Enough oxygen on Earth long
before animals rose
Oxygen is crucial for the existence of
animals on Earth. But, an increase in oxygen did not apparently lead to the rise
of the first animals. New research shows that 1.4 billion years ago there was
enough oxygen for animals -- and yet over 800 million years went by before the
first animals appeared on Earth.
Animals evolved by about 600 million years ago, which was late in Earth's history. The late evolution of animals, and the fact that oxygen is central for animal respiration, has led to the widely promoted idea that animal evolution corresponded with a late a rise in atmospheric oxygen concentrations.
"But sufficient oxygen in itself does not seem to be enough for animals to rise. This is indicated by our studies," say postdoc Emma Hammarlund and Professor Don Canfield, Nordic Center for Earth Evolution, University of Southern Denmark.
「然而,我們的研究指出,僅靠充足的氧氣本身似乎並不足以讓動物出現。」南丹麥大學北歐地球演化中心的博士後研究員Emma Hammarlund和教授Don Canfield說。
Together with colleagues from the China National Petroleum Corporation and the University of Copenhagen, Hammarlund and Canfield have analyzed sediment samples from the Xiamaling Formation in China. Their analyses reveal that a deep ocean 1.4 billion years ago contained at least 4% of modern oxygen concentrations.
The new study is published in the journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.
此篇新研究刊登於《美國國家科學院院刊》(Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences)。
Usually it is very difficult to precisely determine past oxygen concentrations. The new study, however, combines several approaches to break new ground in understanding oxygen concentrations 1.4 billion years ago.
The study uses trace metal distributions to show that the bottom waters where the Xiamaling Formation sediments deposited contain oxygen. The distribution of biomarkers, molecules derived from ancient organisms, demonstrate that waters of intermediate depth contain no oxygen. Therefore, the Xiamaling Formation deposited in an ancient oxygen-minimum zone, similar to (but also different) from those found off the present coasts of Chile and Peru.
此篇研究利用稀有金屬元素的分布模式來顯示下馬齡層沉積物沉積時的底層水含有氧氣。而生物標記(biomarker,古代有機體產生的分子)則顯現出中層水並未存有氧氣。因此下馬齡層的沉積環境為遠古時候的低氧帶(oxygen-minimum zone),與現今在祕魯和智利外海發現的環境頗為相似(但仍有所差異)。
With this backdrop, the researchers used a simple ocean model to estimate the minimum concentrations to atmospheric oxygen required to reproduce the distribution of water-column oxygen in the Xiamaling Formation.
"The water column had an oxygen concentration at least 4 % of present atmospheric levels (PAL). That should be sufficient for animals to exist and evolve," says Canfield.
「當時水體中的氧含量至少已經有現今量(present atmospheric levels,PAL)的4%,而這應該足以使動物誕生並開始演化。」Canfield說。
"Having determined the lowest concentration of oxygen in the air almost one and a half billion years ago is unique," says Hammarlund, adding:
"Researchers know of simple animals, such as sponges and worms, that today are capable of managing with less than 4% PAL, even much less."
「研究人員知道現存的一些簡單生物,像是海棉與蠕蟲,可以生活在氧濃度小於PAL 4%,甚至是濃度低上許多的環境中。」
"Sponges probably resemble some of the first animals on Earth. If they manage with less than 4 % today's oxygen levels, it is likely that the first animals could do with these concentrations or less," says Canfield.
The results differ from other studies and raise several questions, such as: Why then did animals rise so late in Earth's history?
"The sudden diversification of animals probably was a result of many factors. Maybe the oxygen rise had less to do with the animal revolution than we previously assumed," says Hammarlund.
引用自:University of Southern Denmark.
"Enough oxygen on Earth long before animals rose." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 4 January 2016.