2015年11月30日 星期一


Volcanic rocks hold clues to Earth's interior


The journey for volcanic rocks found on many volcanic islands began deep within Earth.

Brought to Earth's surface in eruptions of deep volcanic material, these rocks hold clues as to what is going on deep beneath Earth's surface.


Studies of rocks found on certain volcanic islands, known as ocean island basalts, revealed that although these erupted rocks originate from Earth's interior, they are not the same chemically.

科學家詳細研究某些火山島嶼上這種稱作洋島玄武岩(ocean island basalt)的岩石後,發現雖然這些岩石都是源自地球深處,然而它們的化學性質卻不盡相同。

According to a group of current and former researchers at Arizona State University, the key to unlocking this complex, geochemical puzzle rests in a model of mantle dynamics consisting of plumes -- upwelling's of abnormally hot rock within Earth's mantle -- that originate in the lower mantle and physically interact with chemically distinct piles of material.


The team revealed that this theoretical model of material transport can easily produce the chemical variability observed at hotspot volcanoes (such as Hawaii) around the world.

研究團隊顯示我們在世界各地不同熱點火山(hotspot volcano,如夏威夷)觀察到的岩石化學性質變化,可以利用此理論模型架構出的地函物質輸送模式來輕易產生。

"This model provides a platform for understanding links between the physics and chemistry that formed our modern world as well as habitable planets elsewhere," says Curtis Williams, lead author of the study whose results are published in the Nov. 24 issue of the journal Nature Communications.

這個模型提供的平台不只能讓我們了解物理化學作用彼此之間的鏈結如何形塑我們居住的世界,它同樣也能適用於某處適合我們生存的星球。第一作者Curtis Williams說,他們的研究成果刊登於11/24的《自然通訊》Nature Communications

Basalts collected from ocean islands such as Hawaii and those collected from mid-ocean ridges (that erupt at spreading centers deep below oceans) may look similar to the naked eye; however, in detail their trace elements and isotopic compositions can be quite distinct. These differences provide valuable insight into the chemical structure and temporal evolution of Earth's interior.


"In particular, it means that Earth's mantle -- the hot rock below Earth's crust but above the planet's iron core -- is compositionally heterogeneous. Understanding when and where these heterogeneities are formed and how they are transported through the mantle directly relates to the initial composition of Earth and how it has evolved to its current, habitable state," said Williams, a postdoc at UC Davis.


While a graduate student in ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration, Williams and faculty members Allen McNamara and Ed Garnero conceived a study to further understand how chemical complexities that exist deep inside Earth are transported to the surface and erupt as intraplate volcanism (such as that which formed the Hawaiian islands). Along with fellow graduate student Mingming Li and Professional Research Associate Matthijs van Soest, the researchers depict a model Earth, where in its interior resides distinct reservoirs of mantle material that may have formed during the earliest stages of Earth's evolution.

還是亞利桑那州立大學地球與太空探索學院的研究生時,Williams與系所中的同仁Allen McNamaraEd Garnero合作,深入探討地球深處的化學複雜性是如何傳送至表面,並以板塊內火山活動(intraplate volcanism,夏威夷火山即為一例)的形式噴發。在同樣是研究生的Mingming Li和專業副研究員Matthijs van Soest的協助下,研究人員建構出一個地球模型,其內部有數個地方在地球演化最初期時便已經擁有性質特異的地函物質。

Employing such reservoirs into their models is supported by geophysical observations of two, continent-sized regions -- one below the Pacific Ocean and one below parts of the Atlantic Ocean and Africa -- sitting atop the core-mantle boundary.


"In the last several years, we have witnessed a sharpening of the focus knob on seismic imaging of Earth's deep interior. We have learned that the two large anomalous structures at the base of the mantle behave as if they are compositionally distinct. That is, we are talking about different stuff compared to the surrounding mantle. These represent the largest internal anomalies in Earth of unknown chemistry and origin," said Garnero.


These chemically distinct regions also underlie a majority of hotspot volcanism, via hot mantle plumes from the top of the piles to Earth's surface, suggesting a potential link between these ancient, chemically distinct regions and the chemistry of hotspot volcanism.


To test the validity of their model, Williams and coauthors compare their predictions of the variability of the ratios of helium isotopes (helium-3 and helium-4) in plumes to that observed in ocean island basalts.


3He is a so-called primordial isotope found in Earth's mantle. It was created before Earth was formed and is thought to have become entrapped within Earth during planetary formation. Today, it is not being added to Earth's inventory at a significant rate, unlike 4He, which accumulates over time.

-3是一種可以從地函中發現的原生同位素(primordial isotope)。這種同位素是在地球誕生之前就已經形成,一般認為它們會在行星形成過程當中被困在地球當中。在今日,他們進入地球的速率非常緩慢,而非像氦-4一樣會隨著時間逐漸累積。

Williams explained: "The ratio of helium-3 to helium-4 in mid-ocean ridge basalts are globally characterized by a narrow range of small values and are thought to sample a relatively homogenous upper mantle. On the other hand, ocean island basalts display a much wider range, from small to very large, providing evidence that they are derived from different source regions and are thought to sample the lower mantle either partially or in its entirety."


The variability of 3He to 4He in ocean island basalts is not only observed between different hotspots, but temporally within the different-aged lavas of a single hotspot track.


"The reservoirs and dynamics associated with this variability had remained unclear and was the primary motivation behind the study presented here," said Williams.


引用自:Arizona State University. "Volcanic rocks hold clues to Earth's interior." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 November 2015.

2015年11月17日 星期二



Plate tectonics thanks to plumes?

"Knowing what a chicken looks like and what all the chickens before it looked like doesn't help us to understand the egg," says Taras Gerya. The ETH Professor of Geophysics uses this metaphor to address plate tectonics and the early history of the Earth. The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several plates that are in constant motion, and today's geologists have a good understanding of what drives these plate movements: heavier ocean plates are submerged beneath lighter continental plates along what are known as subduction zones. Once the movement has begun, it is perpetuated due to the weight of the dense subducting plate.
「知道一隻雞以及牠列祖列宗的長相並不能讓我們認識雞蛋的模樣。」Taras Gerya說。這名蘇黎世聯邦理工學院(ETH)地球物理學系的教授以此比喻板塊運動和地球早期的歷史。地球岩石圈分裂成好幾塊會不斷運動的板塊。現今的地質學家對驅動板塊移動的作用力已有相當瞭解:密度較高的海洋板塊沿著隱沒帶沉沒至較輕的大陸板塊之下。一旦此運動開始進行,隱沒板塊的重量便會使之維持下去。
But just as in the past, earth scientists still do not understand what triggered plate tectonics in the first place, nor how the first subduction zone was formed. A weak spot in the Earth's lithosphere was necessary in order for parts of the Earth's crust to begin their descent into the Earth's mantle. Was this weak spot caused by a gigantic meteorite that effectively smashed a hole in the Earth's lithosphere? Or did mantle convection forces shatter the lithosphere into moving parts?
Venus as a model
Gerya is not satisfied with any of these potential explanations. "It's not trivial to draw conclusions about what set the tectonic movements in motion," he says. The ETH professor therefore set out to find a new, plausible explanation.
Among other things, he found inspiration in studies about the surface of the planet Venus, which has never had plate tectonics. Gerya observed (and modelled) huge, crater-like circles (coronae) on Venus that may also have existed on the Earth's surface in the early period (Precambrian) of the Earth's history before plate tectonics even began. These structures could indicate that mantle plumes once rose from Venus' iron core to the outer layer, thus softening and weakening the planet's surface. Plumes form in the deep interior of the planet. They rise up to the lithosphere, bringing with them hot partially molten mantle material that causes the lithosphere to weaken and deform. Halted by the resistance of the hard lithosphere, the material begins to spread, taking on a mushroom-like shape.
Such plumes also likely existed in the Earth's interior and could have created the weaknesses in the Earth's lithosphere needed to initiate plate tectonics on Earth.
Mantle plumes create weaknesses
The ETH geophysicist worked with his team to develop new computer models that he then used to investigate this idea for the first time in high resolution and in 3D. The corresponding publication has recently been published in Nature.
The simulations show that mantle plumes and the weaknesses they create could have actually initiated the first subduction zones.
In the simulations, the plume weakens the overlying lithosphere and forms a circular, thinning weak point with a diameter of several dozen to hundreds of kilometres. This is stretched over time by the supply of hot material from the deep mantle. "In order to make a ring larger, you have to break it," explains the researcher. This also applies to the Earth's surface: the ring-shaped weaknesses can (in the model) only be enlarged and subducted if the margins are torn.
Water lubricates the plate margin
The tears spread throughout the lithosphere, large slabs of the heavier rigid lithosphere plunge into the soft mantle, and the first plate margins emerge. The tension created by the plunging slabs ultimately sets the plates in motion. They plunge, well lubricated by the buried seawater of the ocean above. Subduction has begun -- and with it, plate tectonics. "Water acts as a lubricant and is an absolute necessity in the initiation of a self-sustaining subduction," says Gerya.
In their simulations, the researchers compare different temperature conditions and lithosphere states. They came to the conclusion that plume-induced plate tectonics could plausibly develop under the conditions that prevailed in the Precambrian around three billion years ago. Back then the Earth's lithosphere was already thick and cool, but the mantle was still very hot, providing enough energy to significantly weaken the lithosphere above the plumes.
Had the lithosphere instead being thin and warm, and therefore soft, the simulations show that a ring-shaped rapidly descending structure called drip would simply have formed around the plume head. While this would have steadily sunk into the mantle, it would not have caused the soft lithosphere to subduct and tear and therefore would not have produced plate margins. Likewise, the computer simulations showed that under today's conditions, where there is less temperature difference between lithosphere and plume material, plume-induced subduction is hard to initiate because the lithosphere is already too rigid and the plumes are barely able to weaken it sufficiently.
模擬結果顯示假如岩石圈的厚度較薄、溫度較高,因此較為軟弱, 則僅會在地函柱頭附近形成一種會迅速下沉,稱作drip的環狀構造。由於這種構造會穩定地往下沉入地函,因此它不會撕裂軟弱的岩石圈並造成隱沒作用,板塊邊界也不會形成。同樣地,電腦模擬也顯示在目前岩石圈以及地函柱物質之間溫差較小的狀態下,由於岩石圈已經太過堅硬使得地函柱不足以大幅弱化它,因此難以發生由地函柱引發的隱沒作用。
Dominant mechanism
"Our new models explain how plate tectonics came about," says the geophysicist. Plume activity was enough to give rise to today's plate mosaic. He calls the power of the plumes the dominant trigger for global plate tectonics.
The simulations can also explain how so-called triple junctions, i.e. zones in which three plates come together, are nucleated by multi-directional stretching of the lithosphere induced by plumes. One such example of a triple junction can be found in the Horn of Africa where Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti meet.
這項模擬也能解釋三向聯結構造(triple junction,三個板塊交接的地區)是如何因為地函柱造成岩石圈往多重方向拉伸,使得不同板塊交接而形成。在衣索比亞、厄利垂亞、吉布地三國交界的非洲之角即可看到三向聯結構造中的一例。
A possible plume-weakened zone analogous to a starting point for global plate tectonics likely exists in the modern world: the researchers see such a zone in the Caribbean plate. Its shape, location and spread correspond largely to the new model simulations.
Indeed it is arguably impossible to prove how global plate tectonics started on Earth based solely on observations: there is no geophysical and only a small amount of geological data from the Earth's early years, and laboratory experiments are not possible for extremely large-scale and very long-term tectonic processes, says the ETH researcher. "Computer models are therefore the only way we can reproduce and understand the events of the Earth's early history."
引用自:ETH Zurich. "Plate tectonics thanks to plumes?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 November 2015. 

2015年11月5日 星期四


Diamonds may not be so rare as once thought

Chemical model shows a simpler deep Earth formation

Diamonds may not be as rare as once believed, but this finding in a new Johns Hopkins University research report won't mean deep discounts at local jewelry stores.
"Diamond formation in the deep Earth, the very deep Earth, may be a more common process than we thought," said Johns Hopkins geochemist Dimitri A. Sverjensky, whose article co-written with doctoral student Fang Huang appears today in the online journal Nature Communications. The report says the results 'constitute a new quantitative theory of diamond formation,' but that does not mean it will be easier to find gem-quality diamonds and bring them to market.
「鑽石於地球深處,非常非常深處形成的過程也許比我們認為得更常發生。」約翰·霍普金斯大學的地球化學家Dimitri A. Sverjensky說。他和他的博士班學生Fang Huang合撰的文章今日刊登於期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)線上版。這篇報告寫道他們的結果「建構了一套可用來解釋鑽石如何形成的新型數量化理論」,但這並不代表找到並銷售寶石等級的鑽石會變得易如反掌。
For one thing, the prevalence of diamonds near the Earth's surface -- where they can be mined -- still depends on relatively rare volcanic magma eruptions that raise them from the depths where they form. For another, the diamonds being considered in these studies are not necessarily the stuff of engagement rings, unless the recipient is equipped with a microscope. Most are only a few microns across and are not visible to the unaided eye.
Using a chemical model, Sverjensky and Huang found that these precious stones could be born in a natural chemical reaction that is simpler than the two main processes that up to now have been understood to produce diamonds. Specifically, their model -- yet to be tested with actual materials -- shows that diamonds can form with an increase in acidity during interaction between water and rock.
利用化學模擬方法,Sverjensky Huang發現這些珍稀的寶石能在某種自然發生的化學反應中形成,這種反應遠較目前為止所知,另外兩種形成鑽石的主要機制簡單許多。準確來說,雖然還未經實物驗證,他們的模型顯示水與岩石反應的過程中,酸度提高會使鑽石形成。
The common understanding up to now has been that diamonds are formed in the movement of fluid by the oxidation of methane or the chemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Oxidation results in a higher oxidation state, or a gain of electrons. Reduction means a lower oxidation state, and collectively the two are known as 'redox' reactions.
"It was always hard to explain why the redox reactions took place," said Sverjensky, a professor in the Morton K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in the university's Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. The reactions require different types of fluids to be moving through the rocks encountering environments with different oxidation states.
The new research showed that water could produce diamonds as its pH falls naturally -- that is, as it becomes more acidic -- while moving from one type of rock to another, Sverjensky said.
The finding is one of many in about the last 25 years that expands scientists' understanding of how pervasive diamonds may be, Sverjensky said.
"The more people look, the more they're finding diamonds in different rock types now," Sverjensky said. "I think everybody would agree there's more and more environments of diamond formation being discovered."
Nobody has yet put a number on the greater abundance of diamonds, but Sverjensky said scientists are working on that with chemical models. It's impossible to physically explore the great depths at which diamonds are created: roughly 90 to 120 miles below the Earth's surface at intense pressure and at temperatures about 1,650 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The deepest drilling exploration ever made was about 8 or 9 miles below the surface, he said.
If the study doesn't shake the diamond markets, it promises to help shed light on fluid movement in the deep Earth, which helps account for the carbon cycle on which all life on the planet depends.
"Fluids are the key link between the shallow and the deep Earth," Sverjensky said. "That's why it's important."
This research was supported by grants from the Sloan Foundation through the Deep Carbon Observatory (Reservoirs and Fluxes and Extreme Physics and Chemistry programs) and by a U.S. Energy Department grant, DE-FG-02-96ER-14616.
本研究的贊助來自於斯隆基金會的深碳觀測計畫(Deep Carbon Observatory)下的子計畫,儲量與通量以及極端物理化學條件;另外一份則來自美國能源局計畫編號DE-FG-02-96ER-14616
引用自:Johns Hopkins University. "Diamonds may not be so rare as once thought: Chemical model shows a simpler deep Earth formation." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 November 2015. 

2015年11月4日 星期三



Deep-sea hydrothermal vents have carbon-removing properties

University of Georgia Skidaway Institute of Oceanography scientist Aron Stubbins joined a team of researchers to determine how hydrothermal vents influence ocean carbon storage. The results of their study were recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
喬治亞大學斯基德维海洋研究所的科學家Aron Stubbins參與的研究團隊探討深海熱泉對海洋碳儲量會有何影響。他們的結果近日發表於期刊《自然-地質科學》之上。
Hydrothermal vents are hotspots of activity on the otherwise dark, cold ocean floor. Since their discovery, scientists have been intrigued by these deep ocean ecosystems, studying their potential role in the evolution of life and their influence upon today's ocean.
深海熱泉(hydrothermal vent)為既暗又冷的海床上少數活動劇烈的熱點。自從發現它們以來,科學家便對熱泉周邊的深海生態系統深感興趣,進行了無數研究以瞭解它們在生物演化上的地位,以及對現今海洋的影響。
Stubbins and his colleagues were most interested in the way the vents' extremely high temperatures and pressure affect dissolved organic carbon. Oceanic dissolved organic carbon is a massive carbon store that helps regulate the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere -- and the global climate.
Originally, the researchers thought the vents might be a source of the dissolved organic carbon. Their research showed just the opposite.
Lead scientist Jeffrey Hawkes, currently a postdoctoral fellow at Uppsala University in Sweden, directed an experiment in which the researchers heated water in a laboratory to 380 degrees Celsius (716 degrees Fahrenheit) in a scientific pressure cooker to mimic the effect of ocean water passing through hydrothermal vents.
現為瑞典烏普薩拉大學博士後研究員的Jeffrey Hawkes為此研究的主要研究人員,他於實驗室中利用高壓鍋具將海水加熱至380,來模擬海水經過熱泉系統時的情境,並觀察過程中會發生何種效應。
The results revealed that dissolved organic carbon is efficiently removed from ocean water when heated. The organic molecules are broken down and the carbon converted to carbon dioxide.
The entire ocean volume circulates through hydrothermal vents about every 40 million years. This is a very long time, much longer than the timeframes over which current climate change is occurring, Stubbins explained. It is also much longer than the average lifetime of dissolved organic molecules in the ocean, which generally circulate for thousands of years, not millions.
"However, there may be extreme survivor molecules that persist and store carbon in the oceans for millions of years," Stubbins said. "Eventually, even these hardiest of survivor molecules will meet a fiery end as they circulate through vent systems."
Hawkes conducted the work while at the Research Group for Marine Geochemistry, University of Oldenburg, Germany. The study's co-authors also included Pamela Rossel and Thorsten Dittmar, University of Oldenburg; David Butterfield, University of Washington; Douglas Connelly and Eric Achterberg, University of Southampton, United Kingdom; Andrea Koschinsky, Jacobs University, Germany; Valerie Chavagnac, Université de Toulouse, France; and Christian Hansen and Wolfgang Bach, University of Bremen, Germany.
Hawkes於他在參與德國奧爾登堡大學海洋地質化學研究團隊時進行了這項研究計畫。共同作者包括Pamela RosselThorsten Dittmar(奧爾登堡大學)David Butterfield(美國華盛頓大學)Douglas ConnellyEric Achterberg(英國南安普敦大學)Andrea Koschinsky(雅德國各布大學)Valerie Chavagnac(法國土魯斯大學)Christian HansenWolfgang Bach(德國不來梅大學)

引用自:University of Georgia. "Deep-sea hydrothermal vents have carbon-removing properties." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 November 2015.