2015年9月30日 星期三



A new view of the content of Earth's core

There is more oxygen in the core of Earth than originally thought. Lawrence Livermore geologist Rick Ryerson and international colleagues discovered some new findings about Earth's core and mantle by considering their geophysical and geochemical signatures together. This research provides insight into the origins of Earth's formation.
地核的含氧量比原先所認為的還要高。勞倫斯利福摩爾國家實驗室的地質學家Rick Ryerson與其他國際研究人員統合了地函與地核的地球物理和地球化學訊號,而有了新發現。此研究有助於瞭解地球如何形成。
Based on the higher oxygen concentration of the core, Ryerson's team concludes that Earth must have accreted material that is more oxidized than the present-day mantle, similar to that of planetesimals such as asteroidal bodies. A planetesimal is an object formed from dust, rock and other materials and can be can be anywhere in size from several meters to hundreds of kilometers.
Earth formed about 4.56 billion years ago over a period of several tens of millions of years through the accretion of planetary embryos and planetesimals. The energy delivered by progressively larger impacts maintained Earth's outer layer and an extensively molten magma ocean. Gravitational separation of metal and silicate within the magma ocean results in the planet characterized by a metallic core and a silicate mantle.
The formation of Earth's core left behind geophysical and geochemical signatures in the core and mantle that remain to this day. In the past, core formation models have only attempted to address the evolution of core and mantel compositional signatures separately rather than looking for a joint solution.
By combining experimental petrology, geochemistry, mineral physics and seismology, the team found that core formation occurred in a hot (liquid) moderately deep magma ocean not exceeding 1,800-kilometer depth, under conditions more oxidized than present-day Earth.
"This new model is at odds with the current belief that core formation occurred under reduction conditions," Ryerson said. "Instead we found that Earth's magma ocean started out oxidized and has become reduced through time by oxygen incorporation into the core."
They found the oxygen concentrations in the core are higher than previously thought and silicon concentrations are lower than previous estimates.
引用自:DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. "A new view of the content of Earth's core." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 September 2015. 

2015年9月24日 星期四



'Tree of life' for 2.3 million species released
Large, open-access resource aims to be 'Wikipedia' for evolutionary history

A first draft of the "tree of life" for the roughly 2.3 million named species of animals, plants, fungi and microbes -- from platypuses to puffballs -- has been released.
A collaborative effort among eleven institutions, the tree depicts the relationships among living things as they diverged from one another over time, tracing back to the beginning of life on Earth more than 3.5 billion years ago.
Tens of thousands of smaller trees have been published over the years for select branches of the tree of life -- some containing upwards of 100,000 species -- but this is the first time those results have been combined into a single tree that encompasses all of life. The end result is a digital resource that available free online for anyone to use or edit, much like a "Wikipedia" for evolutionary trees.
"This is the first real attempt to connect the dots and put it all together," said principal investigator Karen Cranston of Duke University. "Think of it as Version 1.0."
「這是科學家實際上首次嘗試將這些點全部連起來並拼湊出完整的圖像。」計畫主持人,杜克大學的Karen Cranston說,「可以將之視作為版本1.0。」
The current version of the tree -- along with the underlying data and source code -- is available to browse and download at https://tree.opentreeoflife.org.
It is also described in an article appearing Sept. 18 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Evolutionary trees, branching diagrams that often look like a cross between a candelabra and a subway map, aren't just for figuring out whether aardvarks are more closely related to moles or manatees, or pinpointing a slime mold's closest cousins. Understanding how the millions of species on Earth are related to one another helps scientists discover new drugs, increase crop and livestock yields, and trace the origins and spread of infectious diseases such as HIV, Ebola and influenza.
Rather than build the tree of life from scratch, the researchers pieced it together by compiling thousands of smaller chunks that had already been published online and merging them together into a gigantic "supertree" that encompasses all named species.
The initial draft is based on nearly 500 smaller trees from previously published studies.
To map trees from different sources to the branches and twigs of a single supertree, one of the biggest challenges was simply accounting for the name changes, alternate names, common misspellings and abbreviations for each species. The eastern red bat, for example, is often listed under two scientific names, Lasiurus borealis and Nycteris borealis. Spiny anteaters once shared their scientific name with a group of moray eels.
考量到每一個物種名字的變化、別名、常見拼字錯誤和縮寫,要從來自四面八方的資料繪製出這棵神木的一根分枝甚至末梢,便是一大挑戰。拿東方紅蝠(eastern red bat)為例,牠在學名上就有兩種稱呼,Lasiurus borealisNycteris borealis。而針鼴則曾經與一種鯙類(海鱔)共用學名。
"Although a massive undertaking in its own right, this draft tree of life represents only a first step," the researchers wrote.
For one, only a tiny fraction of published trees are digitally available.
A survey of more than 7,500 phylogenetic studies published between 2000 and 2012 in more than 100 journals found that only one out of six studies had deposited their data in a digital, downloadable format that the researchers could use.
The vast majority of evolutionary trees are published as PDFs and other image files that are impossible to enter into a database or merge with other trees.
"There's a pretty big gap between the sum of what scientists know about how living things are related, and what's actually available digitally," Cranston said.
As a result, the relationships depicted in some parts of the tree, such as the branches representing the pea and sunflower families, don't always agree with expert opinion.
Other parts of the tree, particularly insects and microbes, remain elusive.
That's because even the most popular online archive of raw genetic sequences -- from which many evolutionary trees are built -- contains DNA data for less than five percent of the tens of millions species estimated to exist on Earth.
"As important as showing what we do know about relationships, this first tree of life is also important in revealing what we don't know," said co-author Douglas Soltis of the University of Florida.
「第一棵生命之樹的重要之處在於它顯現出我們對這些親緣關係所知多少,而同樣重要的是它也呈現了我們未知的部分。」共同作者,佛羅里達大學的Douglas Soltis說。
To help fill in the gaps, the team is also developing software that will enable researchers to log on and update and revise the tree as new data come in for the millions of species still being named or discovered.
"It's by no means finished," Cranston said. "It's critically important to share data for already-published and newly-published work if we want to improve the tree."
"Twenty five years ago people said this goal of huge trees was impossible," Soltis said. "The Open Tree of Life is an important starting point that other investigators can now refine and improve for decades to come."
This research was supported by a three-year, $5.76 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (1208809).

This circular family tree of Earth's lifeforms is considered a first draft of the 3.5-billion-year history of how life evolved and diverged.

引用自:Duke University. "'Tree of life' for 2.3 million species released: Large, open-access resource aims to be 'Wikipedia' for evolutionary history." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 18 September 2015. 


2015年9月16日 星期三



Ancient ancestor of humans with tiny brain discovered
Homo naledi raises intriguing questions about our evolutionary past

An international team of scientists, including one from the University of Colorado Denver and another from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, announced the discovery Thursday of a new species of hominin, a small creature with a tiny brain that opens the door to a new way of thinking about our ancient ancestors.
The discovery of 15 individuals, consisting of 1,550 bones, represents the largest fossil hominin find on the African continent.
"We found adults and children in the cave who are members of genus Homo but very different from modern humans," said CU Denver Associate Professor of Anthropology. Charles Musiba, PhD, who took part in a press conference Thursday near the discovery inside the Rising Star Cave in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site outside Johannesburg, South Africa. "They are very petite and have the brain size of chimpanzees. The only thing similar we know of are the so-called `hobbits' of Flores Island in Indonesia."
「我們在洞窟中發現的成人和孩童化石雖然隸屬於人屬(Homo),但他們跟現代人的差異相當大。」在記者會上,科羅拉多大學丹佛分校人類學系的副教授Charles Musiba博士說。記者會週四舉辦在發現這些化石的「啟星洞」(Rising Star Cave)附近。此洞穴位於南非約翰尼斯堡外,人類的搖籃世界遺址(Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site)中。「他們的個頭十分嬌小,腦容量與黑猩猩相仿。就我們所知,唯一跟他們相似的物種為發現於印尼弗洛勒斯島的「哈比人」。」
Homo floresiensis or Flores Man was discovered in 2003. Like this latest finding, it stood 3.5 five feet high and seems to have existed relatively recently though the exact age is unknown.
佛羅勒斯人(Homo floresiensis)發現於2003年。就像這件最新發現,佛羅勒斯人站起來的高度僅3.5(1公尺),生存年代雖然尚未確定,但可能相當接近現代。
Caley Orr, PhD, an assistant professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, analyzed the fossil hands.
科羅拉多大學醫學校區,細胞與發育生物學系的助理教授Caley Orr博士分析了這些化石的手部。
"The hand has human-like features for manipulation of objects and curved fingers that are well adapted for climbing," Orr said. "But its exact position on our family tree is still unknown."
The new species has been dubbed Homo naledi after the cave where it was found -- naledi means `star' in the local South African language Sesotho.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the discovery is that the bodies appear to have been deposited in the cave intentionally. Scientists have long believed this sort of ritualized or repeated behavior was limited to humans.
The team of 35 to 40 scientists was led by Lee Berger, research professor in the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. It was supported by the National Geographic Society and the National Research Foundation. The October issue of National Geographic magazine will feature the discovery as its cover story. It will also be the subject of a NOVA/National Geographic Special airing Sept. 16.
這個3540人的科學家團隊由Lee Berger領導,其為南非金山大學演化學研究所的研究教授,並由國家地理學會與國家研究基金會贊助。國家地理雜誌10月號將會以這項發現做為封面故事;國家地理頻道也會在916號播映以此為主題的特別節目。
Getting inside the Dinaledi chamber of the remote cave system was difficult, requiring the help of six `underground astronauts,' who squeezed through a 7-inch wide gap to reach the remains.
"The chamber has not given up all of its secrets," said Berger, a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence. "There are potentially hundreds if not thousands of remains of H. naledi still down there."
The announcement coincides with the publication of two studies about the new species in the journal eLife, co-authored by Musiba and Orr.
與此聲明同一時間發表的為討論此新物種,刊載於期刊《eLife》上的兩篇論文,共同作者包括了Musiba Orr
In it, the researchers try to place Homo naledi in context with other species. Generally speaking, they say, there is an assumption that any new group of fossils must belong to an existing species.
But it's not that simple here.
"Assigning these remains to any known species of Homo is problematic," the study said. "While Homo(naledi) shares aspects of cranial and mandibular morphology with Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, MP Homo and Homo sapiens, it differs from all of these taxa in its unique combination of derived cranial vault, maxillary, and mandibular morphology."
「要將這些骸骨歸類至任何已知的人屬物種可說困難重重。」論文中寫道,「雖然此(納勒迪)人屬的頭蓋骨和下顎形貌與巧人(Homo habilis)、盧多爾夫人(Homo rudolfensis)、直立人(Homo erectus)、中更新世人(MP Homo)及智人(Homo sapiens)皆有相似之處,他的顱頂、上頷與下顎組合起來的型態卻跟這些人種大相逕庭。
The study suggests that Homonaledi most closely resembles Homoerectus with its small brain and body size. Yet it also resembles Australopithecus which highlights its own uniqueness.
Complicating matters is the fact that researchers still don't know the exact age of the fossil site.
"If these fossils are late Pliocene or early Pleistocene, it is possible that this new species of small-brained, early Homo represents an intermediate between Australopithecus and Homoerectus," the study said.
That would also make the new species very old.
But if the fossils are more recent, they theorize, it raises the possibility that a small-brained Homo lived in southern Africa at the same time as larger brained Homo species were evolving.
"This raises many questions," Musiba said. "How many species of human were there? Were their lines that simply extended outward and then disappeared? Did they co-exist with modern humans? Did they interbreed?"
Homo naledi has a chest similar to a chimpanzee and hands and feet proportionate with modern humans, though with curved fingers.
"They would have had great climbing ability," said Musiba. "The oldest adults were about 45 and the youngest were infants."
He described poring over the bones late at night as akin to `hitting the jackpot.'
"You just didn't want to go home because it was so exciting," he said. "I felt like a kid in a candy store." The find represents another milestone in Musiba's efforts to advance the understanding of our earliest human relatives.
As director of CU Denver's Tanzania Field School, he takes groups of students each year to gain hands-on experience working in and around the famed Laetoli hominin footprints site and Olduvai Gorge where some of the oldest hominin remains have been found.
身為科羅拉多大學丹佛分校坦尚尼亞田野學校的主任,他每年都會帶學生進行實地考察。地點包括了著名的雷托里(Laetoli)人類腳印遺址,和曾發現幾具最早人類化石的奧杜威峽谷(Olduvai Gorge)之內或周遭地區。
Not long ago, they discovered ancient footprints of lions, rhinos and antelopes near those of the early hominins.
And last year, Musiba was appointed to an international team of advisors dedicated to building a museum complex in Tanzania to showcase a collection of 70 hominin footprints, estimated at 3.6 million years old. They are considered the earliest example of bipedalism among hominins.
Musiba said the Rising Star expedition was notable for getting so many anthropologists to work together.
"Anthropology can be a cut-throat profession with all these scientists scrambling for limited resources," he said. "To me one of the most exciting aspects of this research was the collaborative nature of it."
更多圖片可以看Homo naledi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
引用自:University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. "Ancient ancestor of humans with tiny brain discovered: Homo naledi raises intriguing questions about our evolutionary past." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 September 2015.