2017年12月27日 星期三


由牛津大學地球科學系的NERC(自然環境研究委員會)研究員Jon Wade博士領導的團隊確信這道難題的解答就藏在火星的礦物裡面。他們運用平常分析地球岩石組成的模擬方法,來計算火星表面的水分有多少可以透過岩石跟水之間的反應而流失。團隊評估了岩石溫度、地底壓力和火星整體組成對行星表面會有什麼樣的影響。
Wade博士論文中的主旨――行星的組成基本上決定了其未來的適居性――呼應了另一篇同樣發表在《自然》探討地球鹽度的新研究。由牛津大學地球科學系的教授Chris Ballentine共同著作的研究中,顯示要讓生命形成並繼續生存下去,地球的鹵素(氯、溴、碘)濃度必須要恰到好處才行,太高或者太低都會讓地球變成不毛之地。過往研究對隕石鹵素濃度的估算得出相當高的數值。相較於組成地球的隕石樣品,它們的含鹽比例對地球來說實在是太高了。

Mars: Not as dry as it seems
Two new Oxford University papers have shed light on why there is no life on Mars.
When searching for life, scientists first look for an element key to sustaining it: fresh water.
Although today’s Martian surface is barren, frozen and inhabitable, a trail of evidence points to a once warmer, wetter planet, where water flowed freely. The conundrum of what happened to this water is long standing and unsolved. However, new research published in Nature suggests that this water is now locked in the Martian rocks.
Scientists at Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, propose that the Martian surface reacted with the water and then absorbed it, increasing the rocks oxidation in the process, making the planet uninhabitable.
Previous research has suggested that the majority of the water was lost to space as a result of the collapse of the planet’s magnetic field, when it was either swept away by high intensity solar winds or locked up as sub-surface ice. However, these theories do not explain where all of the water has gone.
Convinced that the planet’s minerology held the answer to this puzzling question, a team led by Dr Jon Wade, NERC Research Fellow in Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, applied modelling methods used to understand the composition of Earth rocks to calculate how much water could be removed from the Martian surface through reactions with rock. The team assessed the role that rock temperature, sub-surface pressure and general Martian make-up, have on the planetary surfaces.
The results revealed that the basalt rocks on Mars can hold approximately 25 per cent more water than those on Earth, and as a result drew the water from the Martian surface into its interior.
Dr Wade said: ‘People have thought about this question for a long time, but never tested the theory of the water being absorbed as a result of simple rock reactions. There are pockets of evidence that together, leads us to believe that a different reaction is needed to oxidise the Martian mantle. For instance, Martian meteorites are chemically reduced compared to the surface rocks, and compositionally look very different. One reason for this, and why Mars lost all of its water, could be in its minerology.
‘The Earth’s current system of plate tectonics prevents drastic changes in surface water levels, with wet rocks efficiently dehydrating before they enter the Earth’s relatively dry mantle. But neither early Earth nor Mars had this system of recycling water. On Mars, (water reacting with the freshly erupted lavas’ that form its basaltic crust, resulted in a sponge-like effect. The planet’s water then reacted with the rocks to form a variety of water bearing minerals. This water-rock reaction changed the rock mineralogy and caused the planetary surface to dry and become inhospitable to life.’
As to the question of why Earth has never experienced these changes, he said: ‘Mars is much smaller than Earth, with a different temperature profile and higher iron content of its silicate mantle. These are only subtle distinctions but they cause significant effects that, over time, add up. They made the surface of Mars more prone to reaction with surface water and able to form minerals that contain water. Because of these factors the planet’s geological chemistry naturally drags water down into the mantle, whereas on early Earth hydrated rocks tended to float until they dehydrate.’
The overarching message of Dr Wade’s paper, that planetary composition sets the tone for future habitability, is echoed in new research also published in Nature, examining the Earth’s salt levels. Co-written by Professor Chris Ballentine of Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, the research reveals that for life to form and be sustainable, the Earth’s halogen levels (Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine) have to be just right. Too much or too little could cause sterilisation. Previous studies have suggested that halogen level estimates in meteorites were too high. Compared to samples of the meteorites that formed the Earth, the ratio of salt to Earth is just too high.
Many theories have been put forward to explain the mystery of how this variation occurred, however, the two studies combined elevate the evidence and support a case for further investigation. Dr Wade said ‘Broadly speaking the inner planets in the solar system have similar composition, but subtle differences can cause dramatic differences – for example, rock chemistry. The biggest difference being, that Mars has more iron in its mantle rocks, as the planet formed under marginally more oxidising conditions.’
We know that Mars once had water, and the potential to sustain life, but by comparison little is known about the other planets, and the team are keen to change that.
Dr Wade said: ‘To build on this work we want to test the effects of other sensitivities across the planets – very little is known about Venus for example. Questions like; what if the Earth had more or less iron in the mantle, how would that change the environment? What if the Earth was bigger or smaller? These answers will help us to understand how much of a role rock chemistry determines a planet’s future fate.
When looking for life on other planets it is not just about having the right bulk chemistry, but also very subtle things like the way the planet is put together, which may have big effects on whether water stays on the surface. These effects and their implications for other planets have not really been explored.’
原始論文:(1) Jon Wade, Brendan Dyck, Richard M. Palin, James D. P. Moore, Andrew J. Smye. The divergent fates of primitive hydrospheric water on Earth and Mars. Nature, 2017; 552 (7685): 391 DOI: 10.1038/nature25031
(2) Patricia L. Clay, Ray Burgess, Henner Busemann, Lorraine Ruzié-Hamilton, Bastian Joachim, James M. D. Day, Christopher J. Ballentine. Halogens in chondritic meteorites and terrestrial accretion. Nature, 2017; 551 (7682): 614 DOI: 10.1038/nature24625

引用自:University of Oxford. "Mars: Not as dry as it seems: Water on Mars absorbed like a sponge, new research suggests."

2017年12月20日 星期三


未參與這項新研究工作的澳洲伯斯科廷大學的地質生物學家Birger Rasmussen表示,研究成果暗示這群原始微生物擁有令人驚訝的複雜程度,它們能夠進行光合作用並利用其他化學作用來獲取能量。同樣沒有參與這項成果的美國堪薩斯大學勞倫斯市校區的地質生物學家Alison Olcott Marshall也表示:「這項研究或許會引發一股風潮,刺激其他研究人員對這些岩石進行更新的研究以找出數據來支持或者反對這項論點。」
美國加州大學洛杉磯分校的William Schopf是發現這些澳洲微體化石的古生物學家。在此新研究中,他和美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的地質學家John Valley組成了研究團隊。Valley的專長是運用二次離子質譜儀(SIMS)這種分析技術來測定樣品中不同形式的碳之間的比例,藉此他們可以判定樣品是否為有機物。
新的證據支持這些曲線代表了原始生命。Credit: J. William Schopf, UCLA
SchopfValle和其他研究人員在今日發表於《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的文章中表示他們對這些材料的分析結果得到了幾種不同的碳同位素比例。其中兩種微體化石的碳同位素比例跟一種現存的細菌一樣,它可以利用陽光來合成進行活動所需的碳化合物――這種原始光合作用並不需要氧氣。另為兩種微體化石的碳同位素比例則跟一種古菌相同,其仰賴甲烷做為它的能量來源――並且在多細胞生物的形成過程中具有重要地位。最後一種微體化石的碳同位素類型則指出這種生物的的代謝過程中會產生甲烷。
Rasmussen同意「新成果更加鞏固了這些細微構造為生物來源的說法」,但他也擔心這些微體化石的保存情況可能相當差勁。Olcott Marshall完全不認為這些岩石中的痕跡是化石,而是一種地質作用的產物。她的評論更加尖銳:「這種分析技術造成的誤差相當大。」因此她認為這些數據並沒有辦法確切證明岩石中含有不同類型的微生物。
但是SIMS的專家則相當讚賞這項成果。「這是個十分縝密且設計良好的實驗。」未參與此研究的美國華盛頓大學西雅圖分校的化學家Lara Gamble表示,「他們相當努力確保所有的數據都有經過嚴格校正。」

Life may have originated on Earth 4 billion years ago, study of controversial fossils suggests
In 1992, researchers discovered evidence of what was then potentially the earliest life on Earth: 3.5-billion-year-old microscopic squiggles encased in Australian rocks. Since then, however, scientists have debated whether these imprints truly represent ancient microorganisms, and even if they do, whether they’re really that old. Now, a comprehensive analysis of these microfossils suggests that these formations do indeed represent ancient microbes, ones potentially so complex that life on our planet must have originated some 500 million years earlier.
The new work indicates these early microorganisms were surprisingly sophisticated, capable of photosynthesis and of using other chemical processes to get energy, says Birger Rasmussen, a geobiologist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, who was not involved with the work. The study “will probably touch off a flurry of new research into these rocks as other researchers look for data that either support or disprove this new assertion,” adds Alison Olcott Marshall, a geobiologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence who was not involved in the effort.
In the new study, William Schopf, a paleobiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles—and the discoverer of the Australian microfossils—teamed up with John Valley, a geoscientist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Valley is an expert in an analytical technique called secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), which can determine the ratio of different forms of carbon in a sample—key to gauging whether it’s organic.
Schopf spent 4 months working with microscopes to find a thin slice of the rock that contains the fossils with specimens accessible enough to study with SIMS; that sample contained 11 microfossils whose diversity of shapes and sizes suggested they represented five species of microbes. He also provided samples of rock containing no putative fossils for comparison.

New evidence supports that these “squiggles” represent early life. Credit: J. William Schopf, UCLA
The analysis detected several distinct carbon ratios in the material, Schopf, Valley, and colleagues report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Two types of microfossils had the same carbon ratio as modern bacteria that use light to make carbon compounds that fuel their activities—a primitive photosynthesis that did not involve oxygen. Two other types of microfossils had the same carbon ratios as microbes known as archaea that depend on methane as their energy source—and that played a pivotal role in the development of multicellular life. The ratio of a final type of microfossil indicated that this organism produced methane as part of its metabolism.
That there are so many different carbon ratios strengthens the case that these are real fossils, Schopf says. Any inorganic processes that could have created the squiggles would be expected to leave a uniform carbon ratio signature, he says. The fact that microbes were already so diverse at this point in Earth’s history also suggests that life on our planet may date back to 4 billion years ago, he says. Other researchers have found signs of life dating back at least that far, but those findings are even more controversial than Schopf’s.
“The new results add weight to the idea that the microstructures are biological,” Rasmussen agrees. But he is concerned that the microfossils may have been badly preserved. Olcott Marshall, who thinks the rock impressions are not fossils at all, but the product of geological processes, is even more critical: “The errors produced by this analytical technique are so large” that the data are not clear enough to say there are different types of microbes in rock, she says.
But SIMS experts praise the work. “It was a really careful, well thought out experiment,” says Lara Gamble, a chemist at the University of Washington in Seattle who was not involved in the study. “They put in a lot of effort to try to make sure everything was calibrated properly.”
Rasmussen hopes there will follow-up work that analyzes more microfossils. “It’s worth getting this right, given that we are looking at some of the oldest possible traces of life,” he says. “Honing our skills at recognizing ancient biosignatures on Earth is important as we cast our eyes to Mars and beyond.”
原始論文:J. William Schopf, Kouki Kitajima, Michael J. Spicuzza, Anatoliy B. Kudryavtsev, John W. Valley. SIMS analyses of the oldest known assemblage of microfossils document their taxon-correlated carbon isotope compositionsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017; 201718063 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718063115

引用自:Elizabeth Pennisi. Life may have originated on Earth 4 billion years ago, study of controversial fossils suggests. Science, 2017; 358(6370). doi:10.1126/science.aar7944

2017年12月18日 星期一


大多數人現在都對傳統的「出非洲說」(“Out of Africa” model)耳熟能詳:在非洲演化出的現代人大約在6萬年前發動了一波離開非洲的移民潮,之後往亞洲各地散佈並抵達澳洲。然而,DNA分析和其他化石辨認技術的進步,加上備受重視的跨領域研究成果,使得研究人員開始重新修訂這則故事。最近的研究指出早於6萬年前人類就已經數度離開過非洲,而且還和歐亞大陸許多處的其他人族雜交繁殖。
馬克斯普朗克人類歷史科學研究所的Michael Petraglia解釋:「早於6萬年前最初幾波離開非洲的遷徙事件可能是由採集者小團體組成,而這些早期散佈事件中至少有些在今日人類族群的基因中留下了少許痕跡。接下來才發生的大型『出非洲』事件,時間最有可能是在6萬年前左右或者更晚。」
人族之間彼此交流的證據越來越多也代表物質文化的傳播過程其實比過往認為得還要更加複雜。夏威夷馬諾大學的Christopher Bae表示:「我們從行為方面的紀錄確實可以看出所謂的『現代人行為』並非是單純地隨著時間進展從西往東傳。反之,還需要同時考量到各地生態系的差異,以及晚更新世分布在亞洲各處不同人族群落之間的行為差異。」
從這些最新發現我們已經開始瞭解到人類在整個舊世界移動的足跡比我們之前認為的還要複雜許多,而且還有許多問題尚待解決。作者主張要發展出更為複雜的模型來解釋人類的擴張過程,並且要在亞洲多處迄今仍未進行研究的地方展開新的研究工作。此外,重新審視在現代分析方法發展出來以前採集到的樣品也很重要,或許我們能藉此溫故知新。同為馬克斯普朗克人類歷史科學研究所的Katerina Douka表示:「幸運的是過去數十年來亞洲發起了越來越多跨領域研究計畫。未來這些研究發表的資訊將有助於填補演化紀錄中的空缺。」

Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia
Technological advances and multidisciplinary research teams are reshaping our understanding of when and how humans left Africa -- and who they met along the way.
Most people are now familiar with the traditional “Out of Africa” model: modern humans evolved in Africa and then dispersed across Asia and reached Australia in a single wave about 60,000 years ago. However, technological advances in DNA analysis and other fossil identification techniques, as well as an emphasis on multidisciplinary research, are revising this story. Recent discoveries show that humans left Africa multiple times prior to 60,000 years ago, and that they interbred with other hominins in many locations across Eurasia.
A review of recent research on dispersals by early modern humans from Africa to Asia by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the University of Hawai’i at Manoa confirms that the traditional view of a single dispersal of anatomically modern humans out of Africa around 60,000 years ago can no longer be seen as the full story. The analysis, published in the journal Science, reviews the plethora of new discoveries being reported from Asia over the past decade, which were made possible by technological advances and interdisciplinary collaborations, and shows that Homo sapiens reached distant parts of the Asian continent, as well as Near Oceania, much earlier than previously thought. Additionally, evidence that modern humans interbred with other hominins already present in Asia, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, complicates the evolutionary history of our species.
New model: Multiple dispersals of modern humans out of Africa, beginning as early as 120,000 years ago
The authors brought together findings from multiple recent studies to refine the picture of human dispersals out of Africa and into Asia. While scientists once thought that humans first left Africa in a single wave of migration about 60,000 years ago, recent studies have identified modern human fossils in far reaches of Asia that are potentially much older. For example, H. sapiens remains have been found at multiple sites in southern and central China that have been dated to between 70,000 and 120,000 years ago. Additional finds indicate that modern humans reached Southeast Asia and Australia prior to 60,000 years ago.
However, other recent studies do confirm that all present-day non-African populations branched off from a single ancestral population in Africa approximately 60,000 years ago. This could indicate that there were multiple, smaller dispersals of humans out of Africa beginning as early as 120,000 years ago, followed by a major dispersal 60,000 years ago. While the recent dispersal contributed the bulk of the genetic make-up of present-day non-Africans, the earlier dispersals are still evident.
“The initial dispersals out of Africa prior to 60,000 years ago were likely by small groups of foragers, and at least some of these early dispersals left low-level genetic traces in modern human populations. A later, major ‘Out of Africa’ event most likely occurred around 60,000 years ago or thereafter,” explains Michael Petraglia of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
Multiple interbreeding events
Recent genetic research has resolved the question of whether or not modern humans interbred with other ancient hominins – they definitely did. Modern humans interbred not only with Neanderthals, but also with our recently-discovered relatives the Denisovans, as well as a currently unidentified population of pre-modern hominins. One estimate is that all present-day non-Africans have 1-4% Neanderthal heritage, while another group has estimated that modern Melanesians have an average of 5% Denisovan heritage. In all, it is now clear that modern humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans and perhaps other hominin groups likely overlapped in time and space in Asia, and they certainly had many instances of interaction.
The increasing evidence of interactions suggests that the spread of material culture is also more complicated than previously thought. “Indeed, what we are seeing in the behavioral record is that the spread of so-called modern human behaviors did not occur in a simple time-transgressive process from west to east. Rather, ecological variation needs to be considered in concert with behavioral variation between the different hominin populations present in Asia during the Late Pleistocene,” explains Christopher Bae of the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
In light of these new discoveries, our understanding of human movements across the Old World has become much more complex, and there are still many questions left open. The authors argue for the development of more complicated models of human dispersals and for conducting new research in the many areas of Asia where none has been done to date. Additionally, it will be important to review materials collected prior to the development of modern analytic methods, to see what more can now be learned from them. “Fortunately,” states Katerina Douka, also of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, “there have been an increasing number of multidisciplinary research programs launched in Asia over the past few decades. The information that is being reported is helping to fill in the gaps in the evolutionary records.”
“It is an exciting time to be involved with interdisciplinary research projects across Asia,” adds Bae.
原始論文:Christopher J. Bae, Katerina Douka, Michael D. Petraglia. On the origin of modern humans: Asian perspectives. Science, 2017; 358 (6368): eaai9067 DOI: 10.1126/science.aai9067

引用自:Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. "Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia: Technological advances and multidisciplinary research teams are reshaping our understanding of when and how humans left Africa -- and who they met along the way."