2015年12月15日 星期二



First explanations for boundary within Earth's mantle


Observed physical transition hundreds of miles below Earth's surface


Earth's mantle, the large zone of slow-flowing rock that lies between the crust and the planet's core, powers every earthquake and volcanic eruption on the planet's surface. Evidence suggests that the mantle behaves differently below 1 megameter (1,000 kilometers, or 621 miles) in depth, but so far seismologists have not been able to explain why this boundary exists.


Two new studies co-authored by University of Maryland geologists provide different, though not necessarily incompatible, explanations. One study suggests that the mantle below 1 megameter is more viscous--meaning it flows more slowly--than the section above the boundary. The other study proposes that the section below the boundary is denser--meaning its molecules are more tightly packed--than the section above it, due to a shift in rock composition.


Taken together, the studies provide the first detailed look at why large-scale geologic features within the mantle behave differently on either side of the megameter divide. The papers were published on December 11, 2015, in the journals Science and Science Advances.


"The existence of the megameter boundary has been suspected and inferred for a while," said Vedran Lekic, an assistant professor of geology at UMD and co-author of the Science paper that addresses mantle viscosity. "These papers are the first published attempts at a detailed explanation and it's possible that both explanations are correct."

早已有人猜測且提出證據在1000公里深處有道分界存在於地函當中馬里蘭大學地質科學系的助理教授Vedran Lekic說。他參與在內刊登於《科學》的研究引述了地函黏滯性理論。「這兩篇研究為科學家首次發表他們試著對此現象提出的詳細解釋,而這兩者有可能都是對的。」

Although the mantle is mostly solid, it flows very slowly in the context of geologic time. Two main sources of evidence suggest the existence of the megameter boundary and thus inspired the current studies.


First, many huge slabs of ocean crust that have been dragged down, or subducted, into the mantle can still be seen in the deep Earth. These slabs slowly sink downward toward the bottom of the mantle. A large number of these slabs have stalled out and appear to float just above the megameter boundary, indicating a notable change in physical properties below the boundary.


Second, large plumes of hot rock rise from the deepest reaches of the mantle, and the outlines of these structures can be seen in the deep Earth as well. As the rock in these mantle plumes flows upward, many of the plumes are deflected sideways as they pass the megameter boundary. This, too, indicates a fundamental difference in physical properties on either side of the boundary.


"Learning about the anatomy of the mantle tells us more about how the deep interior of Earth works and what mechanisms are behind mantle convection," said Nicholas Schmerr, an assistant professor of geology at UMD and co-author of the Science Advances paper that addresses mantle density and composition. "Mantle convection is the heat engine that drives plate tectonics at the surface and ultimately leads to things like volcanoes and earthquakes that affect people living on the surface."

認識地函的基本性質可以告訴我們地球深處如何運作,以及地函的對流機制為何馬里蘭大學地質科學系的助理教授Nicholas Schmerr說。他參與在內發表於《科學前緣》的論文則是以地函密度和成分差異來解釋1000公里分界。「地函對流是驅動地表板塊構造運動的動力來源,這最終會引發火山爆發和地震之類的種種事物而影響到生活在地表的人們。」

The physics of the deep Earth are complicated, so establishing the mantle's basic physical properties, such as density and viscosity, is an important step. Density refers to the packing of molecules within any substance (gas, liquid or solid), while viscosity is commonly described as the thickness of a fluid or semi-solid. Sometimes density and viscosity correlate with each other, while sometimes they are at odds. For example, honey is both more viscous and dense than water. Oil, on the other hand, is more viscous than water but less dense.


In their study, Schmerr, lead author Maxim Ballmer (Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Hawaii at Manoa) and two colleagues used a computer model of a simplified Earth. Each run of the model began with a slightly different chemical composition--and thus a different range of densities--in the mantle at various depths. The researchers then used the model to investigate how slabs of ocean crust would behave as they travel down toward the lower mantle.

SchmerrMaxim Ballmer(第一作者,任職於東京工業大學和夏威夷大學馬諾分校)以及另外兩名科學家同僚的研究中,他們利用了簡化的地球模型。每一次的模擬開始時,他們都會先微調地函不同深度的化學成分,因此密度也會跟著改變。接著研究人員利用模型來探討海洋隱沒板塊在往下潛至下部地函的過程中,會展現出何種行為模式。

In the real world, slabs are observed to behave in one of three ways: The slabs either stall at around 600 kilometers, stall out at the megameter boundary, or continue sinking all the way to the lower mantle. Of the many scenarios for mantle chemical composition the researchers tested, one most closely resembled the real world and included the possibility that slabs can stall at the megameter boundary. This scenario included an increased amount of dense, silicon-rich basalt rock in the lower mantle, below the megameter boundary.


Lekic, lead author Max Rudolph (Portland State University) and another colleague took a different approach, starting instead with whole-Earth satellite measurements. The team then subtracted surface features--such as mountain ranges and valleys--to better see slight differences in Earth's basic shape caused by local differences in gravity. (Imagine a slightly misshapen basketball with its outer cover removed.)

LekicMax Rudolph(研究第一作者,任職於波特蘭州立大學)和另一名科學家同僚的研究中,他們則採取了不同方法。研究團隊先取得衛星對整個地球的觀測影像,接著他們減去地表特徵,像是山脈和深谷造成的影響,以更詳細的觀察因為各地重力不同,而對地球原本的外形造成的輕微起伏(想像一個外皮剝掉後稍稍變形的籃球)

The team mapped these slight differences in Earth's idealized shape onto known shapes and locations of mantle plumes and integrated the data into a model that helped them relate the idealized shape to differences in viscosity between the layers of the mantle. Their results pointed to less viscous, more free-flowing mantle rock above the megameter boundary, transitioning to highly viscous rock below the boundary. Their results help to explain why mantle plumes are frequently deflected sideways as they extend upward beyond the megameter boundary.


"While explaining one mystery--the behavior of rising plumes and sinking slabs--our results lead to a new conundrum," Lekic said. "What causes the rocks below the megameter boundary to become more resistant to flow? There are no obvious candidates for what is causing this change, so there is a potential for learning something fundamentally new about the materials that make up Earth."


Lekic and Schmerr plan to collaborate to see if the results of both studies are consistent with one another--in effect, whether the lower mantle is both dense and viscous, like honey, when compared with the mantle above the megameter boundary.


"This work can tell us a lot about where Earth has been and where it is going, in terms of heat and tectonics," Schmerr said. "When we look around our solar system, we see lots of planets at various stages of evolution. But Earth is unique, so learning what is going on deep inside its mantle is very important."


引用自:University of Maryland. "First explanations for boundary within Earth's mantle: Observed physical transition hundreds of miles below Earth's surface." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 December 2015.

2015年12月7日 星期一


Looking Back 3.8 Billion Years Into the Root of the 'Tree of Life'


NASA-funded researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are tapping information found in the cells of all life on Earth, and using it to trace life's evolution. They have learned that life is a master stenographer -- writing, rewriting and recording its history in elaborate biological structures.


Some of the keys to unlocking the origin of life lie encrypted in the ribosome, life's oldest and most universal assembly of molecules. Today's ribosome converts genetic information (RNA) into proteins that carry out various functions in an organism. But the ribosome itself has changed over time. Its history shows how simple molecules joined forces to invent biology, and its current structure records ancient biological processes that occurred at the root of the Tree of Life, some 3.8 billion years ago.


By examining variations in the ribosomal RNA contained in modern cells, scientists can visualize the timeline of life far back in history, elucidating molecular structures, reactions and events near the biochemical origins of life.


"Biology is a great keeper of records," said Loren Williams, a professor in the Georgia Tech School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and principal investigator for the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Georgia Tech Center for Ribosome Adaptation and Evolution from 2009-2014. "We are figuring out how to read some of the oldest records in biology to understand pre-biological processes, the origin of life, and the evolution of life on Earth."

生物是各種歷史紀錄的保管者。喬治亞理工學院化學與生化學院的教授Loren Williams說,她也於2009年至2014年在NASA天體生物學研究所的喬治亞理工學院核醣體適應與演化中心擔任計畫主持人。「我們正尋找方法來解讀生命中某些最古老的資訊,以瞭解地球生命起源之前的化學反應、生命如何開始和生物如何演化。」

The study is scheduled to be reported November 30 in the Early Edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Like rings in the trunk of a tree, the ribosome contains components that functioned early on in its history. The center of the trunk records the tree's youth, and successive rings represent each year of the tree's life, with the outermost layer recording the present. Just as the core of a tree's trunk remains unchanged over time, all modern ribosomes contain a common core dating back 3.8 billion years. This common core is the same in all living organisms, including humans.


"The ribosome recorded its history," said Williams. "It accreted and got bigger and bigger over time. But the older parts were continually frozen after they accreted, just like the rings of a tree. As long as that tree lives, the inner rings will not change. The very core of the ribosome is older than biology, produced by evolutionary processes that we still don't understand very well."


While exploiting this record-keeping ability of the ribosome reveals how biology has changed over time, it can also point to the environmental conditions on Earth in which that biology evolved, and help inform our search for life elsewhere in the Universe.


"This work enables us to look back in time past the root of the tree of life -- the ancestor of all modern cells -- to a time when proteins and nucleic acids had not yet become the basis for all biochemistry," said Carl Pilcher, interim director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. "It helps us understand some of the earliest stages in the development of life on Earth, and can guide our search for extraterrestrial environments where life may have developed."

這項研究讓我們能追溯過往直至生命樹的根基,也就是當今所有細胞的祖先出現的時刻。當時蛋白質和核苷酸尚未成為所有生化作用的基礎。NASA天體生物學研究所的代理所長Carl Pilcher說。「這有利於我們了解地球生命發展過程中一些最早的階段,同時也可以指引我們尋找可能有生命發育其中的地外環境。」

By rewinding, reverse engineering, and replaying this ancient ribosomal tape, researchers are uncovering the secrets of creation and are answering foundational, existential questions about our place in the Universe.


By studying more additions to the ribosome, the research team -- with key contributions by Georgia Tech Research Scientist Anton Petrov -- found "molecular fingerprints" that show where insertions were made, allowing them to discern the rules by which it grew. Using a technique they call the Structural Comparative Method, the researchers were able to model the ribosome's development in great detail.

在喬治亞理工學院的研究員Anton Petrov做出的重要貢獻下,研究團隊得以對核醣體的增長研究得更加透徹。他們發現了可以顯示插入序列形成位置的「分子指紋」,使他們得以辨識出核醣體成長的規則。利用他們稱作比對結構法的技術,研究人員能夠非常精細的模擬核醣體的演變過程。

"By taking ribosomes from a number of species -- humans, yeast, various bacteria and archaea -- and looking at the outer portions that are variable, we saw that there were very specific rules governing how they change," said Williams. "We took those rules and applied them to the common core, which allowed us to see all the way back to the first pieces of RNA."


Some clues along the way helped. For instance, though RNA is now responsible for creating proteins, the very earliest life had no proteins. By looking for regions of the ribosome that contain no proteins, the researchers could determine that those elements existed before the advent of proteins. "Once the ribosome gained a certain capability, that changed its nature," Williams said.


While the ribosomal core is the same across species, what's added on top differs. Humans have the largest ribosome, encompassing some 7,000 nucleotides representing dramatic growth from the hundred or so base pairs at the beginning.


"What we're talking about is going from short oligomers, short pieces of RNA, to the biology we see today," said Williams. "The increase in size and complexity is mind-boggling."


The researchers obtained their ribosomes from structure and sequence databases that have been produced to help scientists identify new species. Ribosomes can be crystallized, which reveals their three dimensional structures.


Beyond understanding how evolution played out over time, this knowledge of the ribosome's development could have more practical modern-day health applications.


"The ribosome is one of the primary target for antibiotics, so understanding its architecture and consistently throughout biology could be of great benefit," said Williams. "By studying the ribosome, we can start thinking about biology in a different way. We can see the symbiotic relationship between RNA and proteins."


As a next step, Williams and colleagues are now using experiments to verify what their model shows.


"We have a coherent and consistent model that accounts for all the data we have going all the way back to a form of biology that is very primitive compared to what we have now," Williams explained. "We plan to continue testing the predictions of the model."


In addition to those already named, the research included Burak Gulen, Ashlyn Norris, Chad Bernier, Nicholas Kovacs, Kathryn Lanier, Stephen Harvey, Roger Wartell and Nicholas Hud from Georgia Tech, and George Fox from the University of Houston.

除了以上提到的人名之外,其他的研究人員包括喬治亞理工學院的Burak GulenAshlyn NorrisChad BernierNicholas KovacsKathryn LanierStephen HarveyRoger WartellNicholas Hud,以及休士頓大學的George Fox

This research was funded in part by the NASA Astrobiology Institute under grant NNA09DA78A. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of NASA.


引用自:Georgia Institute of Technology. "Looking Back 3.8 Billion Years Into the Root of the 'Tree of Life'." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 November 2015.


2015年11月30日 星期一


Volcanic rocks hold clues to Earth's interior


The journey for volcanic rocks found on many volcanic islands began deep within Earth.

Brought to Earth's surface in eruptions of deep volcanic material, these rocks hold clues as to what is going on deep beneath Earth's surface.


Studies of rocks found on certain volcanic islands, known as ocean island basalts, revealed that although these erupted rocks originate from Earth's interior, they are not the same chemically.

科學家詳細研究某些火山島嶼上這種稱作洋島玄武岩(ocean island basalt)的岩石後,發現雖然這些岩石都是源自地球深處,然而它們的化學性質卻不盡相同。

According to a group of current and former researchers at Arizona State University, the key to unlocking this complex, geochemical puzzle rests in a model of mantle dynamics consisting of plumes -- upwelling's of abnormally hot rock within Earth's mantle -- that originate in the lower mantle and physically interact with chemically distinct piles of material.


The team revealed that this theoretical model of material transport can easily produce the chemical variability observed at hotspot volcanoes (such as Hawaii) around the world.

研究團隊顯示我們在世界各地不同熱點火山(hotspot volcano,如夏威夷)觀察到的岩石化學性質變化,可以利用此理論模型架構出的地函物質輸送模式來輕易產生。

"This model provides a platform for understanding links between the physics and chemistry that formed our modern world as well as habitable planets elsewhere," says Curtis Williams, lead author of the study whose results are published in the Nov. 24 issue of the journal Nature Communications.

這個模型提供的平台不只能讓我們了解物理化學作用彼此之間的鏈結如何形塑我們居住的世界,它同樣也能適用於某處適合我們生存的星球。第一作者Curtis Williams說,他們的研究成果刊登於11/24的《自然通訊》Nature Communications

Basalts collected from ocean islands such as Hawaii and those collected from mid-ocean ridges (that erupt at spreading centers deep below oceans) may look similar to the naked eye; however, in detail their trace elements and isotopic compositions can be quite distinct. These differences provide valuable insight into the chemical structure and temporal evolution of Earth's interior.


"In particular, it means that Earth's mantle -- the hot rock below Earth's crust but above the planet's iron core -- is compositionally heterogeneous. Understanding when and where these heterogeneities are formed and how they are transported through the mantle directly relates to the initial composition of Earth and how it has evolved to its current, habitable state," said Williams, a postdoc at UC Davis.


While a graduate student in ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration, Williams and faculty members Allen McNamara and Ed Garnero conceived a study to further understand how chemical complexities that exist deep inside Earth are transported to the surface and erupt as intraplate volcanism (such as that which formed the Hawaiian islands). Along with fellow graduate student Mingming Li and Professional Research Associate Matthijs van Soest, the researchers depict a model Earth, where in its interior resides distinct reservoirs of mantle material that may have formed during the earliest stages of Earth's evolution.

還是亞利桑那州立大學地球與太空探索學院的研究生時,Williams與系所中的同仁Allen McNamaraEd Garnero合作,深入探討地球深處的化學複雜性是如何傳送至表面,並以板塊內火山活動(intraplate volcanism,夏威夷火山即為一例)的形式噴發。在同樣是研究生的Mingming Li和專業副研究員Matthijs van Soest的協助下,研究人員建構出一個地球模型,其內部有數個地方在地球演化最初期時便已經擁有性質特異的地函物質。

Employing such reservoirs into their models is supported by geophysical observations of two, continent-sized regions -- one below the Pacific Ocean and one below parts of the Atlantic Ocean and Africa -- sitting atop the core-mantle boundary.


"In the last several years, we have witnessed a sharpening of the focus knob on seismic imaging of Earth's deep interior. We have learned that the two large anomalous structures at the base of the mantle behave as if they are compositionally distinct. That is, we are talking about different stuff compared to the surrounding mantle. These represent the largest internal anomalies in Earth of unknown chemistry and origin," said Garnero.


These chemically distinct regions also underlie a majority of hotspot volcanism, via hot mantle plumes from the top of the piles to Earth's surface, suggesting a potential link between these ancient, chemically distinct regions and the chemistry of hotspot volcanism.


To test the validity of their model, Williams and coauthors compare their predictions of the variability of the ratios of helium isotopes (helium-3 and helium-4) in plumes to that observed in ocean island basalts.


3He is a so-called primordial isotope found in Earth's mantle. It was created before Earth was formed and is thought to have become entrapped within Earth during planetary formation. Today, it is not being added to Earth's inventory at a significant rate, unlike 4He, which accumulates over time.

-3是一種可以從地函中發現的原生同位素(primordial isotope)。這種同位素是在地球誕生之前就已經形成,一般認為它們會在行星形成過程當中被困在地球當中。在今日,他們進入地球的速率非常緩慢,而非像氦-4一樣會隨著時間逐漸累積。

Williams explained: "The ratio of helium-3 to helium-4 in mid-ocean ridge basalts are globally characterized by a narrow range of small values and are thought to sample a relatively homogenous upper mantle. On the other hand, ocean island basalts display a much wider range, from small to very large, providing evidence that they are derived from different source regions and are thought to sample the lower mantle either partially or in its entirety."


The variability of 3He to 4He in ocean island basalts is not only observed between different hotspots, but temporally within the different-aged lavas of a single hotspot track.


"The reservoirs and dynamics associated with this variability had remained unclear and was the primary motivation behind the study presented here," said Williams.


引用自:Arizona State University. "Volcanic rocks hold clues to Earth's interior." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 November 2015.