2017年1月20日 星期五




在此篇發表於《美國國家科學院院刊》的文章中,FSU的生物學教授Gregory Erickson和研究團隊破解了這些史前生物的複雜生理性質,並解釋如何利用胚胎的牙齒生長紀錄,來解開孵化恐龍蛋需要多久的謎團。
EricksonFSU的研究生David Kay和來自卡爾加里大學與美國自然史博物館的其他研究人員,決定要實際證明這些理論是否正確。
「對動物的發育來說在蛋中的時光是相當重要的時期,但由於恐龍的胚胎相當稀少,因此我們對恐龍最初的成長階段也所知不多。」共同作者,卡爾加里大學的地質科學助理教授Darla Zelenitsky表示。「胚胎或許可以告訴我們恐龍在生命史最早期的成長發育過程,以及在這方面牠們是近似於鳥類還是爬蟲類。」
「恐龍胚胎是世上最珍貴的幾種化石之一。」這篇研究的共同作者,美國自然史博物館的馬考利圖書館的館長Mark Norell說。「在此,我們利用了美國博物館於戈壁進行考察時採集的珍貴化石樣品,結合新技術與概念,而發現到一些關於恐龍的真正最新見解。」


How long did it take to hatch a dinosaur egg? 3-6 months

A human typically gives birth after nine months. An ostrich hatchling emerges from its egg after 42 days. But how long did it take for a baby dinosaur to incubate?
Groundbreaking research led by a Florida State University professor establishes a timeline of anywhere from three to six months depending on the dinosaur.
In an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, FSU Professor of Biological Science Gregory Erickson and a team of researchers break down the complicated biology of these prehistoric creatures and explain how embryonic dental records solved the mystery of how long dinosaurs incubated their eggs.
"Some of the greatest riddles about dinosaurs pertain to their embryology -- virtually nothing is known," Erickson said. "Did their eggs incubate slowly like their reptilian cousins -- crocodilians and lizards? Or rapidly like living dinosaurs -- the birds?"
Scientists had long theorized that dinosaur incubation duration was similar to birds, whose eggs hatch in periods ranging from 11-85 days. Comparable-sized reptilian eggs typically take twice as long -- weeks to many months.
Because the eggs of dinosaurs were so large -- some were about 4 kilograms or the size of a volleyball -- scientists believed they must have experienced rapid incubation with birds inheriting that characteristic from their dinosaur ancestors.
Erickson, FSU graduate student David Kay and colleagues from University of Calgary and the American Museum of Natural History decided to put these theories to the test.
To do that, they accessed some rare fossils -- those of dinosaur embryos.
"Time within the egg is a crucial part of development, but this earliest growth stage is poorly known because dinosaur embryos are rare," said co-author Darla Zelenitsky, assistant professor of geoscience at University of Calgary. "Embryos can potentially tell us how dinosaurs developed and grew very early on in life and if they are more similar to birds or reptiles in these respects."
The two types of dinosaur embryos researchers examined were those from Protoceratops -- a sheep-sized dinosaur found in the Mongolian Gobi Desert whose eggs were quite small (194 grams) -- and Hypacrosaurus, an enormous duck-billed dinosaur found in Alberta, Canada with eggs weighing more than 4 kilograms.
Erickson and his team ran the embryonic jaws through a CT scanner to visualize the forming dentition. Then, they extracted several of the teeth to further examine them under sophisticated microscopes.
Researchers found what they were looking for on those microscope slides. Growth lines on the teeth showed researchers precisely how long the dinosaurs had been growing in the eggs.
"These are the lines that are laid down when any animal's teeth develops," Erickson said. "They're kind of like tree rings, but they're put down daily. We could literally count them to see how long each dinosaur had been developing."
Their results showed nearly three months for the tiny Protoceratops embryos and six months for those from the giant Hypacrosaurus.
"Dinosaur embryos are some of the best fossils in the world," said Mark Norell, Macaulay Curator for the American Museum of Natural History and a co-author on the study. "Here, we used spectacular fossils specimens collected by American Museum expeditions to the Gobi Desert, coupled them with new technology and new ideas, leading us to discover something truly novel about dinosaurs."
The implications of long dinosaur incubation are considerable.
In addition to finding that dinosaur incubation was similar to primitive reptiles, the researchers could infer many aspects of dinosaurian biology from the results.
Prolonged incubation put eggs and their parents at risk from predators, starvation and other environmental risk factors. And theories that some dinosaurs nested in the more temperate lower latitude of Canada and then traveled to the Arctic during the summer now seem unlikely given the time frame for hatching and migration.
The biggest ramification from the study, however, relates to the extinction of dinosaurs. Given that these warm-blooded creatures required considerable resources to reach adult size, took more than a year to mature and had slow incubation times, they would have been at a distinct disadvantage compared to other animals that survived the extinction event.
"We suspect our findings have implications for understanding why dinosaurs went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period, whereas amphibians, birds, mammals and other reptiles made it through and prospered," Erickson said.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation.
原始論文:Gregory M. Erickson, Darla K. Zelenitsky, David Ian Kay, and Mark A. Norell. Dinosaur incubation periods directly determined from growth-line counts in embryonic teeth show reptilian-grade developmentPNAS, 2017 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1613716114

引用自:Florida State University. "How long did it take to hatch a dinosaur egg? 3-6 months." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 January 2017. 

2017年1月12日 星期四



氧氣讓動物能進行化學反應,獲取儲存在碳水化合物,也就是食物中的能量。因此5億年前左右,動物在「寒武紀大爆發」(Cambrian explosion)事件中大量出現並演化,同時大氣氧含量出現高峰,也許並不是單純的巧合。
刊登於《地球和行星科學通訊》(Earth and Planetary Science Letters )二月號線上版的研究,將氧氣含量的提高歸因於沉積物埋藏量的迅速增加,這些沉積物具有大量富含碳的有機物質。共同作者,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的地質科學教授Shanan Peters表示,關鍵在於瞭解沉積物可以將碳封存起來防止其被氧化。
為了證明這項理論,Peters和的博士後研究員Jon HussonMacrostrat中發掘出一組全新的資料。Peters用了10年策劃並建立了Macrostrat,此資料庫彙整了北美各處的地質資訊。
Peters拿著一塊大約於4.5億年前形成,嵌有數隻三葉蟲的奧陶紀頁岩說:「為什麼大氣中會有氧氣?高中教科書给的答案是『光合作用』。但從威斯康辛州的地質學家Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin(1843-1928,曾擔任威斯康辛大學的校長)那時起,我們長久以來已經了解到氧氣的增加需要黑色頁岩這類的岩層形成,它們含有大量本該燃燒殆盡的碳。這些頁岩當中的有機碳是經由光合作用而固定住,將它們埋藏並保存在岩石當中才能真正將氧分子釋放出來。」

Fossil fuel formation: Key to atmosphere’s oxygen?

For the development of animals, nothing -- with the exception of DNA -- may be more important than oxygen in the atmosphere.
Oxygen enables the chemical reactions that animals use to get energy from stored carbohydrates -- from food. So it may be no coincidence that animals appeared and evolved during the "Cambrian explosion," which coincided with a spike in atmospheric oxygen roughly 500 million years ago.
It was during the Cambrian explosion that most of the current animal designs appeared.
In green plants, photosynthesis separates carbon dioxide into molecular oxygen (which is released to the atmosphere), and carbon (which is stored in carbohydrates).
But photosynthesis had already been around for at least 2.5 billion years. So what accounted for the sudden spike in oxygen during the Cambrian?
A study now online in the February issue of Earth and Planetary Science Letters links the rise in oxygen to a rapid increase in the burial of sediment containing large amounts of carbon-rich organic matter. The key, says study co-author Shanan Peters, a professor of geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is to recognize that sediment storage blocks the oxidation of carbon.
Without burial, this oxidation reaction causes dead plant material on Earth's surface to burn. That causes the carbon it contains, which originated in the atmosphere, to bond with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. And for oxygen to build up in our atmosphere, plant organic matter must be protected from oxidation.
And that's exactly what happens when organic matter -- the raw material of coal, oil and natural gas -- is buried through geologic processes.
To make this case, Peters and his postdoctoral fellow Jon Husson mined a unique data set called Macrostrat, an accumulation of geologic information on North America whose construction Peters has masterminded for 10 years.
The parallel graphs of oxygen in the atmosphere and sediment burial, based on the formation of sedimentary rock, indicate a relationship between oxygen and sediment. Both graphs show a smaller peak at 2.3 billion years ago and a larger one about 500 million years ago.
"It's a correlation, but our argument is that there are mechanistic connections between geology and the history of atmospheric oxygen," Husson says. "When you store sediment, it contains organic matter that was formed by photosynthesis, which converted carbon dioxide into biomass and released oxygen into the atmosphere. Burial removes the carbon from Earth's surface, preventing it from bonding molecular oxygen pulled from the atmosphere."
Some of the surges in sediment burial that Husson and Peters identified coincided with the formation of vast fields of fossil fuel that are still mined today, including the oil-rich Permian Basin in Texas and the Pennsylvania coal fields of Appalachia.
"Burying the sediments that became fossil fuels was the key to advanced animal life on Earth," Peters says, noting that multicellular life is largely a creation of the Cambrian.
Today, burning billions of tons of stored carbon in fossil fuels is removing large amounts of oxygen from the atmosphere, reversing the pattern that drove the rise in oxygen. And so the oxygen level in the atmosphere falls as the concentration of carbon dioxide rises.
The data about North America in Macrostrat reflects the work of thousands of geoscientists over more than a century. The current study only concerns North America, since comprehensive databases concerning the other 80 percent of Earth's continental surface do not yet exist.
The ultimate geological cause for the accelerated sediment storage that promoted the two surges in oxygen remains murky. "There are many ideas to explain the different phases of oxygen concentration," Husson concedes. "We suspect that deep-rooted changes in the movement of tectonic plates or conduction of heat or circulation in the mantle may be in play, but we don't have an explanation at this point."
Holding a chunk of trilobite-studded Ordovician shale that formed approximately 450 million years ago, Peters asks, "Why is there oxygen in the atmosphere? The high school explanation is 'photosynthesis.' But we've known for a long time, going all the way back to Wisconsin geologist (and University of Wisconsin president) Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, that building up oxygen requires the formation of rocks like this black shale, which can be rich enough in carbon to actually burn. The organic carbon in this shale was fixed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis, and its burial and preservation in this rock liberated molecular oxygen."
What's new in the current study, Husson says, is the ability to document this relationship in a broad database that covers 20 percent of Earth's land surface.
Continual burial of carbon is needed to keep the atmosphere pumped up with oxygen. Many pathways on Earth's surface, Husson notes, like oxidation of iron -- rust -- consume free oxygen. "The secret to having oxygen in the atmosphere is to remove a tiny portion of the present biomass and sequester it in sedimentary deposits. That's what happened when fossil fuels were deposited."
原始論文:Jon M. Husson, Shanan E. Peters. Atmospheric oxygenation driven by unsteady growth of the continental sedimentary reservoirEarth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017; 460: 68 DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.012
引用自:University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Fossil fuel formation: Key to atmosphere’s oxygen?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 December 2016. 

2017年1月8日 星期日




接著,整個星球激烈地轉變成另外一種樣貌。根據喬治亞理工學院和耶魯大學的地球化學家進行的新研究,在大約8億年前的元古宙(Proterozoic Eon)晚期,所有生物皆需要的化學元素磷,開始廣泛地在全球海岸線旁的淺海地帶累積,而形成了動物和其他複雜生物誕生的溫床。
雖然研究人員很小心地不傳遞出磷是整個連鎖反應必要因素的暗示,但是從海岸地區採集到的沉積岩中,磷確實標出了生命大躍進和氣候變化發生的時間點。喬治亞理工學院地球和大氣科學院的助理教授Chris Reinhard說:「這個時間點確實十分引人注目。」
Reinhard和耶魯大學的地球化學家Noah Planavsky共同主持了這項研究。他們層層往下挖掘形成於遠古海岸地區,直至年代為35億年前的沉積岩。利用這些岩石記錄,他們計算磷這種重要肥料的化學循環演變過程,而它又是如何在地球真正的創生過程中占據重要章節。
「我們之所以能住在一顆充滿氧氣的星球,唯一原因便是地球具備產氧光合作用(oxygenic photosynthesis)生物。」Planavsky說。「像藍綠菌這類可行使光合作用的細胞在結合二氧化碳和水以產生糖分時,排出的廢物即為氧氣。」
而光合作用為演化唯一性(evolutionary singularity),意味者在地球歷史中其只演化出一次就在藍綠菌體內。

A fertilizer dearth foiled animal evolution for eons?

End of phosphorus dearth in ocean shallows coincides with evolutionary surge in study of 3.5 billion years of Earth's history

For three billion years or more, the evolution of the first animal life on Earth was ready to happen, practically waiting in the wings. But the breathable oxygen it required wasn't there, and a lack of simple nutrients may have been to blame.
Then came a fierce planetary metamorphosis. Roughly 800 million years ago, in the late Proterozoic Eon, phosphorus, a chemical element essential to all life, began to accumulate in shallow ocean zones near coastlines widely considered to be the birthplace of animals and other complex organisms, according to a new study by geoscientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Yale University.
Along with phosphorus accumulation came a global chemical chain reaction, which included other nutrients, that powered organisms to pump oxygen into the atmosphere and oceans. Shortly after that transition, waves of climate extremes swept the globe, freezing it over twice for tens of millions of years each time, a highly regarded theory holds. The elevated availability of nutrients and bolstered oxygen also likely fueled evolution's greatest lunge forward.
After billions of years, during which life consisted almost entirely of single-celled organisms, animals evolved. At first, they were extremely simple, resembling today's sponges or jellyfish, but Earth was on its way from being, for eons, a planet less than hospitable to complex life to becoming one bursting with it.
Earth's true genesis
In the last few hundred million years, biodiversity has blossomed, leading to dense jungles and grasslands echoing with animal calls, and waters writhing with every shape of fin and color of scale. And most every stage of development has left its mark on the fossil record.
The researchers are careful not to imply that phosphorus necessarily caused the chain reaction, but in sedimentary rock taken from coastal areas, the nutrient has marked the spot where that burst of life and climate change took off. "The timing is definitely conspicuous," said Chris Reinhard, an assistant professor in Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Reinhard and Noah Planavsky, a geochemist from Yale University, who headed up the research together, have mined records of sedimentary rock that formed in ancient coastal zones, going down layer by layer to 3.5 billion years ago, to compute how the cycle of the essential fertilizer phosphorus evolved and how it appeared to play a big part in a veritable genesis.
They noticed a remarkable congruency as they moved upward through the layers of shale into the time period where animal life began, in the late Proterozoic Eon.
"The most basic change was from very limited phosphorus availability to much higher phosphorus availability in surface waters of the ocean," Reinhard said. "And the transition seemed to occur right around the time that there were very large changes in ocean-atmosphere oxygen levels and just before the emergence of animals."
Phosphorus at the beach
Reinhard and Planavsky, together with an international team, have proposed that a scavenging of nutrients in an anoxic (nearly O2-free) world stunted photosynthetic organisms that otherwise had been poised for at least two billion years to make stockpiles of oxygen. Then that balanced system was upset and oceanic phosphorus made its way to coastal waters.
The scientists published their findings in the journal Nature. Their research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the NASA Astrobiology Institute, the Sloan Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
The work provides a new view into what factors allowed life to reshape Earth's atmosphere. It helps lay a foundation that scientists can apply to make predictions about what would allow life to alter exoplanets' atmospheres, and may inspire deeper studies, here on Earth, of how oceanic-atmospheric chemistry drives climate instability and influences the rise and fall of life through the ages.
Cyanobacteria, the mother of O2
Complex living things, including animals, usually have an immense metabolism and require ample O2 to drive it. The evolution of animals is unthinkable without it.
The path to understanding how a nutrient dearth would starve out breathable oxygen production leads back to a very special kind of bacteria called cyanobacteria, the mother of oxygen on Earth.
"The only reason we have a well-oxygenated planet we can live on is because of oxygenic photosynthesis," Planavsky said. "O2 is the waste product of photosynthesizing cells, like cyanobacteria, combining CO2 and water to build sugars."
And photosynthesis is an evolutionary singularity, meaning it only evolved once in Earth's history -- in cyanobacteria.
Some other biological phenomena evolved repeatedly in dozens or hundreds of unrelated incidents across the ages, such as the transition from single-celled organisms to rudimentary multicellular organisms. But scientists are confident that oxygenic photosynthesis evolved only this one time in Earth's history, only in cyanobacteria, and all plants and other beings on Earth that photosynthesize coopted the development.
The iron anchor
Cyanobacteria are credited with filling Earth's atmosphere with O2, and they've been around for 2.5 billion years or more.
That begs the question: What took so long? Basic nutrients that fed the bacteria weren't readily available, the scientist hypothesize. The phosphorus, which Planavsky and Reinhard specifically tracked, was in the ocean for billions of years, too, but it was tied up in the wrong places.
For eons, the mineral iron, which once saturated oceans, likely bonded with phosphorus, and sank it down to dark ocean depths, far away from those shallows -- also called continental margins -- where cyanobacteria would have needed it to thrive and make oxygen. Even today, iron is used to treat waters polluted with fertilizer to remove phosphorus by sinking it as deep sediment.
The researchers also used a geochemical model to show how a global system with high iron concentration and low phosphorus availability combined with low nitrogen availability in ocean shallows could perpetuate itself in a low-oxygen world.
"It looks to have been such a stable planetary system," Reinhard said. "But it's obviously not the planet we live on now, so the question is, how did we transition from this low-oxygen state to where we are now?"
What ultimately caused that change is a question for future research.
Phosphorus starting pistol
But something did change about 800 million years ago, and cyanobacteria and other minute organisms in continental margin ecosystems got more phosphorus, the backbone of DNA and RNA, and a main actor in cell metabolism. The bacteria became more active, reproduced more quickly, ate lots more phosphorus and made loads more O2.
"Phosphorus is not only essential for life," Planavsky said. "What's implicit in all this is: It can control the amount of life on our planet."
When the newly multiplied bacteria died, they fell to the floor of those ocean shallows, stacking up layer by layer to decay and enrich the mud with phosphorus. The mud eventually compressed to stone.
"As the biomass increased in phosphorus content, the more of it landed in layers of sedimentary rock," Reinhard said. "To scientists, that shale is the pages of the sea floor's history book."
Scientists have thumbed through them for decades, compiling data. Planavsky and Reinhard analyzed some 15,000 rock records for their study.
"The first compilation we had of this was only 600 samples," Planavsky said. Reinhard added, "But you could already see it then. The phosphorus jolt was as clear as day. And as the database grew in size, the phenomenon became more entrenched."
That first signal of phosphorus in Earth's coast shallows pops up in the shale record like a shot from a starting pistol in the race for abundant life.
原始論文:Christopher T. Reinhard, Noah J. Planavsky, Benjamin C. Gill, Kazumi Ozaki, Leslie J. Robbins, Timothy W. Lyons, Woodward W. Fischer, Chunjiang Wang, Devon B. Cole, Kurt O. Konhauser. Evolution of the global phosphorus cycleNature, 2016; DOI: 10.1038/nature20772
引用自:Georgia Institute of Technology. "A fertilizer dearth foiled animal evolution for eons? End of phosphorus dearth in ocean shallows coincides with evolutionary surge in study of 3.5 billion years of Earth's history." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 December 2016.