advance understanding of mountain watersheds
University of Wyoming
geoscientists have discovered that the underground water-holding capacity of
mountain watersheds may be controlled by stresses in Earth's crust. The
results, which may have important ramifications for understanding streamflow
and aquifer systems in upland watersheds, appears Oct. 30 in Science,
one of the world's leading scientific journals.
The scientists conducted
geophysical surveys to estimate the volume of open pore space in the subsurface
at three sites around the country. Computer models of the state of stress at
those sites showed remarkable agreement with the geophysical images. The
surprising implication, says Steve Holbrook, a UW professor in the Department
of Geology and Geophysics, is that scientists may be able to predict the
distribution of pore space in the subsurface of mountain watersheds by looking
at the state of stress in Earth's crust. That state of stress controls where
subsurface fractures are opening up -- which, in turn, creates the space for
water to reside in the subsurface, he says.
科學家分別在美國三個不同地點進行地球物理探測,以估算它們地下的開放孔隙體積。各地得出的地球物理探測影像,和以電腦模型計算出的當地應力狀態互相比較,皆顯示兩者之間的關聯十分密切。懷俄明大學地質與地球物理系的教授Steve Holbrook說,這項驚人的發現代表科學家或許能利用地殼的應力狀態,來預測山區集水區的地下孔隙是如何分佈。他說應力狀態控制了哪些地下裂隙會連通,進一步確立了地下水應位於何處。
"I think this paper is
important because it proposes a new theoretical framework for understanding the
large-scale porosity structure of watersheds, especially in areas with
crystalline bedrock (such as granite or gneiss)," Holbrook says.
"This has important implications for understanding runoff in streams,
aquifer recharge and the long-term evolution of landscapes."
James St. Clair, a UW
doctoral student, is lead author of the paper, titled "Geophysical Imaging
Reveals Topographic Stress Control of Bedrock Weathering." Holbrook, Cliff
Riebe, a UW associate professor of geology and geophysics; and Brad Carr, a
research scientist in geology and geophysics; are co-authors of the paper.
此篇題名為「地球物理影像法顯示地形應力控制了岩盤風化」(Geophysical Imaging Reveals Topographic Stress Control of
Bedrock Weathering)的論文第一作者為懷俄明大學的博士生James
St. Clair。共同作者則有Holbrook、Cliff Riebe(懷俄明大學地質與地球物理系的副教授)以及Brad Carr(地質與地球物理系的研究員)。
Researchers from MIT, UCLA,
the University of Hawaii, Johns Hopkins University, Duke University and the
Colorado School of Mines also contributed.
Weathered bedrock and soil together
make up the life-sustaining layer at Earth's surface commonly referred to as
the "critical zone." Two of the three study sites were part of the
national Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) network -- Gordon Gulch in Boulder
Creek, Colo., and Calhoun Experimental Forest, S.C. The third study site was
Pond Branch, Md., near Baltimore.
風化岩床和土壤共同組成了位於地球表層,能供養生物生存的地帶,一般稱作「關鍵區」(critical zone)。三個研究地區中有兩個即屬於國家關鍵區觀測站網路的一部分,分別為科羅拉多州柏爾德河的Gordon峽谷,和南卡羅來納州的Calhoun實驗林。第三個地點則是馬里蘭州巴爾的摩附近的Pond河。
"The paper provides a new
framework for understanding the distribution of permeable fractures in the
critical zone (CZ). This is important because it provides a means for
predicting where in the subsurface there are likely to be fractures capable of
storing water and/or supporting groundwater flow," St. Clair says.
"Since we cannot see into the subsurface without drilling holes or
performing geophysical surveys, our results provide the means for making first
order predictions about CZ structure as a function of the local topography and
knowledge (or an estimate) of the regional tectonic stress conditions."
「這篇論文提供研究人員一條新的脈絡來瞭解關鍵區(CZ)的可通透裂隙會如何分佈。其重要性在於這讓我們有方法可以預測地底下可儲存地下水,且/或可供其流動的裂隙可能位於何處。」St. Clair說。「在沒有進行鑽井或地球物理探勘的情況下,我們是不可能看進地底深處的。但我們的研究結果讓我們有方法可以從當地地貌,以及對區域大地應力作用情形的認知(或估計)來建立方程式而初步預測CZ的構造。」
The research included a
combination of geophysical imaging of the subsurface -- conducted by UW's
Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics (WyCEHG) -- and
numerical models of the stress distribution in the subsurface, work that was
done at MIT and the University of Hawaii, Holbrook says.
The team performed seismic
refraction and electrical resistivity surveys to determine the depth of bedrock
at the three sites, which were chosen due to varying topography and ambient
tectonic stress. At the two East Coast sites, the bedrock showed a surprising
mirror-image relationship to topography; at the Rocky Mountain site, the
bedrock was parallel to topography. In each case, the stress models
successfully predicted the bedrock pattern.
"We found a remarkable
agreement between the predictions of those stress models and the images of the
porosity in the subsurface with geophysics at a large scale, at the landscape
scale," Holbrook says. "It's the first time anyone's really looked at
this at the landscape scale."
St. Clair says he was
fortunate to work with a talented group of scientists with an extensive amount
of research experience. He adds the experience improved his ability to work
with a group of people with diverse backgrounds and improve his writing.
St. Clair說他很幸運能與這群富含研究經驗且才華洋溢的科學家合作。他還說這次經歷增加了他與來自各式各樣背景的人們合作的能力,同時也增進了他撰寫論文的技巧。
"Our results may be
important to hydrologists, geomorphologists and geophysicists," St. Clair
says. "Hydrologists, because it provides a means for identifying where
water may be stored or where the flow rates are likely to be high;
geomorphologists, because our results predict where chemical weathering rates
are likely to be accelerated due to increased fluid flow along permeable
fractures; and geophysicists, because it points out the potential influence of
shallow stress fields on the seismic response of the CZ."
「我們的結果對水文學家、地形學家和地球物理學家來說或許都相當重要。」St. Clair說。「對於水文學家,這提供了一套方法讓他們能辨識出地下水可能儲存於哪,或者地下水在哪裡會流得比較快;對於地形學家,由於液體會沿著可通透裂隙流動,故我們的結果能預測出化學風化速率可能會因此而在哪些地方增加;對於地球物理學家,這也許能說明淺層應力場變化在CZ對地震的反應中扮演了何種角色。」
Despite the discovery,
Holbrook says there is still much work to be done to test this model in
different environments.
"But, now we have a
theoretical framework to guide that work, as well as unique geophysical data to
suggest that the hypothesis has merit," he says.
of Wyoming. "Researchers advance understanding of mountain
watersheds." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 October 2015.