2015年6月30日 星期二



Oklahoma earthquakes linked to oil and gas drilling
Stanford geophysicists have identified the triggering mechanism responsible for the recent spike of earthquakes in parts of Oklahoma -- a crucial first step in eventually stopping them.
In a new study published in the June 19 issue of the journal Science Advances, Professor Mark Zoback and PhD student Rall Walsh show that the state's rising number of earthquakes coincided with dramatic increases in the disposal of salty wastewater into the Arbuckle formation, a 7,000-foot-deep, sedimentary formation under Oklahoma.
在刊登於619日的《科學前緣》(Science Advances)期刊的新研究當中,Mark Zoback教授與博士生Rall Walsh顯示此州的地震次數增加,與注入Arbuckle層的含鹽汙水劇增呈現一致的關係。Arbuckle層為奧克拉荷馬州7000呎之下的沉積岩層。
In addition, the pair showed that the primary source of the quake-triggering wastewater is not so-called "flow back water" generated after hydraulic fracturing operations. Rather, the culprit is "produced water"-brackish water that naturally coexists with oil and gas within the Earth. Companies separate produced water from extracted oil and gas and typically reinject it into deeper disposal wells.
此外,這對科學家顯示引發地震的汙水的主要來源並非由水力壓裂法產生,即一般所稱的回水(flow back water)。相反的,真兇是採出水(produced water),為自然情形下在地球內部與油氣共存的水。石油公司從抽出的油氣中分離採出水後,一般會將其回注至更深的處置井(disposal well)中。
"What we've learned in this study is that the fluid injection responsible for most of the recent quakes in Oklahoma is due to production and subsequent injection of massive amounts of wastewater, and is unrelated to hydraulic fracturing," said Zoback, the Benjamin M. Page Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.
我們從這篇研究中學到的是,最近大部分奧克拉荷馬州的地震的引發機制,主要為將開採時產生的大量汙水回注至地下,而與水力壓裂法無關。Zoback說,其為(史丹佛大學)地球、能源與環境科學系的Benjamin M. Page榮譽教授。
The Stanford study results were a major contributing factor in the recent decision by the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) to issue a statement that said it was "very likely" that most of the state's recent earthquakes are due to the injection of produced water into disposal wells that extend down to, or even beyond, the Arbuckle formation.
Recent increases in seismicity
Before 2008, Oklahoma experienced one or two magnitude 4 earthquakes per decade, but in 2014 alone, the state experienced 24 such seismic events. Although the earthquakes are felt throughout much of the state, they pose little danger to the public, but scientists say that the possibility of triggering larger, potentially damaging earthquakes cannot be discounted.
In the study, Zoback and Walsh looked at three study areas-centered around the towns of Cherokee, Perry and Jones-in Oklahoma that have experienced the greatest number of earthquakes in recent years. All three areas showed clear increases in quakes following increases in wastetwater disposal. Three nearby control areas that did not have much wastewater disposal did not experience increases in the number of quakes.
Because the pair were also able to review data about the total amount of wastewater injected at wells, as well as the total amount of hydraulic fracturing happening in each study area, they were able to conclude that the bulk of the injected water was produced water generated using conventional oil extraction techniques, not during hydraulic fracturing.
"We know that some of the produced water came from wells that were hydraulically fractured, but in the three areas of most seismicity, over 95 percent of the wastewater disposal is produced water, not hydraulic fracturing flowback water," said Zoback, who is also a senior fellow at Stanford's Precourt Institute for Energy and director of the university's recently launched Natural Gas Initiative, which is focused on ensuring that natural gas is developed and used in ways that are economically, environmentally, and societally optimal.
我們知道部分注入井裡的採出水來自水力壓裂法,但在那3個最多地震活動的區域,超過95%的處置汙水來自採出水,而非水力壓裂法的回流水,Zoback說,他同時也是史丹佛皮考特能源研究所(Stanford's Precourt Institute for Energy)的高等研究員,以及史丹佛最近發起的天然氣計畫的領導人,其旨在確保天然氣的開發及使用符合經濟效益、環保與社會最適性。
Time delay explained
The three study areas in Oklahoma that Zoback and Walsh looked at all showed a time delay between peak injection rate and the onset of seismicity, as well as spatial separations between the epicenter of the quakes and the injection well sites. Some of the quakes occurred months or even years after injection rates peaked and in locations that were sometimes located miles away from any wells.
These discrepancies had previously puzzled scientists, and had even been used by some to argue against a link between wastewater disposal and triggered earthquakes, but Zoback said they are easily explained by a simple conceptual model for Oklahoma's seismicity that his team has developed.
According to this model, wastewater disposal is increasing the pore pressure in the Arbuckle formation, the disposal zone that sits directly above the crystalline basement, the rock layer where earthquake faults lie. Pore pressure is the pressure of the fluids within the fractures and pore spaces of rocks at depth. The earth's crust contains many pre-existing faults, some of which are geologically active today. Shear stress builds up slowly on these faults over the course of geologic time, until it finally overcomes the frictional strength that keeps the two sides of a fault clamped together. When this happens, the fault slips, and energy is released as an earthquake.
Active faults in Oklahoma might trigger an earthquake every few thousand years. However, by increasing the fluid pressure through disposal of wastewater into the Arbuckle formation in the three areas of concentrated seismicity-from about 20 million barrels per year in 1997 to about 400 million barrels per year in 2013-humans have sped up this process dramatically. "The earthquakes in Oklahoma would have happened eventually," Walsh said. "But by injecting water into the faults and pressurizing them, we've advanced the clock and made them occur today."
奧克拉荷馬州的活斷層大概每數千年就會發生一次地震。然而在那三個地震集中的地區,汙水處置注入Arbuckle層的液體量,從1997年的每年2千萬桶暴增至2013年的每年4億桶,造成孔隙水壓快速升高而劇烈加速了整個過程。奧克拉荷馬州總有一天會發生地震, Walsh說。但藉由將水注入至斷層中而對其施加壓力,我們撥快了時鐘而造成它們發生於今日。
Moreover, because pressure from the wastewater injection is spreading throughout the Arbuckle formation, it can affect faults located far from well sites, creating the observed time delay. "You can easily imagine that if a fault wasn't located directly beneath a well, but several miles away, it would take time for the fluid pressure to propagate," Walsh said.
此外,由於汙水注入造成的壓力會擴散至整個Arbuckle 層,因此離井址很遠的斷層也會受到影響,這會造成我們觀測到的時間差。你可以輕易想像若一斷層並非位在井的正下方,而是位於數哩遠的地方,則水壓要擴散至此斷層便需要一段時間。Walsh說。
Possible solutions
Now that the source of the recent quakes in Oklahoma is known, scientists and regulators can work on ways to stop them. One possible solution, Zoback said, would be cease injection of produced water into the Arbuckle formation entirely, and instead inject it back into producing formations such as the Mississippian Lime, an oil-rich limestone layer where much of the produced water in Oklahoma comes from in the first place.
Some companies already reinject water back into reservoirs in order to displace remaining oil and make it easier to recover. The Stanford study found that this technique, called enhanced oil recovery, does not result in increased earthquakes.
某些企業已經開始將汙水重新注回儲油層,目的為用水置換其中剩餘的油使它們更容易被回收。史丹佛的這篇研究發現此種稱作強化增產石油(enhanced oil recovery)的技術,並不會造成地震增加。
Even if companies opt to use producing formations to store wastewater, however, the quakes won't cease immediately. "They've already injected so much water that the pressure is still spreading throughout the Arbuckle formation," Zoback said. "The earthquakes won't stop overnight, but they should subside over time."
引用自:Stanford's School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. "Oklahoma earthquakes linked to oil and gas drilling." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 18 June 2015. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150618145809.htm>.

2015年6月25日 星期四



Early modern humans interbred with Neanderthals
An early European had a close Neanderthal ancestor
Neanderthals became extinct about 40,000 years ago but contributed on average one to three percent to the genomes of present-day Eurasians. Researchers have now analyzed DNA from a 37,000 to 42,000-year-old human mandible from Oase Cave in Romania and have found that six to nine percent of this person's genome came from Neanderthals, more than any other human sequenced to date. Because large segments of this individual's chromosomes are of Neanderthal origin, a Neanderthal was among his ancestors as recently as four to six generations back in his family tree. This shows that some of the first modern humans that came to Europe mixed with the local Neanderthals.
All present-day humans who have their roots outside sub-Saharan Africa carry one to three percent of Neanderthal DNA in their genomes. Until now, researchers have thought it most likely that early humans coming from Africa mixed with Neanderthals in the Middle East around 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, before spreading into Asia, Europe and the rest of the world. However, radiocarbon dating of remains from sites across Europe suggests that modern humans and Neanderthals both lived in Europe for up to 5,000 years and that they may have interbred there, too.
In 2002, a 40,000-year-old jawbone was found by cavers in Oase Cave in south-western Romania and the site was subsequently studied by an international team led by the researchers of the Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology in Romania. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Germany), Harvard Medical School (USA), and the Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins in Beijing (China) have now analyzed DNA from this fossil, which is one of the earliest modern-human remains found in Europe. They estimate that five to 11 percent of the genome preserved in the bone derives from a Neanderthal ancestor, including exceptionally large segments of some chromosomes. By estimating how lengths of DNA inherited from an ancestor shorten with each generation, the researchers estimated that the man had a Neanderthal ancestor in the previous four to six generations.
2002年,一些洞穴探索者在羅馬尼亞西南方的Oase洞發現一塊年代為40,000年的下顎骨,此遺址隨後由羅馬尼亞的埃米爾·拉科維澤洞穴學研究所(the Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology)的科學家所領導的國際團隊進行相關研究。馬克斯·普朗克演化人類學研究所(the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,德國)、哈佛醫學院(Harvard Medical School,美國)與北京脊椎動物演化與人類起源重點實驗室(中國)的研究人員已完成這塊骨骸的DNA分析,其為在歐洲發現的現代人化石中,年代最古老的其中之一。他們估計這塊骨頭保存下來的基因組中有5%11%來自他的一位尼安德塔人祖先,包括某些染色體中特別長的片段。藉由估算祖先留下來的DNA長度會如何隨著世代傳遞而縮減,研究人員估計這位男士的前46代中有一位尼安德塔人祖宗。
"The data from the jawbone imply that humans mixed with Neanderthals not just in the Middle East but in Europe as well" says Qiaomei Fu, one of the lead researchers of the study. "Interestingly, the Oase individual does not seem to have any direct descendants in Europe today," says David Reich from Harvard Medical School who coordinated the population genetic analyses of the study. "It may be that he was part of an early migration of modern humans to Europe that interacted closely with Neanderthals but eventually became extinct."
從這塊下顎骨中得到的資料顯示,人類與尼安德塔人的混血不僅發生於中東,也會在歐洲發生。其中一位主要研究人員付巧梅說。有趣的是,在今日的歐洲似乎沒有這位Oase人的直系後裔。來自哈佛醫學院,協助本研究的族群遺傳分析(population genetic analyse)David Reich說。他可能是早期移民至歐洲的現代人中,與尼安德塔人密切互動,但最終滅絕的族群中的其中一份子。
"It is such a lucky and unexpected thing to get DNA from a person who was so closely related to a Neanderthal" comments Svante Paabo from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology who led the study. "I could hardly believe it when we first saw the results." "We hope that DNA from other human fossils that predate the extinction of Neanderthals will help reconstruct the interactions between Neanderthals and modern humans in even more detail," says Mateja Hajdinjak, another key researcher involved in the study.
能夠從一位與尼安德塔人關係親近的人身上取得DNA,完全是一件幸運至極且出乎意料的事。領導本研究,來自馬克斯·普朗克演化人類學研究所的Svante Paabo評論。第一眼看到結果時我們相當難以置信。」「我們希望其他年代為尼安德塔人絕種之前的人類化石中的DNA,可以幫助我們重建尼安德塔人與現代人間是如何互動的更多細節。 參與本研究的另一位主要科學家,Mateja Hajdinjak說。
"When we started the work on Oase site, everything was already pointing to an exceptional discovery," remembers Oana Moldovan, the Romanian researcher who initiated the systematic excavation of the cave in 2003. "But such discoveries require painstaking research to be confirmed," adds Silviu Constantin, her colleague who worked on dating of the site. "We have previously shown that Oase is indeed the oldest modern human in Europe known so far, and now this research confirms that the individual had a Neanderthal ancestor. What more could we wish for?"
當我們開始著手Oase遺址的考古工作時,所有跡象就已經指出這裡會有重大發現。」羅馬尼亞學者Oana Moldovan回憶道,她於2003年開始對此洞穴進行系統性的開挖。但要證實這種大發現需要眾人辛勤的研究,她的同事Silviu Constantin補充說,其研究為對此遺址進行定年。我們之前已經顯示Oase確實是目前為止歐洲最古老的現代人,而現在本研究又確認了他有位尼安德塔人祖先。我們還能夠奢求什麼呢?
引用自:Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. "Early modern humans interbred with Neanderthals: An early European had a close Neanderthal ancestor." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 June 2015. 


2015年6月24日 星期三


Why did the dinosaur cross the equator, then not stay there?
Wild climate swings -- persisting tens of millions of years -- were too much for the dinos


For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs eked out a living. The age-long absence of big plant-eaters at low latitudes is one of the great, unanswered questions about the rise of the dinosaurs.
And now the mystery has a solution, according to an international team of scientists who pieced together a remarkably detailed picture of the climate and ecology more than 200 million years ago at Ghost Ranch in northern New Mexico, a site rich with fossils from the Late Triassic Period.
新墨西哥州北部的幽靈農場(Ghost Ranch)為一座晚三疊紀的化石寶庫。現在國際科學家團隊藉由拼湊出當地超過2億年前的生態與氣候的詳盡樣貌,解答了這個謎題。
The new findings show that the tropical climate swung wildly with extremes of drought and intense heat. Wildfires swept the landscape during arid regimes and continually reshaped the vegetation available for plant-eating animals.
"Our data suggest it was not a fun place," says study co-author Randall Irmis, curator of paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Utah and assistant professor at the University of Utah. "It was a time of climate extremes that went back and forth unpredictably and large, warm-blooded dinosaurian herbivores weren't able to exist nearer to the equator -- there was not enough dependable plant food."
我們的數據顯示當時那裡可不是個宜人的地方,共同作者Randall Irmis說,其為猶他自然歷史博物館(the Natural History Museum of Utah)的古生物研究員與猶他大學(the University of Utah)的助理教授。當時的極端氣候變化劇烈且捉摸不定。溫血的草食恐龍不可能生存在赤道附近,因為在那裡可靠的植物糧食來源並不足。
The study, led by geochemist Jessica Whiteside, lecturer at the University of Southampton, is the first to provide a detailed look at the climate and ecology during the emergence of the dinosaurs. The results are important, also, for understanding human-caused climate change. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during the Late Triassic were four to six times current levels. "If we continue along our present course, similar conditions in a high-CO2 world may develop, and suppress low-latitude ecosystems," Irmis says.
本研究由南安普敦大學(he University of Southampton)的講師,地球化學家Jessica Whiteside所領導,為首篇詳細描述恐龍出現時的氣候與生態的研究。這些結果對於了解人類造成的氣候變遷也十分重要。晚三疊紀時大氣中的二氧化碳濃度是現今的四至六倍。若我們還是一意孤行,環境可能會逐漸變成類似那時的高二氧化碳世界,而打擊低緯度的生態系。Irmis說。
The other authors are Sofie Lindström, Ian Glasspool, Morgan Schaller, Maria Dunlavey, Sterling Nesbitt, Nathan Smith and Alan Turner. They report the findings today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
其它作者分別為Sofie LindströmIan GlasspoolMorgan SchallerMaria DunlaveySterling NesbittNathan SmithAlan Turner。他們的研究成果發表在今日(2015.06.15)的《美國國家科學院院刊》(the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
Reconstructing the deep past
The earliest known dinosaur fossils, found in Argentina, date from around 230 million years ago. Within 15 million years, multitudes of species with different diets and body sizes had evolved and were abundant beyond the tropical latitudes. In the tropics, the only dinosaurs present were small carnivores. This pattern persisted for 30 million years after the first dinosaurs appeared.
In the new study, the authors focused on Chinle Formation rocks, which were deposited by rivers and streams between 205 and 215 million years ago at Ghost Ranch (better known to many outside of paleontology as the place where artist Georgia O'Keeffe lived and painted for much of her career). The multi-colored rocks of the Chinle Formation are a common sight on the Colorado Plateau at places such as the Painted Desert at Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. During the Late Triassic, North America and other land masses of the world were bound together in the supercontinent Pangea. The Ghost Ranch site stood close to the equator at roughly the same latitude as present-day southern India.
在本篇新研究中,作者們將焦點放在幽靈農場2500萬至21500萬年前,由河流沉積而成的欽迪組(Chinle Formation)岩石(對不熟悉古生物學的許多人來說,幽靈農場較知名之處為藝術家喬治亞·歐姬芙(Georgia O'Keeffe)職業生涯中,長期定居且完成許多畫作的地方)。色彩斑斕的欽迪組岩石為科羅拉多高原的常見景觀,亞利桑那州石化森林國家公園(Petrified Forest National Park)中的繪畫沙漠(the Painted Desert)即為一例。晚三疊紀時,北美與世界上的許多其他陸塊結合成盤古超大陸(the supercontinent Pangea)。當時的幽靈農場所在的緯度接近於赤道,約莫等同現今的南印度。
The researchers reconstructed the deep past by analyzing several kinds of data: fossils, charcoal left by ancient wildfires, and stable isotopes from organic matter and carbonate nodules that formed in ancient soils. "Each dataset complements the others, and they all point towards similar conditions," Whiteside says. "I think this is one of the major strengths of our study."
研究人員藉由分析數種資料來重建遠古時光,這些資料包括:化石、古代野火燒剩的木炭、有機物及古土壤中的碳酸鹽結核(carbonate nodule)的穩定同位素。這些資料彼此之間能夠互補且它們傳達出的環境條件十分類似,Whiteside說,我認為這是我們這篇研究的有力之處之一。
Fossilized bones, pollen grains and fern spores revealed the types of animals and plants living at different times, marked by layers of sediment. Dinosaurs remained rare among the fossils, accounting for less than 15 percent of vertebrate animal remains. They were outnumbered in diversity, abundance and body size by the reptiles known as Pseudosuchian archosaurs, the lineage that gave rise to crocodiles and alligators.
The sparse dinosaurs consisted mostly of small, carnivorous theropods. Big, long-necked dinosaurs, or sauropodomorphs -- already the dominant plant-eaters at higher latitudes -- did not exist at the study site or any other low-latitude site in Triassic Pangaea, as far as the fossil record shows.
Abrupt changes in climate left a record in the shifting abundance of different types of pollen and fern spores between sediment layers. Fossilized organic matter from decaying plants provided another window on climate shifts. Changes in the ratio of stable isotopes of carbon in the organic matter bookmarked times when plant productivity declined during extended droughts.
Drought and fire
Wildfire burn temperatures varied drastically, the researchers found, consistent with a fluctuating environment in which the amount of combustible plant matter rose and fell over time. The researchers estimated the intensity of wildfires using bits of charcoal recovered in the sediment layers. The amount of light reflected from the fossil charcoal under a light microscope relates directly to the burn temperature of the wood. The overall picture, the authors say, is that of a climate punctuated by extreme shifts in precipitation in which plant die-offs fueled hotter fires, which in turn killed more plants, damaged soils and increased erosion.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, calculated from stable isotope analyses of soil carbonate and preserved organic matter, rose from about 1,200 parts per million at the base of the section, to about 2,400 parts per million near the top. At these high CO2 concentrations, climate models predict more frequent and more extreme weather fluctuations consistent with the fossil and charcoal evidence.
分析土壤中的碳酸鹽及保存下來的有機物中的穩定同位素,他們估計研究區間的大氣二氧化碳濃度從開始時的1200 ppm,至結束時已攀升至2400 ppm。在這種二氧化碳濃度極高的環境下,氣候模型預測天氣變化會更為頻繁且愈加極端,與化石及木炭證據呈現出的情況相符。
Continuing shifts between extremes of dry and wet likely prevented the establishment of dinosaur-dominated communities found in the fossil record at higher-latitudes across South America, Europe and southern Africa, where aridity and temperatures were less extreme and humidity was consistently higher. Resource-limited conditions could not support a diverse community of fast-growing, warm-blooded, large dinosaurs, which require a productive and stable environment to thrive.
"The conditions would have been something similar to the arid western United States today, although there would have been trees and smaller plants near streams and rivers and forests during humid times," says Whiteside. "The fluctuating and harsh climate with widespread wild fires meant that only small two-legged carnivorous dinosaurs, such as Coelophysis, could survive."

引用自University of Utah. "Why did the dinosaur cross the equator, then not stay there? Wild climate swings -- persisting tens of millions of years -- were too much for the dinos." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 June 2015.