2017年12月20日 星期三


未參與這項新研究工作的澳洲伯斯科廷大學的地質生物學家Birger Rasmussen表示,研究成果暗示這群原始微生物擁有令人驚訝的複雜程度,它們能夠進行光合作用並利用其他化學作用來獲取能量。同樣沒有參與這項成果的美國堪薩斯大學勞倫斯市校區的地質生物學家Alison Olcott Marshall也表示:「這項研究或許會引發一股風潮,刺激其他研究人員對這些岩石進行更新的研究以找出數據來支持或者反對這項論點。」
美國加州大學洛杉磯分校的William Schopf是發現這些澳洲微體化石的古生物學家。在此新研究中,他和美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的地質學家John Valley組成了研究團隊。Valley的專長是運用二次離子質譜儀(SIMS)這種分析技術來測定樣品中不同形式的碳之間的比例,藉此他們可以判定樣品是否為有機物。
新的證據支持這些曲線代表了原始生命。Credit: J. William Schopf, UCLA
SchopfValle和其他研究人員在今日發表於《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的文章中表示他們對這些材料的分析結果得到了幾種不同的碳同位素比例。其中兩種微體化石的碳同位素比例跟一種現存的細菌一樣,它可以利用陽光來合成進行活動所需的碳化合物――這種原始光合作用並不需要氧氣。另為兩種微體化石的碳同位素比例則跟一種古菌相同,其仰賴甲烷做為它的能量來源――並且在多細胞生物的形成過程中具有重要地位。最後一種微體化石的碳同位素類型則指出這種生物的的代謝過程中會產生甲烷。
Rasmussen同意「新成果更加鞏固了這些細微構造為生物來源的說法」,但他也擔心這些微體化石的保存情況可能相當差勁。Olcott Marshall完全不認為這些岩石中的痕跡是化石,而是一種地質作用的產物。她的評論更加尖銳:「這種分析技術造成的誤差相當大。」因此她認為這些數據並沒有辦法確切證明岩石中含有不同類型的微生物。
但是SIMS的專家則相當讚賞這項成果。「這是個十分縝密且設計良好的實驗。」未參與此研究的美國華盛頓大學西雅圖分校的化學家Lara Gamble表示,「他們相當努力確保所有的數據都有經過嚴格校正。」

Life may have originated on Earth 4 billion years ago, study of controversial fossils suggests
In 1992, researchers discovered evidence of what was then potentially the earliest life on Earth: 3.5-billion-year-old microscopic squiggles encased in Australian rocks. Since then, however, scientists have debated whether these imprints truly represent ancient microorganisms, and even if they do, whether they’re really that old. Now, a comprehensive analysis of these microfossils suggests that these formations do indeed represent ancient microbes, ones potentially so complex that life on our planet must have originated some 500 million years earlier.
The new work indicates these early microorganisms were surprisingly sophisticated, capable of photosynthesis and of using other chemical processes to get energy, says Birger Rasmussen, a geobiologist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, who was not involved with the work. The study “will probably touch off a flurry of new research into these rocks as other researchers look for data that either support or disprove this new assertion,” adds Alison Olcott Marshall, a geobiologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence who was not involved in the effort.
In the new study, William Schopf, a paleobiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles—and the discoverer of the Australian microfossils—teamed up with John Valley, a geoscientist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Valley is an expert in an analytical technique called secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), which can determine the ratio of different forms of carbon in a sample—key to gauging whether it’s organic.
Schopf spent 4 months working with microscopes to find a thin slice of the rock that contains the fossils with specimens accessible enough to study with SIMS; that sample contained 11 microfossils whose diversity of shapes and sizes suggested they represented five species of microbes. He also provided samples of rock containing no putative fossils for comparison.

New evidence supports that these “squiggles” represent early life. Credit: J. William Schopf, UCLA
The analysis detected several distinct carbon ratios in the material, Schopf, Valley, and colleagues report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Two types of microfossils had the same carbon ratio as modern bacteria that use light to make carbon compounds that fuel their activities—a primitive photosynthesis that did not involve oxygen. Two other types of microfossils had the same carbon ratios as microbes known as archaea that depend on methane as their energy source—and that played a pivotal role in the development of multicellular life. The ratio of a final type of microfossil indicated that this organism produced methane as part of its metabolism.
That there are so many different carbon ratios strengthens the case that these are real fossils, Schopf says. Any inorganic processes that could have created the squiggles would be expected to leave a uniform carbon ratio signature, he says. The fact that microbes were already so diverse at this point in Earth’s history also suggests that life on our planet may date back to 4 billion years ago, he says. Other researchers have found signs of life dating back at least that far, but those findings are even more controversial than Schopf’s.
“The new results add weight to the idea that the microstructures are biological,” Rasmussen agrees. But he is concerned that the microfossils may have been badly preserved. Olcott Marshall, who thinks the rock impressions are not fossils at all, but the product of geological processes, is even more critical: “The errors produced by this analytical technique are so large” that the data are not clear enough to say there are different types of microbes in rock, she says.
But SIMS experts praise the work. “It was a really careful, well thought out experiment,” says Lara Gamble, a chemist at the University of Washington in Seattle who was not involved in the study. “They put in a lot of effort to try to make sure everything was calibrated properly.”
Rasmussen hopes there will follow-up work that analyzes more microfossils. “It’s worth getting this right, given that we are looking at some of the oldest possible traces of life,” he says. “Honing our skills at recognizing ancient biosignatures on Earth is important as we cast our eyes to Mars and beyond.”
原始論文:J. William Schopf, Kouki Kitajima, Michael J. Spicuzza, Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev, John W. Valley. SIMS analyses of the oldest known assemblage of microfossils document their taxon-correlated carbon isotope compositionsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017; 201718063 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718063115

引用自:Elizabeth Pennisi. Life may have originated on Earth 4 billion years ago, study of controversial fossils suggests. Science, 2017; 358(6370). doi:10.1126/science.aar7944

