By Jennifer-Anne Pascoe
Graham Pearson表示:「從來沒人有辦法可以讓此物質在地表維持穩定狀態。」他是加拿大阿爾伯塔大學地球和海洋大氣科學系的教授,同時也是加拿大卓越研究講座教授的得主。他解釋這種礦物發現於地函內部深達700公里的地方。
Perovskite in Diamond Indicates the Recycling of Oceanic Crust Into the Lower
Diamond discovery proves
Earth’s oceanic crust gets recycled
usually found at depths of 700 km found ensconced within diamond near Earth’s
surface for the first time.
For the first time,
scientists have found Earth’s fourth most abundant mineral—calcium silicate
perovskite—at Earth’s surface.
“Nobody has ever managed to
keep this mineral stable at the Earth’s surface,” said Graham Pearson, a
professor in the University of Alberta’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences and Canada Excellence Research Chair Laureate. He explained the
mineral is found deep inside Earth’s mantle, at 700 kilometres.
“The only possible way of
preserving this mineral at the Earth’s surface is when it’s trapped in an
unyielding container like a diamond,” he explained. “Based on our findings,
there could be as much as zettatonnes (1021) of this perovskite in
deep Earth.”
Pearson, working with
a team of colleagues from the universities of Padua and Pavia, the University
of British Columbia and universities in the U.K. and South Africa, found
the calcium silicate perovskite within a diamond mined from less than one
kilometre beneath the Earth’s crust, at South Africa’s famous Cullinan
Mine, best known as the source of two of the largest diamonds in the British
Crown Jewels. Pearson explained that the diamonds from the mine are not only
among the most commercially valuable in the world, but are also the most
scientifically valuable, providing insight into the deepest parts of Earth’s
He said the particular
diamond in question would have sustained more than 24 billion pascals of
pressure, equivalent to 240,000 atmospheres. The diamond originated roughly 700
kilometres below Earth’s surface, whereas most diamonds are formed at depths of
150 to 200 kilometres.
“Diamonds are really unique
ways of seeing what’s in the Earth,” said Pearson. “And the specific
composition of the perovskite inclusion in this particular diamond very clearly
indicates the recycling of oceanic crust into Earth’s lower mantle. It provides
fundamental proof of what happens to the fate of oceanic plates as they descend
into the depths of the Earth.”
He said the discovery once
again highlights the uniqueness of diamonds being able to preserve things we
otherwise would never be able to see.
“And it’s a nice
illustration of how science works. That you build on theoretical predictions—in
this case, from seismology—and that once in a while you’re able to make a
clinching observation that really proves that the theory works,” said Pearson.
One of the best-known
diamond researchers in the world, Pearson was also behind the major 2014
discovery of ringwoodite—Earth’s fifth most abundant mineral—in a diamond that
pointed to a vast reservoir of water bound to silicate rocks in Earth’s mantle.
Pearson worked with an
international team of researchers, including one of the best X-ray
crystallographers in the world, Fabrizio Nestola from Padova, Italy,
as well as scientists from the Deep Carbon Observatory in Washington, D.C.
Pearson also teamed up with colleagues from the University of British Columbia
who together lead a program—the Diamond
Exploration Research and Training School, part
of NSERC’s Collaborative Research and Training Experience—to train the next generation of highly qualified diamond
The study, “CaSiO3
Perovskite in Diamond Indicates the Recycling of Oceanic Crust Into the Lower
Mantle,” will be published in the March 8 issue
of Nature.
Nestola, N. Korolev, M. Kopylova, N. Rotiroti, D. G. Pearson, M. G. Pamato, M.
Alvaro, L. Peruzzo, J. J. Gurney, A. E. Moore, J. Davidson. CaSiO3 perovskite in diamond
indicates the recycling of oceanic crust into the lower mantle. Nature, 2018; 555 (7695): 237 DOI: 10.1038/nature25972
引用自:University of Alberta.
"Diamond discovery under pressure: Super-deep diamond provides first
evidence in nature of Earth's fourth most abundant mineral, indicating the very
deep recycling of oceanic crust."