crush. It might have incorporated plants into its diet.
The newly named species had a relatively small brain and giant "olfactory bulbs" to process sense of smell. The skull had tiny eye sockets, so the animal probably did not have good eyesight or color vision. It possibly was nocturnal and depended on sense of smell to root out food, Huttenlocker said.
Supercontinent existed longer than previously thought
Huttenlocker and his colleagues placed Cifelliodon within a group called Haramiyida, an extinct branch of mammal ancestors related to true mammals. The fossil was the first of its particular subgroup -- Hahnodontidae -- found in North America.
The fossil discovery emphasizes that haramiyidans and some other vertebrate groups existed globally during the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition, meaning the corridors for migration via Pangean landmasses remained intact into the Early Cretaceous.
Most of the Jurassic and Cretaceous fossils of haramiyidans are from the Triassic and Jurassic of Europe, Greenland and Asia. Hahnodontidae was previously known only from the Cretaceous of Northern Africa. It is to this group that Huttenlocker argues Cifelliodon belongs, providing evidence of migration routes between the continents that are now separated in northern and southern hemispheres.
"But it's not just this group of haramiyidans," Huttenlocker said. "The connection we discovered mirrors others recognized as recently as this year based on similar Cretaceous dinosaur fossils found in Africa and Europe."
原始論文:Adam K. Huttenlocker, David M. Grossnickle, James I. Kirkland, Julia A. Schultz, Zhe-Xi Luo. Late-surviving stem mammal links the lowermost Cretaceous of North America and GondwanaNature, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0126-y
引用自:University of Southern California. "Utah fossil reveals global exodus of mammals' near relatives to major continents: A small fossil is evidence that Earth's ancient supercontinent, Pangea, separated some 15 million years later than previously believed." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 May 2018.