2016年3月22日 星期二



Many species now going extinct may vanish without a fossil trace

Human-made 'sixth extinction' may seem small compared to five prehistoric die-offs


Scientists struggle to compare the magnitude of Earth's ongoing sixth mass-extinction event with the five great die-offs of prehistory. A new study by three paleontologists shows that the species now perishing may vanish without a permanent trace -- and earlier extinctions may be underestimated as well.
"Comparing the current biodiversity crisis, often called the 'sixth extinction,' with those of the geological past requires equivalent data," says Roy Plotnick, professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
「我們需要對等的資料才能將現今發生的生物多樣性危機,又稱『第六次大滅絕』跟地質史上的其他次滅絕事件互相比較。」芝加哥伊利諾大學的地球與環境科學教授 Roy Plotnick說。
He and two colleagues compared the "Red List" of endangered species with several ecological databases of living species and three paleontological databases of catalogued fossils. They ran a statistical analysis to indicate which threatened species were most likely to disappear with no mark of their existence.
他和另外兩外同僚比對了編列瀕危物種的紅皮書」(Red List)、數個紀錄現存動物的生態資料庫,以及三個記載已編目化石的古生物資料庫。接著他們進行統計分析以找出哪些受威脅的物種最有可能不留下牠們曾經存在的痕跡而永遠消失。
The researchers were shocked to find that more than 85 percent of the mammal species at high risk of extinction lack a fossil record. Those at highest risk have about half the probability of being incorporated into the fossil record compared to those at lower risk.
Animals least likely to be found as fossils are "the small, cute and fuzzy ones, like rodents and bats," Plotnick said. "Body size is an obvious factor -- bigger things tend to leave a fossil record, as do things with larger geographical ranges."
動物中最難發現的化石便是那些「小巧可愛、毛茸茸的動物,像是齧齒類和蝙蝠」。 Plotnick說。「體型是相當明顯的要素,大型物種比較容易留下化石紀錄,而那些地理分布比較廣的也是。」
Viewed from the perspective of the fossil record alone, the magnitude of the current mammal die-off thus appears markedly reduced. The picture may be even more distorted for other land-dwelling vertebrates: only 3 percent of today's threatened bird species and 1.6 percent of threatened reptile species have a known fossil record.
Comparing the scale of the current extinction episode, which is based primarily on terrestrial vertebrates, to earlier extinctions that are mostly calculated from the fossil record of hard-shelled marine invertebrates, is particularly problematic, Plotnick said, although ancient extinctions may also be underestimated by contemporary paleontologists.
Nevertheless, fossils will provide the only reliable record of life on Earth for posterity.
"There are species going extinct today that have never been described," Plotnick said. "Others are going extinct that are known only because someone wrote it down." All such species would thus be unknown in the far future, he said, if the written historical record is lost -- as it might well be.
「今日許多邁向滅亡的物種是人們從來沒有記述到的。」 Plotnick說。「而其他消失的物種能夠為人所知僅僅是因為有人將牠書寫下來。」如果這些歷史文字紀錄消失,那麼所有這類物種在遙遠的未來都將被淡忘,而這確實很有可能發生,他說。
The fossil record, Plotnick points out, is much more durable than any human record.
"As humanity has evolved, our methods of recording information have become ever more ephemeral," he said. "Clay tablets last longer than books. And who today can read an 8-inch floppy?" he shrugged. "If we put everything on electronic media, will those records exist in a million years? The fossils will."
「隨著人類的進步,我們保存資訊的方式卻顯得越來越稍縱即逝。」他說。「泥片(clay tablet,巴比倫人將文字刻於其上)可以比書本流傳的更久。而今日又有誰能讀取8吋磁碟片?」他聳聳肩。「如果我們將所有事物都保存在電子裝置中,這些檔案可以存在百萬年之久嗎?無庸置疑的是化石絕對可以。」
Other authors on the study, published earlier this month in Ecology Letters, are Felisa A. Smith of the University of New Mexico and S. Kathleen Lyons of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
此篇本月稍早刊登於《生態學通訊》的論文的其他作者還包括了新墨西哥州大學的 Felisa A. Smith,以及華盛頓國立自然歷史博物館的 S. Kathleen Lyons
引述自:University of Illinois at Chicago. "Many species now going extinct may vanish without a fossil trace: Human-made 'sixth extinction' may seem small compared to five prehistoric die-offs." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 March 2016. 



Climate variations analyzed five million years back in time

When we talk about climate change today, we have to look at what the climate was previously like in order to recognise the natural variations and to be able to distinguish them from the human-induced changes. Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have analysed the natural climate variations over the last 12,000 years, during which we have had a warm interglacial period and they have looked back 5 million years to see the major features of the Earth's climate. The research shows that not only is the weather chaotic, but the Earth's climate is chaotic and can be difficult to predict. The results are published in the scientific journal, Nature Communications.
當我們討論眼下發生的氣候變遷時,我們必須要先研究過去的氣候是如何,這樣才能了解在自然情況下的氣候變化,而能夠與人類引發的變動之間做出區隔。波爾研究所的研究人員分析了過去12,000年以來,我們所處的溫暖間冰期中的自然氣候變化;他們同時也回顧了過去50億年以了解地球氣候的諸多重要特徵。研究顯示變化莫測的不只是天氣,地球氣候也是如此因而難以被人們預測。這項結果刊登於科學期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)之上。
The Earth's climate system is characterised by complex interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, ice sheets, landmasses and the biosphere (parts of the world with plant and animal life). Astronomical factors also play a role in relation to the great changes like the shift between ice ages, which typically lasts about 100,000 years and interglacial periods, which typically last about 10-12,000 years.
Climate repeats as fractals
"You can look at the climate as fractals, that is, patterns or structures that repeat in smaller and smaller versions indefinitely. If you are talking about 100-year storms, are there then 100 years between them? -- Or do you suddenly find that there are three such storms over a short timespan? If you are talking about very hot summers, do they happen every tenth year or every fifth year? How large are the normal variations? -- We have now investigated this," explains Peter Ditlevsen, Associate Professor of Climate Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. The research was done in collaboration with Zhi-Gang Shao from South China University, Guangzhou in Kina.
「你可以把氣候視作一種碎形,這種結構或模式會不斷地以越來越小的形式重複出現。如果你討論到百年強度的風暴,那麼在兩次事件之間的100年內還會再次出現這麼強的風暴嗎?或者你會突然發現在一段相當短的期間內就發生了三次強度相當的風暴?如果你提及了數個非常炎熱的夏季,那麼它們是每十年還五年就會發生一次嗎?正常的變化幅度究竟有多大?這是我們目前正在探討的。」哥本哈根大學波爾研究所的氣候物理學副教授 Peter Ditlevsen解釋。此研究在中國廣州南中國大學的 Zhi-Gang Shao協助下完成。
The researchers studied temperature measurements over the last 150 years, ice core data from Greenland from the interglacial period 12,000 years ago, for the ice age 120,000 years ago, ice core data from Antarctica, which goes back 800,000 years, as well as data from ocean sediment cores going back 5 million years.
"We only have about 150 years of direct measurements of temperature, so if, for example, we want to estimate how great of variations that can be expected over 100 years, we look at the temperature record for that period, but it cannot tell us what we can expect for the temperature record over 1000 years. But if we can determine the relationship between the variations in a given period, then we can make an estimate. These kinds of estimates are of great importance for safety assessments for structures and buildings that need to hold up well for a very long time, or for structures where severe weather could pose a security risk, such as drilling platforms or nuclear power plants. We have now studied this by analysing both direct and indirect measurements back in time," explains Peter Ditlevsen.
「我們僅僅擁有大約150年的氣溫直接測量紀錄,因此舉例來說,若我們想要預估在100年內氣溫的變化幅度可以有多大,我們就能參照這段時期的氣溫紀錄,但如果我們想要從1000年的氣溫資料中獲取任何訊息時,前述的百年紀錄就派不上用場了。然而若我們可以確知給定一段時間,當中的變化幅度就會有多大,那這種關係就可以讓我們作出預估。這種預測對於建築物或設施的安全評估來說相當重要,尤其是那些必須要長期維持在良好狀態,或是可能會面臨造成安全損害的惡劣天氣的建物或設施,像是鑽油平台或核電廠。我們現在利用分析過往的直接和間接測量記錄來研究這項議題。」 Peter Ditlevsen解釋。
The research shows that the natural variations over a given period of time depends on the length of this period in the very particular way that is characteristic for fractals. This knowledge tells us something about how big we should expect the 1000-year storm to be in relation to the 100-year storm and how big the 100-year storm is expected to be in relation to the 10-year storm. They have further discovered that there is a difference in the fractal behaviour in the ice age climate and in the current warm interglacial climate.
Abrupt climate fluctuations during the ice age
"We can see that the climate during an ice age has much greater fluctuations than the climate during an interglacial period. There has been speculation that the reason could be astronomical variations, but we can now rule this out as the large fluctuation during the ice age behave in the same 'fractal' way as the other natural fluctuations across the globe," Peter Ditlevsen.
「我們可以看到冰河期時的氣候波動與間冰期的相比大了許多。之前有人猜測原因可能跟天文因子的變化有關,但我們現在可以排除這個可能性,因為冰河期內發生的大型波動,就『碎形』行為來說跟全球其他自然因子的變動一模一樣。」 Peter Ditlevsen說。
The astronomical factors that affect the Earth's climate are that the other planets in the solar system pull on the Earth because of their gravity. This affects the Earth's orbit around the sun, which varies from being almost circular to being more elliptical and this affects solar radiation on Earth. The gravity of the other planets also affects the Earth's rotation on its axis. The Earth's axis fluctuates between having a tilt of 22 degrees and 24 degrees and when the tilt is 24 degrees, there is a larger difference between summer and winter and this has an influence on the violent shifts in climate between ice ages and interglacial periods.
The abrupt climate changes during the ice age could be triggered by several mechanisms that have affected the powerful ocean current, the Gulf Stream, which transports warm water from the equator north to the Atlantic, where it is cooled and sinks down into the cold ocean water under the ice to the bottom and is pushed back to the south. This water pump can be put out of action or weakened by changes in the freshwater pressure, the ice sheet breaking up or shifting sea ice and this results in the increasing climatic variability.
Natural and human-induced climate changes
The climate during the warm interglacial periods is more stable than the climate of ice age climate.
"In fact, we see that the ice age climate is what we call 'multifractal', which is a characteristic that you see in very chaotic systems, while the interglacial climate is 'monofractal'. This means that the ratio between the extremes in the climate over different time periods behaves like the ratio between the more normal ratios of different timescales," explains Peter Ditlevsen
「事實上我們發現冰河期的氣候呈現出『多重碎形』(multifractal),你可以在非常混亂的系統中發現這種特徵;而間冰期氣候則呈現『單一碎形』(monofractal)這代表間冰期不同時段內極端氣候的比例,跟不同時間尺度下的正常比例之間更加相似。」Peter Ditlevsen解釋。
This new characteristic of the climate will make it easier for climate researchers to differentiate between natural and human-induced climate changes, because it can be expected that the human-induced climate changes will not behave in the same way as the natural fluctuations.
"The differences we find between the two climate states also suggest that if we shift the system too much, we could enter a different system, which could lead to greater fluctuations. We have to go very far back into the geological history of the Earth to find a climate that is as warm as what we are heading towards. Even though we do not know the climate variations in detail so far back, we know that there were abrupt climate shifts in the warm climate back then," points out Peter Ditlevsen.
「我們發現的這兩個氣候狀態之間的差異也意味著如果這個系統被我們過度改變,我們就有可能進入一個截然不同的系統,而可能導致更大的變化發生。我們必須要探究地球地質史至十分久遠之處,才能找到與我們即將邁入的氣候同樣溫暖者。即便我們還不清楚那麼久以前氣候變化的細節,我們確實知道在過去的溫暖氣候下曾發生急劇的氣候變化。」 Peter Ditlevsen指出這點。
引用自:University of Copenhagen - Niels Bohr Institute. "Climate variations analyzed five million years back in time." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 March 2016. 

2016年3月18日 星期五



Early Earth may have been ice cold

When Earth's first organisms were formed, it may have been in an ice cold ocean. New research, published in Science Advances, indicates that both land and ocean were much colder than previously believed.
地球最初的生命也許誕生在一座冰冷的海洋當中。刊登在《科學前緣》(Science Advances)的新研究指出,也許當時的陸地和海洋都較先前認為的要寒冷許多。
Many researchers believe that Earth's early oceans were very hot, reaching 80° Celsius, and that life originated in these conditions. New findings may prove the opposite to be true. Harald Furnes, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Earth Science, has analysed volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. The volcanic rocks were deposited at depths of 2 to 4 kilometres.
許多研究人員認為早期地球的海洋十分滾燙,溫度可達攝氏80度,而生命就在這種環境條件下誕生。新研究或許證明了相反的論述才是正確的。卑爾根大學地球科學系的榮譽教授 Harald Furnes分析了南非 Barberton綠岩帶的火山岩與沉積岩而得到了這項結論。這些火山岩的沉積深度為水深24公里處。
"We have found evidence that the climate 3.5 billion years ago was a cold environment," says Furnes.
「我們找到了証據指出35億年前的氣候環境十分寒冷。」 Furnes說。
Along with Professor Maarten de Wit from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa, Furnes has published the results in the journal Science Advances.
Furnes納爾遜曼德拉都市大學的Maarten de Wit教授將他們的合作成果刊登於期刊《科學前緣》。
A cold globe
The rocks analysed by Furnes and de Wit were formed at latitudes comparable with that of the Canary Islands. Some of the sedimentary rocks associated with the volcanic rocks, show a remarkable resemblance to those known from more recent ice ages.
Furnesde Wit分析的岩石形成緯度位置大致與現今的加那利群島(北緯30度左右)相當。其中一些伴隨火山岩的沉積岩與在較為近代的冰河期形成的岩石之間有驚人的相似性。
"This may indicate that Earth, 3.5 billion years ago, experienced an extensive, perhaps global, ice age," Furnes says.
「這或許意味著35億年前冰河曾經十分廣布,甚至全球皆進入了冰河期。」 Furnes說。
Past ocean temperatures are measured by analysing the relations between oxygen isotopes in rocks known as "chert," a rock composed of pure silicium-oxide. These South African rocks have been exposed to high temperatures. Even so, this is related to hydrothermal activity, or springs of extremely hot water, pumped from the ocean bed.
Similar to present climate
Additionally, the researchers found more proof indicating that these rocks had been exposed to cold water. By examining finely grained sedimentary rocks (originally a claylike mud), that exists along with the deep-submarine volcanic rocks, the researchers found gypsum. Gypsum is produced under high pressure and at very cold temperatures, as in the present deep ocean.
"In other words, we have found independant lines of evidence that the climate conditions at this time may have been quite similar to the conditions we have today," says Furnes.
「換言之,我們發現了數條獨立線索指出當時的氣候條件也許跟現在我們可見的環境十分相似。」 Furnes說。
Furnes thinks some researchers may have difficulties accepting the new knowledge of an early, cold Earth. A paradigm shift in Earth Science is not to be expected, but he thinks the climate of the early earth will be seen in a new light.
"I think that this will force research to go further," he says.
引用自:University of Bergen. "Early Earth may have been ice cold." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 March 2016. 

2016年3月17日 星期四



Carbon from land played a role during last deglaciation


As the Earth emerged from its last ice age several thousand years ago, atmospheric carbon dioxide increased and further warmed the planet. Scientists have long speculated that the primary source of this CO2 was from the deep ocean around Antarctica, though it has been difficult to prove.
A new study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences confirmed that the ocean played a significant role in the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide, but also documents the signature of land-based carbon sources in Antarctic ice cores that contributed to abrupt increases in CO2.
刊登於本周《美國國家科學院學報》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS)的新研究證實海洋的確在大氣二氧化碳濃度的上升中具有重要地位,但同時也論述南極冰芯中的碳有來自陸地的跡象,顯示陸地在二氧化碳的突然上升中佔有一席之地。
"There wasn't a steady rate of rising carbon dioxide during the last deglaciation," said Edward Brook, an Oregon State University paleoclimatologist and co-author on the PNAS study. "It happened in fits and starts. With the new precise techniques we developed to fingerprint the sources, it is apparent that the early carbon largely came from the ocean, but we think the system got a jolt from an influx of land-based carbon a few times as the climate warmed."
「在末次冰消期( last deglaciation)時二氧化碳的上升速率並非固定。」此篇刊於PNAS研究的共同作者,奧勒岡州立大學的古氣候學家 Edward Brook說。「這起事件發生地時快時慢。利用我們研發可以追查二氧化碳來源的精準新技術,結果顯示碳起初大都來自海洋,但我們認為隨著氣候逐漸變暖,這個系統會屢次受到來自陸地的碳影響而擺盪。」
The study was funded by the National Science Foundation with support from the Marsden Fund Council in New Zealand.
The breakthrough came from the comparison of carbon isotope ratios in pristine samples of ice mined from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. Although such isotopic fingerprinting strategies have been attempted before, the key was detailed work both in the field and in the laboratory that improved the precision to read the record in fine detail.
The study found that during the initial rise in atmospheric CO2 -- from 17,600 years ago to 15,500 years ago -- the light isotope 12-C increased faster than the heavier isotopes, pointing to a release of carbon from the deep ocean. However, at about 16,300 years ago and 12,900 years ago, there were abrupt, century-scale perturbations in the carbon ratio that suggested rapid release of carbon from land sources such as plants and soils.
Although the region of the CO2 source is not clear, the scientists say, at least one of the two events may come from the tropics because methane from tropical swamps rose at the same time.
"One theory," Brooks said, "is that an influx of icebergs in the Northern Hemisphere at about 16,300 years ago -- from retreating ice sheets -- cooled the North Atlantic Ocean and pushed the tropical rain belt southward over Brazil, expanding the wetlands. Swamps in the Southern Hemisphere, in places like Brazil, may have become wetter and produced methane, while plants and soils in the Northern Hemisphere, in places like China, may have been hit by drought and produced CO2."
During the next 4,000 years, the continued rise of atmospheric CO2 -- by about 40 parts per million -- was marked by small changes in the carbon-13 to carbon-12 ratio indicating additional sources of carbon from rising ocean temperatures. This CO2 source, analogous to the bubbles released from warming soda pop, may have added to the biological carbon sources.
The application of this carbon isotope technique became possible because of a unique site along the margin of the Antarctic ice sheet where old ice that flowed from the interior is exposed at the surface of a large glacier -- Taylor Glacier -- named for a geologist on an early expedition to the frozen continent. Ice that normally would be a mile or more below the surface is available to easily sample in large quantities.
These large samples, laboriously cut from the exposed ice layers, allowed the precise measurements, the Oregon State researchers report.
"The isotope ratio technique gives us a sort of 'return address' for carbon dioxide," noted Thomas Bauska, a former Ph.D. student and post-doctoral researcher in OSU's College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, who was lead author on the PNAS study. "The technique is new, extremely precise and gives us one of the best windows into the Earth's past climate."
「同位素技術提供給我們的資訊有點像是二氧化碳的『寄件地址』。」此篇刊登於PNAS的研究的第一作者 Thomas Bauska如此解釋。他之前是奧勒岡州立大學地球、海洋暨大氣科學系的博士生及博士後研究員。「這項技術不但新穎且極度精確,還給了我們窺向地球過去氣候的絕佳管道。」
Bauska is now a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge in England.
That window into the past may provide hints at what may happen in the future under a new global warming regime, noted Alan Mix, an Oregon State oceanographer and co-author on the study. However, he cautioned, it isn't always simple to predict the future based on past events.
此篇研究的共同作者,奧勒岡州立大學的海洋學家 Alan Mix點出這個管道也許可以提供我們在新的全球暖化局勢下,未來可能會發生何種事物的蛛絲馬跡。然而,他也提醒以過去的事件來預測未來並非總是那麼單純。
"The rise of CO2 is a complicated beast, with different behaviors triggered at different times," Mix said. "Although the natural changes at the end of the ice age are not a direct analogy for the future, the rapid changes do provide a cautionary tale. Humanmade warming from CO2 pollution may trigger further release from 'natural sources,' and this could exacerbate greenhouse gases and warming."
「二氧化碳的上升是個相當錯綜複雜的過程,不同的時間點可能會有截然不同的反應發生。」 Mix說。「雖然上次冰河期末的自然變化並不能直接類推至將來,但這些迅速變化確實可成為借鏡。排放二氧化碳造成的人為暖化可能會進一步造成其他自然來源』隨之釋放溫室氣體,而增加其濃度並加劇暖化。
Other authors on the PNAS study include Daniel Baggenstos and Jeffrey Severinghaus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Shaun Marcott, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Vasillii Petrenko, University of Rochester; Hinrich Schaefer, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand; and James Lee, Oregon State University.
此篇PNAS的研究的其他作者還有斯克里普斯海洋研究所的 Daniel BaggenstosJeffrey Severinghaus;威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的 Shaun Marcott;羅徹斯特大學的 Vasillii Petrenko;紐西蘭國家水資源與大氣研究院的 Hinrich Schaefer及奧勒岡州立大學的 James Lee
引用自:Oregon State University. "Carbon from land played a role during last deglaciation." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 March 2016. 

2016年3月10日 星期四



Human influence on climate dates back to 1930s, new research finds


Humans have triggered the last 16 record-breaking hot years experienced on Earth (up to 2014), with our impact on the global climate going as far back as 1937, a new study finds.
The study suggests that without human-induced climate change, recent hot summers and years would not have occurred. The researchers also found that this effect has been masked until recently in many areas of the world by the wide use of industrial aerosols, which have a cooling effect on temperatures.
"Everywhere we look, the climate change signal for extreme heat events is becoming stronger," said Andrew King, a climate extremes research fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia and lead author of the study. "Recent record-breaking hot years globally were so much outside natural variability that they were almost impossible without global warming."
「不管我們觀察何處,極端高熱事件是氣候變遷的表徵可說是越來越明顯。」 此篇研究的第一作者Andrew King說,他是澳洲墨爾本大學極端氣候中心的研究員。「最近幾年發生在全球各處的破紀錄高溫遠遠超出了自然變化,其程度之大若無全球暖化幾乎不可能發生。」
The researchers examined weather events that exceeded the range of natural variability and used climate modelling to compare those events to a world without human-induced greenhouse gases. The study was accepted for publication yesterday in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.
According to the new study, record-breaking hot years attributable to climate change globally are 1937, 1940, 1941, 1943-44, 1980-1981, 1987-1988, 1990, 1995, 1997-98, 2010 and 2014.
根據此研究,因全球氣候變遷導致的破紀錄高溫年份分別為 19371940 19411943-441980-19811987-19881990 19951997-9820102014年。(為什麼這邊算起來只有15)
"In Australia, our research shows the last six record-breaking hot years and last three record-breaking hot summers were made more likely by the human influence on the climate," King said. "We were able to see climate change even more clearly in Australia because of its position in the Southern Hemisphere in the middle of the ocean, far away from the cooling influence of high concentrations of industrial aerosols."
Aerosols in high concentrations reflect more heat into space, thereby cooling temperatures. However, when those aerosols are removed from the atmosphere, warming returns rapidly. The researchers observed this impact when they looked at five different regions: Central England, Central Europe, the central United States, East Asia and Australia.
There were cooling periods, likely caused by aerosols, in Central England, the central United States, Central Europe and East Asia during the 1970s before accelerated warming returned, and aerosol concentrations also delayed the emergence of a clear human-caused climate change signal in all regions studied except Australia, according to the study.
"In regards to a human-induced climate change signal, Australia was the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the world," King said.
引用自:American Geophysical Union. "Human influence on climate dates back to 1930s, new research finds." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 March 2016. 

2016年3月9日 星期三



'A load of old rot': Fossil of oldest known land-dweller identified

A fossil dating from 440 million years ago is not only the oldest example of a fossilised fungus, but is also the oldest fossil of any land-dwelling organism yet found. The organism, and others like it, played a key role in laying the groundwork for more complex plants, and later animals, to exist on land by kick-starting the process of rot and soil formation, which is vital to all life on land.
This early pioneer, known as Tortotubus, displays a structure similar to one found in some modern fungi, which likely enabled it to store and transport nutrients through the process of decomposition. Although it cannot be said to be the first organism to have lived on land, it is the oldest fossil of a terrestrial organism yet found. The results are published in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.
這種稱作Tortotubus的遠古拓荒者身上有一種構造跟某些現代真菌的十分相似,可能可以幫助它們在進行分解作用時儲存和運輸養分。雖然無法斷定它們就是在陸地上生活的第一種生物,但卻是目前為止所能找到的最古老陸生生物化石。這項研究結果刊登於《林奈學會植物學雜誌》(Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society)
"During the period when this organism existed, life was almost entirely restricted to the oceans: nothing more complex than simple mossy and lichen-like plants had yet evolved on the land," said the paper's author Dr Martin Smith, who conducted the work while at the University of Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences, and is now based at Durham University. "But before there could be flowering plants or trees, or the animals that depend on them, the processes of rot and soil formation needed to be established."
「在這種生物存活的年代,幾乎所有的生命都侷限在海洋當中。陸地上尚未演化出比簡單的苔癬和地衣類更複雜的生物。」本篇論文的作者 Martin Smith教授說。目前就職於杜倫大學的他於劍橋大學地球科學系任職時進行了此篇研究。「在開花植物和樹木,還有以它們維生的動物出現之前,(陸地上)必須要先建立起一套分解作用和土壤形成作用。」
Working with a range of tiny microfossils from Sweden and Scotland, each shorter than a human hair is wide, Smith attempted to reconstruct the method of growth for two different types of fossils that were first identified in the 1980s. These fossils had once been thought to represent parts of two different organisms, but by identifying other fossils with 'in-between' forms, Smith was able to show that the fossils actually represented parts of a single organism at different stages of growth. By reconstructing how the organism grew, he was able to show that the fossils represent mycelium -- the root-like filaments that fungi use to extract nutrients from soil.
It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when life first migrated from the seas to the land, since useful features in the fossil record that could help identify the earliest land colonisers are rare, but it is generally agreed that the transition started early in the Palaeozoic era, between 500 and 450 million years ago. But before any complex forms of life could live on land, there needed to be nutrients there to support them. Fungi played a key role in the move to land, since by kick-starting the rotting process, a layer of fertile soil could eventually be built up, enabling plants with root systems to establish themselves, which in turn could support animal life.
Fungi play a vital role in the nitrogen cycle, in which nitrates in the soil are taken up by plant roots and passed along food chain into animals. Decomposing fungi convert nitrogen-containing compounds in plant and animal waste and remains back into nitrates, which are incorporated into the soil and can again be taken up by plants. These early fungi started the process by getting nitrogen and oxygen into the soil.
Smith found that Tortotubus had a cord-like structure, similar to that of some modern fungi, in which the main filament sends out primary and secondary branches that stick back onto the main filament, eventually enveloping it. This cord-like structure is often seen in land-based organisms, allowing them to spread out and colonise surfaces. In modern fungi, the structure is associated with the decomposition of matter, allowing a fungus colony to move nutrients to where they are needed -- a useful adaptation in an environment where nutrients are scarce and unevenly distributed.
Smith發現 Tortotubus具有跟某些現代真菌相當類似的繩索狀構造。這是種由主菌絲發散出的分支及更細的分支回貼在主菌絲身上,最終將其層層包覆而形成的構造。這種繩索狀構造通常見於陸生生物,這有助於它們附著在固體表面並往外擴散。在現生的真菌身上,此構造通常跟物質的分解有關。真菌菌落可以利用它們將養分移送至有需求的部分,這在營養稀少且不均勻分布的環境中是種相當實用的適應構造。
In contrast with early plants, which lacked roots and therefore had limited interaction with activity beneath the surface, fungi played an important role in stabilising sediment, encouraging weathering and forming soils.
"What we see in this fossil is complex fungal 'behaviour' in some of the earliest terrestrial ecosystems -- contributing to soil formation and kick-starting the process of rotting on land," said Smith. A question, however, is what was there for Tortotubus to decompose. According to Smith, it's likely that there were bacteria or algae on land during this period, but these organisms are rarely found as fossils.
「我們從這些化石中看到在某些最原始的陸地生態系系統中,已經有相當複雜的真菌作用在進行著。它們的貢獻使土壤形成,並開啟了陸上的分解作用。」 Smith說。然而,有個問題是: Tortotubus究竟在陸地上分解著什麼物質。據 Smith說,在那段時期陸上可能已經有細菌或藻類存活,但這些生物很難以化石的形式發現。
Additionally, the pattern of growth in Tortotubus echoes that of the mushroom-forming fungi, although unambiguous evidence of mushrooms has yet to be found in the Palaeozoic fossil record. "This fossil provides a hint that mushroom-forming fungi may have colonised the land before the first animals left the oceans," said Smith. "It fills an important gap in the evolution of life on land."
此外,Tortotubus的生長模式也反映出當時可能已有會形成蕈菇的真菌了,雖然迄今我們仍尚未在古生代化石紀錄中確切發現蕈菇存在的證據。「這些化石暗示著會形成蕈菇的真菌定居在陸地的時間,也許比第一隻動物離開海洋還要來得早。」 Smith說。「這填補了陸地生命演化史上的一大空缺。」
The research was supported by Clare College, Cambridge.
引用自:University of Cambridge. "'A load of old rot': Fossil of oldest known land-dweller identified." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 March 2016.