that Earth's first mass extinction was caused by critters not catastrophe
A powerful analogy for what is happening today
In the popular mind, mass
extinctions are associated with catastrophic events, like giant meteorite
impacts and volcanic super-eruptions.
But the world's first known
mass extinction, which took place about 540 million years ago, now appears to
have had a more subtle cause: evolution itself.
"People have been slow
to recognize that biological organisms can also drive mass extinction,"
said Simon Darroch, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences at
Vanderbilt University. "But our comparative study of several communities
of Ediacarans, the world's first multicellular organisms, strongly supports the
hypothesis that it was the appearance of complex animals capable of altering
their environments, which we define as 'ecosystem engineers,' that resulted in
the Ediacaran's disappearance."
「人們過了相當久才認知到生物本身也能驅使生物大滅絕發生。」范德堡大學地球與環境科學系的助理教授,Simon Darroch說。「地球上第一種多細胞生物群稱作埃迪卡拉動物(Ediacaran)。我們研究並比較不同的埃迪卡拉動物群落,結果強烈支持牠們之所以消失,是因為複雜動物出現而導致的假說。由於這些複雜動物能夠改變牠們生存的環境,因此我們也稱呼牠們為「生態工程師」(ecosystem engineer)。」
The study is described in
the paper "Biotic replacement and mass extinction of the Ediacara
biota" published Sept. 2 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
replacement and mass extinction of the Ediacara biota)為題的論文中,刊登於9月2日的《皇家學會報告B系列》期刊。
"There is a powerful
analogy between the Earth's first mass extinction and what is happening
today," Darroch observed. "The end-Ediacaran extinction shows that
the evolution of new behaviors can fundamentally change the entire planet, and
we are the most powerful 'ecosystem engineers' ever known."
The earliest life on Earth
consisted of microbes -- various types of single-celled microorganisms. They
ruled the Earth for more than 3 billion years. Then some of these
microorganisms discovered how to capture the energy in sunlight. The
photosynthetic process that they developed had a toxic byproduct: oxygen.
Oxygen was poisonous to most microbes that had evolved in an oxygen-free
environment, making it the world's first pollutant.
But for the microorganisms
that developed methods for protecting themselves, oxygen served as a powerful
new energy source. Among a number of other things, it gave them the added
energy they needed to adopt multicellular forms. Thus, the Ediacarans arose about
600 million years ago during a warm period following a long interval of
extensive glaciation.
"We don't know very
much about the Ediacarans because they did not produce shells or skeletons. As
a result, almost all we know about them comes from imprints of their shapes
preserved in sand or ash," said Darroch.
What scientists do know is
that, in their heyday, Ediacarans spread throughout the planet. They were a
largely immobile form of marine life shaped like discs and tubes, fronds and
quilted mattresses. The majority were extremely passive, remaining attached in
one spot for their entire lives. Many fed by absorbing chemicals from the water
through their outer membranes, rather than actively gathering nutrients.
Paleontologists have coined
the term "Garden of Ediacara" to convey the peace and tranquility
that must have prevailed during this period. But there was a lot of churning
going on beneath that apparently serene surface.
After 60 million years,
evolution gave birth to another major innovation: animals. All animals share
the characteristics that they can move spontaneously and independently, at
least during some point in their lives, and sustain themselves by eating other
organisms or what they produce. Animals burst onto the scene in a frenzy of
diversification that paleontologists have labeled the Cambrian explosion, a
25-million-year period when most of the modern animal families -- vertebrates,
molluscs, arthropods, annelids, sponges and jellyfish -- came into being.
"These new species
were 'ecological engineers' who changed the environment in ways that made it
more and more difficult for the Ediacarans to survive," said Darroch.
He and his colleagues
performed an extensive paleoecological and geochemical analysis of the youngest
known Ediacaran community exposed in hillside strata in southern Namibia. The
site, called Farm Swartpunt, is dated at 545 million years ago, in the waning
one to two million years of the Ediacaran reign.
"We found that the
diversity of species at this site was much lower, and there was evidence of
greater ecological stress, than at comparable sites that are 10 million to 15
million years older," Darroch reported. Rocks of this age also preserve an
increasing diversity of burrows and tracks made by the earliest complex
animals, presenting a plausible link between their evolution and extinction of
the Ediacarans.
The older sites were
Mistaken Point in Newfoundland, dating from 579 to 565 million years ago;
Nilpena in South Australia, dating from 555 to 550 million years ago; and the
White Sea in Russia, dating also from 555 to 550 million years ago million
years ago.
這些年代較老的場址包括了5億7900萬至5億6500萬年前,紐芬蘭的Mistaken Point;5億5500萬至5億5000萬年前,南澳的Nilpena,以及相同時代,位於俄羅斯的White Sea。
Darroch and his colleagues
made extensive efforts to ensure that the differences they recorded were not
due to some external factor.
For example, they ruled out
the possibility that the Swartpunt site might have been lacking in some vital
nutrients by closely comparing the geochemistry of the sites.
It is a basic maxim in
paleontology that the more effort that is made in investigating a given site,
the greater the diversity of fossils that will be found there. So the
researchers used statistical methods to compensate for the variation in the
differences in the amount of effort that had been spent studying the different
Having ruled out any
extraneous factors, Darroch and his collaborators concluded that "this
study provides the first quantitative palaeoecological evidence to suggest that
evolutionary innovation, ecosystem engineering and biological interactions may
have ultimately caused the first mass extinction of complex life."
University. "Evidence that Earth's first mass extinction was caused by
critters not catastrophe: A powerful analogy for what is happening today."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 September 2015.